
Package types

  • import "go/types"

  • Overview

  • Index

  • Examples







For a tutorial, see https://golang.org/s/types-tutorial.


  • Variables

  • func AssertableTo(V *Interface, T Type) bool

  • func AssignableTo(V, T Type) bool

  • func Comparable(T Type) bool

  • func ConvertibleTo(V, T Type) bool

  • func DefPredeclaredTestFuncs()

  • func ExprString(x ast.Expr) string

  • func Id(pkg *Package, name string) string

  • func Identical(x, y Type) bool

  • func IdenticalIgnoreTags(x, y Type) bool

  • func Implements(V Type, T *Interface) bool

  • func IsInterface(typ Type) bool

  • func ObjectString(obj Object, qf Qualifier) string

  • func SelectionString(s *Selection, qf Qualifier) string

  • func TypeString(typ Type, qf Qualifier) string

  • func WriteExpr(buf *bytes.Buffer, x ast.Expr)

  • func WriteSignature(buf *bytes.Buffer, sig *Signature, qf Qualifier)

  • func WriteType(buf *bytes.Buffer, typ Type, qf Qualifier)

  • type Array

  • func NewArray(elem Type, len int64) *Array

  • func (a *Array) Elem() Type

  • func (a *Array) Len() int64

  • func (t *Array) String() string

  • func (t *Array) Underlying() Type

  • type Basic

  • func (b *Basic) Info() BasicInfo

  • func (b *Basic) Kind() BasicKind

  • func (b *Basic) Name() string

  • func (t *Basic) String() string

  • func (t *Basic) Underlying() Type

  • type BasicInfo

  • type BasicKind

  • type Builtin

  • func (obj *Builtin) Exported() bool

  • func (obj *Builtin) Id() string

  • func (obj *Builtin) Name() string

  • func (obj *Builtin) Parent() *Scope

  • func (obj *Builtin) Pkg() *Package

  • func (obj *Builtin) Pos() token.Pos

  • func (obj *Builtin) String() string

  • func (obj *Builtin) Type() Type

  • type Chan

  • func NewChan(dir ChanDir, elem Type) *Chan

  • func (c *Chan) Dir() ChanDir

  • func (c *Chan) Elem() Type

  • func (t *Chan) String() string

  • func (t *Chan) Underlying() Type

  • type ChanDir

  • type Checker

  • func NewChecker(conf *Config, fset *token.FileSet, pkg *Package, info *Info) *Checker

  • func (check *Checker) Files(files []*ast.File) error

  • type Config

  • func (conf *Config) Check(path string, fset *token.FileSet, files []*ast.File, info *Info) (*Package, error)

  • type Const

  • func NewConst(pos token.Pos, pkg *Package, name string, typ Type, val constant.Value) *Const

  • func (obj *Const) Exported() bool

  • func (obj *Const) Id() string

  • func (obj *Const) Name() string

  • func (obj *Const) Parent() *Scope

  • func (obj *Const) Pkg() *Package

  • func (obj *Const) Pos() token.Pos

  • func (obj *Const) String() string

  • func (obj *Const) Type() Type

  • func (obj *Const) Val() constant.Value

  • type Error

  • func (err Error) Error() string

  • type Func

  • func MissingMethod(V Type, T *Interface, static bool) (method *Func, wrongType bool)

