

attr() CSS函数用于检索所选择的元素的属性值,并且在样式表中使用它。它也可以用于伪元素,在这种情况下,它返回的是该伪元素的源元素上的属性值。

/* Simple usage */ attr(data-count attr(title /* With type */ attr(src url attr(data-count number attr(data-width px /* With fallback */ attr(data-count number, 0 attr(src url, '' attr(data-width px, inherit attr(data-something, 'default'





KeywordAssociated typeCommentDefault value
string<string>The attribute value is treated as a CSS <string>. It is NOT reparsed, and in particular the characters are used as-is instead of CSS escapes being turned into different characters.An empty string.
color<color>The attribute value is parsed as a hash (3- or 6-value hash) or a keyword. It must be a valid CSS <string> value. Leading and trailing spaces are stripped.currentColor
url<url>The attribute value is parsed as a string that is used inside a CSS url()function. Relative URL are resolved relatively to the original document, not relatively to the style sheet. Leading and trailing spaces are stripped.The url about:invalid that points to a non-existent document with a generic error condition.
integer<integer>The attribute value is parsed as a CSS <integer>. If it is not valid, that is not an integer or out of the range accepted by the CSS property, the default value is used. Leading and trailing spaces are stripped.0, or, if 0 is not a valid value for the property, the property's minimum value.
number<number>The attribute value is parsed as a CSS <number>. If it is not valid, that is not a number or out of the range accepted by the CSS property, the default value is used. Leading and trailing spaces are stripped.0, or, if 0 is not a valid value for the property, the property's minimum value.
length<length>The attribute value is parsed as a CSS <length> dimension, that is including the unit (e.g. 12.5em). If it is not valid, that is not a length or out of the range accepted by the CSS property, the default value is used. If the given unit is a relative length, attr()computes it to an absolute length. Leading and trailing spaces are stripped.0, or, if 0 is not a valid value for the property, the property's minimum value.
em, ex, px, rem, vw, vh, vmin, vmax, mm, cm, in, pt, or pc<length>The attribute value is parsed as a CSS <number>, that is without the unit (e.g. 12.5), and interpreted as a <length> with the specified unit. If it is not valid, that is not a number or out of the range accepted by the CSS property, the default value is used. If the given unit is a relative length, attr()computes it to an absolute length. Leading and trailing spaces are stripped.0, or, if 0 is not a valid value for the property, the property's minimum value.
angle<angle>The attribute value is parsed as a CSS <angle> dimension, that is including the unit (e.g. 30.5deg). If it is not valid, that is not an angle or out of the range accepted by the CSS property, the default value is used. Leading and trailing spaces are stripped.0deg, or, if 0deg is not a valid value for the property, the property's minimum value.
deg, grad, rad<angle>The attribute value is parsed as a CSS <number>, that is without the unit (e.g. 12.5), and interpreted as an <angle> with the specified unit. If it is not valid, that is not a number or out of the range accepted by the CSS property, the default value is used. Leading and trailing spaces are stripped.0deg, or, if 0deg is not a valid value for the property, the property's minimum value.
time<time>The attribute value is parsed as a CSS <time> dimension, that is including the unit (e.g. 30.5ms). If it is not valid, that is not a time or out of the range accepted by the CSS property, the default value is used. Leading and trailing spaces are stripped.0s, or, if 0s is not a valid value for the property, the property's minimum value.
s, ms<time>The attribute value is parsed as a CSS <number>, that is without the unit (e.g. 12.5), and interpreted as an<time> with the specified unit. If it is not valid, that is not a number or out of the range accepted by the CSS property, the default value is used. Leading and trailing spaces are stripped.0s, or, if 0s is not a valid value for the property, the property's minimum value.
frequency<frequency>The attribute value is parsed as a CSS <frequency> dimension, that is including the unit (e.g. 30.5kHz). If it is not valid, that is not a frequency or out of the range accepted by the CSS property, the default value is used.0Hz, or, if 0Hz is not a valid value for the property, the property's minimum value.
Hz, kHz<frequency>The attribute value is parsed as a CSS <number>, that is without the unit (e.g. 12.5), and interpreted as a <frequency> with the specified unit. If it is not valid, that is not a number or out of the range accepted by the CSS property, the default value is used. Leading and trailing spaces are stripped.0Hz, or, if 0Hz is not a valid value for the property, the property's minimum value.
%<percentage>The attribute value is parsed as a CSS <number>, that is without the unit (e.g. 12.5), and interpreted as a <percentage>. If it is not valid, that is not a number or out of the range accepted by the CSS property, the default value is used. If the given value is used as a length, attr()computes it to an absolute length. Leading and trailing spaces are stripped.0%, or, if 0% is not a valid value for the property, the property's minimum value.



attr( <attr-name> <type-or-unit>? [, <attr-fallback> ]? )where <type-or-unit> = string | integer | color | url | integer | number | length | angle | time | frequency | em | ex | px | rem | vw | vh | vmin | vmax | mm | q | cm | in | pt | pc | deg | grad | rad | ms | s | Hz | kHz | %



<p data-foo="hello">world</p>


p::before { content: attr(data-foo) " "; }



CSS Values and Units Module Level 3The definition of 'attr()' in that specification.Candidate RecommendationAdded two optional parameters; can be used on all properties; may return other values than <string>. These changes are experimental and may be dropped during the CR phase if browser support is too small.
CSS Level 2 (Revision 1)The definition of 'attr()' in that specification.RecommendationLimited to the content property; always return a <string>.


FeatureChromeEdgeFirefox (Gecko)Internet ExplorerOperaSafari
Basic support2.0(Yes)1.0 (1.7 or earlier)89.03.1
Usage in other properties than content and with non-string valuesNo support2No supportNo support 1No supportNo support?

FeatureAndroidEdgeFirefox Mobile (Gecko)IE MobileOpera MobileSafari Mobile
Basic support2.1(Yes)1.0 (1.0)810.03.1
Usage in other properties than contentand with non-string values?No supportNo support 1No support??