背景和边框 | Backgrounds & Borders

背景图片位置 | background-position


background-position 指定背景图片的初始位置。这个初始位置是相对于以background-origin定义的背景位置图层来说的。

/* Keyword values */ background-position: top; background-position: bottom; background-position: left; background-position: right; background-position: center; /* <percentage> values */ background-position: 25% 75%; /* <length> values */ background-position: 0 0; background-position: 1cm 2cm; background-position: 10ch 8em; /* Multiple images */ background-position: 0 0, center; /* Edge offsets values */ background-position: bottom 10px right 20px; background-position: right 3em bottom 10px; background-position: bottom 10px right; background-position: top right 10px; /* Global values */ background-position: inherit; background-position: initial; background-position: unset;

初始值0% 0%
适用元素all elements. It also applies to ::first-letter and ::first-line.
Percentagesrefer to the size of the background positioning area minus size of background image; size refers to the width for horizontal offsets and to the height for vertical offsets
计算值a list, each item consisting of two keywords representing the origin and two offsets from that origin, each given as an absolute length (if given a <length>), otherwise as a percentage
Animation typerepeatable list of simple list of length, percentage, or calc
正规顺序the unique non-ambiguous order defined by the formal grammar





  • 关键字值center,它是图像的中心。

  • 关键字值中的一个topleftbottomright。这指定了放置物品的边缘。另一个尺寸被设置为50%,因此该项目被放置在指定边缘的中间。

  • a<length>或<percentage>。这指定相对于左边缘的X坐标,Y坐标设置为50%。


  • 关键字值中的一个topleftbottomright。如果left或者right在这里给出,那么这个定义了X,而另一个给定的值定义了Y.如果top或者bottom给定了,那么这个定义了Y而另一个定义了X.

  • <length>或<percentage>。如果另一个值是leftor right,那么这个值定义Y,相对于上边缘。如果另一个值是topor bottom,那么这个值定义X,相对于左边缘。如果两个值是<length>或<percentage>值,那么第一个定义X和第二个Y.


  • 如果一个值是topbottom,那么另一个值可能不是topbottom

  • 如果一个值是leftright,那么另一个值可能不是leftright

这意味着“ top top"left right”是无效的。


<position>#where <position> = [[ left | center | right | top | bottom | <length-percentage> ] | [ left | center | right | <length-percentage> ] [ top | center | bottom | <length-percentage> ] | [ center | [ left | right ] <length-percentage>? ] && [ center | [ top | bottom ] <length-percentage>? ]] where <length-percentage> = <length> | <percentage>


这三个示例中的每一个都使用CSS background创建一个包含星形图像的黄色矩形元素。在每个例子中,星形图像处于不同的位置。另外,第三个例子说明了如何为一个元素中的两个不同的背景图像指定位置。


<div class="exampleone">Example One</div> <div class="exampletwo">Example Two</div> <div class="examplethree">Example Three</div>


/* Shared among all DIVS */ div { background-color: #FFEE99; background-repeat: no-repeat; width: 300px; height: 80px; margin-bottom: 12px; } /* background-position examples */ /* These examples use the background shorthand CSS property */ .exampleone { background: url("https://mdn.mozillademos.org/files/11987/startransparent.gif") #FFEE99 2.5cm bottom no-repeat; } .exampletwo { background: url("https://mdn.mozillademos.org/files/11987/startransparent.gif") #FFEE99 3em 50% no-repeat; } /* Multiple background images: Each image is matched with the corresponding position style, from first specified to last. */ .examplethree { background-image: url("https://mdn.mozillademos.org/files/11987/startransparent.gif"), url("https://mdn.mozillademos.org/files/7693/catfront.png" background-position: 0px 0px, center; }



CSS Backgrounds and Borders Module Level 3The definition of 'background-position' in that specification.Candidate RecommendationAdds support for multiple backgrounds and the four-value syntax. Modifies the percentage definition to match implementations.
CSS Level 2 (Revision 1)The definition of 'background-position' in that specification.RecommendationAllows for keyword values and <length> and <percentage> values to be mixed.
CSS Level 1The definition of 'background-position' in that specification.RecommendationInitial definition.


FeatureChromeEdgeFirefoxInternet ExplorerOperaSafari
Basic Support1.0121.043.51.0
Multiple backgrounds1.0123.
Four-value syntax (support for offsets from any edge)25.01213.

FeatureAndroidChrome for AndroidEdge mobileFirefox for AndroidIE mobileOpera AndroidiOS Safari
Basic Support(Yes)(Yes)(Yes)(Yes)(Yes)(Yes)(Yes)
Multiple backgrounds(Yes)(Yes)(Yes)(Yes)(Yes)(Yes)(Yes)
Four-value syntax (support for offsets from any edge)(Yes)(Yes)(Yes)13.0(Yes)(Yes)(Yes)