  • func NewFunc(pos token.Pos, pkg *Package, name string, sig *Signature) *Func

  • func (obj *Func) Exported() bool

  • func (obj *Func) FullName() string

  • func (obj *Func) Id() string

  • func (obj *Func) Name() string

  • func (obj *Func) Parent() *Scope

  • func (obj *Func) Pkg() *Package

  • func (obj *Func) Pos() token.Pos

  • func (obj *Func) Scope() *Scope

  • func (obj *Func) String() string

  • func (obj *Func) Type() Type

  • type ImportMode

  • type Importer

  • type ImporterFrom

  • type Info

  • func (info *Info) ObjectOf(id *ast.Ident) Object

  • func (info *Info) TypeOf(e ast.Expr) Type

  • type Initializer

  • func (init *Initializer) String() string

  • type Interface

  • func NewInterface(methods []*Func, embeddeds []*Named) *Interface

  • func (t *Interface) Complete() *Interface

  • func (t *Interface) Embedded(i int) *Named

  • func (t *Interface) Empty() bool

  • func (t *Interface) ExplicitMethod(i int) *Func

  • func (t *Interface) Method(i int) *Func

  • func (t *Interface) NumEmbeddeds() int

  • func (t *Interface) NumExplicitMethods() int

  • func (t *Interface) NumMethods() int

  • func (t *Interface) String() string

  • func (t *Interface) Underlying() Type

  • type Label

  • func NewLabel(pos token.Pos, pkg *Package, name string) *Label

  • func (obj *Label) Exported() bool

  • func (obj *Label) Id() string

  • func (obj *Label) Name() string

  • func (obj *Label) Parent() *Scope

  • func (obj *Label) Pkg() *Package

  • func (obj *Label) Pos() token.Pos

  • func (obj *Label) String() string

  • func (obj *Label) Type() Type

  • type Map

  • func NewMap(key, elem Type) *Map

  • func (m *Map) Elem() Type

  • func (m *Map) Key() Type

  • func (t *Map) String() string

  • func (t *Map) Underlying() Type

  • type MethodSet

  • func NewMethodSet(T Type) *MethodSet

  • func (s *MethodSet) At(i int) *Selection

  • func (s *MethodSet) Len() int

  • func (s *MethodSet) Lookup(pkg *Package, name string) *Selection

  • func (s *MethodSet) String() string

  • type Named

  • func NewNamed(obj *TypeName, underlying Type, methods []*Func) *Named

  • func (t *Named) AddMethod(m *Func)

  • func (t *Named) Method(i int) *Func

  • func (t *Named) NumMethods() int

  • func (t *Named) Obj() *TypeName

  • func (t *Named) SetUnderlying(underlying Type)

  • func (t *Named) String() string

  • func (t *Named) Underlying() Type

  • type Nil

  • func (obj *Nil) Exported() bool

  • func (obj *Nil) Id() string

  • func (obj *Nil) Name() string

  • func (obj *Nil) Parent() *Scope

  • func (obj *Nil) Pkg() *Package

  • func (obj *Nil) Pos() token.Pos

  • func (obj *Nil) String() string

  • func (obj *Nil) Type() Type

  • type Object

  • func LookupFieldOrMethod(T Type, addressable bool, pkg *Package, name string) (obj Object, index []int, indirect bool)

  • type Package

  • func NewPackage(path, name string) *Package

  • func (pkg *Package) Complete() bool

  • func (pkg *Package) Imports() []*Package

  • func (pkg *Package) MarkComplete()

  • func (pkg *Package) Name() string

  • func (pkg *Package) Path() string

  • func (pkg *Package) Scope() *Scope

  • func (pkg *Package) SetImports(list []*Package)

  • func (pkg *Package) SetName(name string)

  • func (pkg *Package) String() string

  • type PkgName

  • func NewPkgName(pos token.Pos, pkg *Package, name string, imported *Package) *PkgName

  • func (obj *PkgName) Exported() bool

  • func (obj *PkgName) Id() string

  • func (obj *PkgName) Imported() *Package

  • func (obj *PkgName) Name() string

  • func (obj *PkgName) Parent() *Scope

  • func (obj *PkgName) Pkg() *Package

  • func (obj *PkgName) Pos() token.Pos

  • func (obj *PkgName) String() string

  • func (obj *PkgName) Type() Type

  • type Pointer

  • func NewPointer(elem Type) *Pointer

  • func (p *Pointer) Elem() Type

  • func (t *Pointer) String() string

  • func (t *Pointer) Underlying() Type

  • type Qualifier

  • func RelativeTo(pkg *Package) Qualifier

  • type Scope

  • func NewScope(parent *Scope, pos, end token.Pos, comment string) *Scope

  • func (s *Scope) Child(i int) *Scope

  • func (s *Scope) Contains(pos token.Pos) bool

  • func (s *Scope) End() token.Pos

  • func (s *Scope) Innermost(pos token.Pos) *Scope

  • func (s *Scope) Insert(obj Object) Object

  • func (s *Scope) Len() int

  • func (s *Scope) Lookup(name string) Object

  • func (s *Scope) LookupParent(name string, pos token.Pos) (*Scope, Object)

  • func (s *Scope) Names() []string

  • func (s *Scope) NumChildren() int

  • func (s *Scope) Parent() *Scope

  • func (s *Scope) Pos() token.Pos

  • func (s *Scope) String() string

  • func (s *Scope) WriteTo(w io.Writer, n int, recurse bool)

  • type Selection

  • func (s *Selection) Index() []int

  • func (s *Selection) Indirect() bool

  • func (s *Selection) Kind() SelectionKind

  • func (s *Selection) Obj() Object

  • func (s *Selection) Recv() Type

  • func (s *Selection) String() string

  • func (s *Selection) Type() Type

  • type SelectionKind

  • type Signature

  • func NewSignature(recv *Var, params, results *Tuple, variadic bool) *Signature

  • func (s *Signature) Params() *Tuple

  • func (s *Signature) Recv() *Var

  • func (s *Signature) Results() *Tuple

  • func (t *Signature) String() string

  • func (t *Signature) Underlying() Type

  • func (s *Signature) Variadic() bool

  • type Sizes

  • func SizesFor(compiler, arch string) Sizes

  • type Slice

  • func NewSlice(elem Type) *Slice

  • func (s *Slice) Elem() Type

  • func (t *Slice) String() string

  • func (t *Slice) Underlying() Type

  • type StdSizes

  • func (s *StdSizes) Alignof(T Type) int64

  • func (s *StdSizes) Offsetsof(fields []*Var) []int64

  • func (s *StdSizes) Sizeof(T Type) int64

  • type Struct

  • func NewStruct(fields []*Var, tags []string) *Struct

  • func (s *Struct) Field(i int) *Var

  • func (s *Struct) NumFields() int

  • func (t *Struct) String() string

  • func (s *Struct) Tag(i int) string

  • func (t *Struct) Underlying() Type

  • type Tuple

  • func NewTuple(x ...*Var) *Tuple

  • func (t *Tuple) At(i int) *Var

  • func (t *Tuple) Len() int

  • func (t *Tuple) String() string

  • func (t *Tuple) Underlying() Type

  • type Type

  • func Default(typ Type) Type

  • type TypeAndValue

  • func Eval(fset *token.FileSet, pkg *Package, pos token.Pos, expr string) (TypeAndValue, error)

  • func (tv TypeAndValue) Addressable() bool

  • func (tv TypeAndValue) Assignable() bool

  • func (tv TypeAndValue) HasOk() bool

  • func (tv TypeAndValue) IsBuiltin() bool

  • func (tv TypeAndValue) IsNil() bool

  • func (tv TypeAndValue) IsType() bool

  • func (tv TypeAndValue) IsValue() bool

  • func (tv TypeAndValue) IsVoid() bool

  • type TypeName

  • func NewTypeName(pos token.Pos, pkg *Package, name string, typ Type) *TypeName

  • func (obj *TypeName) Exported() bool

  • func (obj *TypeName) Id() string

  • func (obj *TypeName) IsAlias() bool

  • func (obj *TypeName) Name() string

  • func (obj *TypeName) Parent() *Scope

  • func (obj *TypeName) Pkg() *Package

  • func (obj *TypeName) Pos() token.Pos

  • func (obj *TypeName) String() string

  • func (obj *TypeName) Type() Type

  • type Var

  • func NewField(pos token.Pos, pkg *Package, name string, typ Type, anonymous bool) *Var

  • func NewParam(pos token.Pos, pkg *Package, name string, typ Type) *Var

  • func NewVar(pos token.Pos, pkg *Package, name string, typ Type) *Var

  • func (obj *Var) Anonymous() bool

  • func (obj *Var) Exported() bool

  • func (obj *Var) Id() string

  • func (obj *Var) IsField() bool

  • func (obj *Var) Name() string

  • func (obj *Var) Parent() *Scope

  • func (obj *Var) Pkg() *Package

  • func (obj *Var) Pos() token.Pos

  • func (obj *Var) String() string

  • func (obj *Var) Type() Type


Info MethodSet Scope


api.go assignments.go builtins.go call.go check.go conversions.go decl.go errors.go eval.go expr.go exprstring.go initorder.go labels.go lookup.go methodset.go object.go objset.go operand.go ordering.go package.go predicates.go resolver.go return.go scope.go selection.go sizes.go stmt.go type.go typestring.go typexpr.go universe.go


var ( Universe *Scope Unsafe *Package )

var Typ = []*Basic{ Invalid: {Invalid, 0, "invalid type"}, Bool: {Bool, IsBoolean, "bool"}, Int: {Int, IsInteger, "int"}, Int8: {Int8, IsInteger, "int8"}, Int16: {Int16, IsInteger, "int16"}, Int32: {Int32, IsInteger, "int32"}, Int64: {Int64, IsInteger, "int64"}, Uint: {Uint, IsInteger | IsUnsigned, "uint"}, Uint8: {Uint8, IsInteger | IsUnsigned, "uint8"}, Uint16: {Uint16, IsInteger | IsUnsigned, "uint16"}, Uint32: {Uint32, IsInteger | IsUnsigned, "uint32"}, Uint64: {Uint64, IsInteger | IsUnsigned, "uint64"}, Uintptr: {Uintptr, IsInteger | IsUnsigned, "uintptr"}, Float32: {Float32, IsFloat, "float32"}, Float64: {Float64, IsFloat, "float64"}, Complex64: {Complex64, IsComplex, "complex64"}, Complex128: {Complex128, IsComplex, "complex128"}, String: {String, IsString, "string"}, UnsafePointer: {UnsafePointer, 0, "Pointer"}, UntypedBool: {UntypedBool, IsBoolean | IsUntyped, "untyped bool"}, UntypedInt: {UntypedInt, IsInteger | IsUntyped, "untyped int"}, UntypedRune: {UntypedRune, IsInteger | IsUntyped, "untyped rune"}, UntypedFloat: {UntypedFloat, IsFloat | IsUntyped, "untyped float"}, UntypedComplex: {UntypedComplex, IsComplex | IsUntyped, "untyped complex"}, UntypedString: {UntypedString, IsString | IsUntyped, "untyped string"}, UntypedNil: {UntypedNil, IsUntyped, "untyped nil"}, }

func AssertableTo(显示源代码)

func AssertableTo(V *Interface, T Type) bool


func AssignableTo(显示源代码)

func AssignableTo(V, T Type) bool


func Comparable(显示源代码)

func Comparable(T Type) bool


func ConvertibleTo(显示源代码)

func ConvertibleTo(V, T Type) bool


func DefPredeclaredTestFuncs(显示源代码)

func DefPredeclaredTestFuncs()


func ExprString(显示源代码)

func ExprString(x ast.Expr) string


func Id(显示源代码)

func Id(pkg *Package, name string) string


func Identical(显示源代码)

func Identical(x, y Type) bool


func IdenticalIgnoreTags(显示源代码)

func IdenticalIgnoreTags(x, y Type) bool


func Implements(显示源代码)

func Implements(V Type, T *Interface) bool


func IsInterface(显示源代码)

func IsInterface(typ Type) bool


func ObjectString(显示源代码)

func ObjectString(obj Object, qf Qualifier) string


func SelectionString(显示源代码)

func SelectionString(s *Selection, qf Qualifier) string



"field (T) f int" "method (T) f(X) Y" "method expr (T) f(X) Y"

func TypeString(显示源代码)

func TypeString(typ Type, qf Qualifier) string


func WriteExpr(显示源代码)

func WriteExpr(buf *bytes.Buffer, x ast.Expr)


func WriteSignature(显示源代码)

func WriteSignature(buf *bytes.Buffer, sig *Signature, qf Qualifier)


func WriteType(显示源代码)

func WriteType(buf *bytes.Buffer, typ Type, qf Qualifier)


type Array(显示源代码)


type Array struct { // contains filtered or unexported fields }

func NewArray(显示源代码)

func NewArray(elem Type, len int64) *Array


func (*Array) Elem(显示源代码)

func (a *Array) Elem() Type


func (*Array) Len(显示源代码)

func (a *Array) Len() int64


func (*Array) String(显示源代码)

func (t *Array) String() string

func (*Array) Underlying(显示源代码)

func (t *Array) Underlying() Type

type Basic(显示源代码)


type Basic struct { // contains filtered or unexported fields }

func (*Basic) Info(显示源代码)

func (b *Basic) Info() BasicInfo


func (*Basic) Kind(显示源代码)

func (b *Basic) Kind() BasicKind


func (*Basic) Name(显示源代码)

func (b *Basic) Name() string


func (*Basic) String(显示源代码)

func (t *Basic) String() string

func (*Basic) Underlying(显示源代码)

func (t *Basic) Underlying() Type

type BasicInfo(显示源代码)


type BasicInfo int


const ( IsBoolean BasicInfo = 1 << iota IsInteger IsUnsigned IsFloat IsComplex IsString IsUntyped IsOrdered = IsInteger | IsFloat | IsString IsNumeric = IsInteger | IsFloat | IsComplex IsConstType = IsBoolean | IsNumeric | IsString )

type BasicKind(显示源代码)


type BasicKind int

const ( Invalid BasicKind = iota // type is invalid // predeclared types Bool Int Int8 Int16 Int32 Int64 Uint Uint8 Uint16 Uint32 Uint64 Uintptr Float32 Float64 Complex64 Complex128 String UnsafePointer // types for untyped values UntypedBool UntypedInt UntypedRune UntypedFloat UntypedComplex UntypedString UntypedNil // aliases Byte = Uint8 Rune = Int32 )

type Builtin(显示源代码)


type Builtin struct { // contains filtered or unexported fields }

func (*Builtin) Exported(显示源代码)

func (obj *Builtin) Exported() bool

func (*Builtin) Id(显示源代码)

func (obj *Builtin) Id() string

func (*Builtin) Name(显示源代码)

func (obj *Builtin) Name() string

func (*Builtin) Parent(显示源代码)

func (obj *Builtin) Parent() *Scope

func (*Builtin) Pkg(显示源代码)

func (obj *Builtin) Pkg() *Package

func (*Builtin) Pos(显示源代码)

func (obj *Builtin) Pos() token.Pos

func (*Builtin) String(显示源代码)

func (obj *Builtin) String() string

func (*Builtin) Type(显示源代码)

func (obj *Builtin) Type() Type

type Chan(显示源代码)


type Chan struct { // contains filtered or unexported fields }

func NewChan(显示源代码)

func NewChan(dir ChanDir, elem Type) *Chan


func (*Chan) Dir(显示源代码)

func (c *Chan) Dir() ChanDir


func (*Chan) Elem(显示源代码)

func (c *Chan) Elem() Type


func (*Chan) String(显示源代码)

func (t *Chan) String() string

func (*Chan) Underlying(显示源代码)

func (t *Chan) Underlying() Type

type ChanDir(显示源代码)


type ChanDir int


const ( SendRecv ChanDir = iota SendOnly RecvOnly )

type Checker(显示源代码)


type Checker struct { *Info // contains filtered or unexported fields }

func NewChecker(显示源代码)

func NewChecker(conf *Config, fset *token.FileSet, pkg *Package, info *Info) *Checker


func (*Checker) Files(显示源代码)

func (check *Checker) Files(files []*ast.File) error


type Config(显示源代码)


type Config struct { // If IgnoreFuncBodies is set, function bodies are not // type-checked. IgnoreFuncBodies bool // If FakeImportC is set, `import "C"` (for packages requiring Cgo) // declares an empty "C" package and errors are omitted for qualified // identifiers referring to package C (which won't find an object). // This feature is intended for the standard library cmd/api tool. // // Caution: Effects may be unpredictable due to follow-on errors. // Do not use casually! FakeImportC bool // If Error != nil, it is called with each error found // during type checking; err has dynamic type Error. // Secondary errors (for instance, to enumerate all types // involved in an invalid recursive type declaration) have // error strings that start with a '\t' character. // If Error == nil, type-checking stops with the first // error found. Error func(err error) // An importer is used to import packages referred to from // import declarations. // If the installed importer implements ImporterFrom, the type // checker calls ImportFrom instead of Import. // The type checker reports an error if an importer is needed // but none was installed. Importer Importer // If Sizes != nil, it provides the sizing functions for package unsafe. // Otherwise SizesFor("gc", "amd64") is used instead. Sizes Sizes // If DisableUnusedImportCheck is set, packages are not checked // for unused imports. DisableUnusedImportCheck bool }

func (*Config) Check(显示源代码)

func (conf *Config) Check(path string, fset *token.FileSet, files []*ast.File, info *Info) (*Package, error)

检查类型 - 检查包并返回结果包对象和第一个错误(如果有的话)。此外,如果info!= nil,则检查信息结构中的每个非零映射。


该软件包由* ast.Files和相应的文件集列表以及软件包标识的软件包路径指定。干净的路径不能为空或点(“。”)。

type Const(显示源代码)


type Const struct { // contains filtered or unexported fields }

func NewConst(显示源代码)

func NewConst(pos token.Pos, pkg *Package, name string, typ Type, val constant.Value) *Const

func (*Const) Exported(显示源代码)

func (obj *Const) Exported() bool

func (*Const) Id(显示源代码)

func (obj *Const) Id() string

func (*Const) Name(显示源代码)

func (obj *Const) Name() string

func (*Const) Parent(显示源代码)

func (obj *Const) Parent() *Scope

func (*Const) Pkg(显示源代码)

func (obj *Const) Pkg() *Package

func (*Const) Pos(显示源代码)

func (obj *Const) Pos() token.Pos

func (*Const) String(显示源代码)

func (obj *Const) String() string

func (*Const) Type(显示源代码)

func (obj *Const) Type() Type

func (*Const) Val(显示源代码)

func (obj *Const) Val() constant.Value

type Error(显示源代码)

Error 描述了类型检查错误; 它实现了错误接口。“软”错误是仍然允许对包进行有效解释的错误(例如“未使用的变量”); 如果忽略,“硬”错误可能会导致不可预知的行为。

type Error struct { Fset *token.FileSet // file set for interpretation of Pos Pos token.Pos // error position Msg string // error message Soft bool // if set, error is "soft" }

func (Error) Error(显示源代码)

func (err Error) Error() string


type Func(显示源代码)

Func表示声明的函数,具体方法或抽象(接口)方法。它的Type()总是一个* Signature。由于嵌入,抽象方法可能属于许多接口。

type Func struct { // contains filtered or unexported fields }

func MissingMethod(显示源代码)

func MissingMethod(V Type, T *Interface, static bool) (method *Func, wrongType bool)



func NewFunc(显示源代码)

func NewFunc(pos token.Pos, pkg *Package, name string, sig *Signature) *Func

func (*Func) Exported(显示源代码)

func (obj *Func) Exported() bool

func (*Func) FullName(显示源代码)

func (obj *Func) FullName() string


func (*Func) Id(显示源代码)

func (obj *Func) Id() string

func (*Func) Name(显示源代码)

func (obj *Func) Name() string

func (*Func) Parent(显示源代码)

func (obj *Func) Parent() *Scope

func (*Func) Pkg(显示源代码)

func (obj *Func) Pkg() *Package

func (*Func) Pos(显示源代码)

func (obj *Func) Pos() token.Pos

func (*Func) Scope(显示源代码)

func (obj *Func) Scope() *Scope

func (*Func) String(显示源代码)

func (obj *Func) String() string

func (*Func) Type(显示源代码)

func (obj *Func) Type() Type

type ImportMode(显示源代码)


type ImportMode int

type Importer(显示源代码)



type Importer interface { // Import returns the imported package for the given import path. // The semantics is like for ImporterFrom.ImportFrom except that // dir and mode are ignored (since they are not present). Import(path string) (*Package, error) }

type ImporterFrom(显示源代码)

一个ImporterFrom解析导入路径到包; 它支持根据https://golang.org/s/go15vendor进行销售。使用go / importer获取一个ImporterFrom实现。

type ImporterFrom interface { // Importer is present for backward-compatibility. Calling // Import(path) is the same as calling ImportFrom(path, "", 0 // i.e., locally vendored packages may not be found. // The types package does not call Import if an ImporterFrom // is present. Importer // ImportFrom returns the imported package for the given import // path when imported by a package file located in dir. // If the import failed, besides returning an error, ImportFrom // is encouraged to cache and return a package anyway, if one // was created. This will reduce package inconsistencies and // follow-on type checker errors due to the missing package. // The mode value must be 0; it is reserved for future use. // Two calls to ImportFrom with the same path and dir must // return the same package. ImportFrom(path, dir string, mode ImportMode) (*Package, error) }

type Info(显示源代码)


type Info struct { // Types maps expressions to their types, and for constant // expressions, also their values. Invalid expressions are // omitted. // // For (possibly parenthesized) identifiers denoting built-in // functions, the recorded signatures are call-site specific: // if the call result is not a constant, the recorded type is // an argument-specific signature. Otherwise, the recorded type // is invalid. // // The Types map does not record the type of every identifier, // only those that appear where an arbitrary expression is // permitted. For instance, the identifier f in a selector // expression x.f is found only in the Selections map, the // identifier z in a variable declaration 'var z int' is found // only in the Defs map, and identifiers denoting packages in // qualified identifiers are collected in the Uses map. Types map[ast.Expr]TypeAndValue // Defs maps identifiers to the objects they define (including // package names, dots "." of dot-imports, and blank "_" identifiers). // For identifiers that do not denote objects (e.g., the package name // in package clauses, or symbolic variables t in t := x.(type) of // type switch headers), the corresponding objects are nil. // // For an anonymous field, Defs returns the field *Var it defines. // // Invariant: Defs[id] == nil || Defs[id].Pos() == id.Pos() Defs map[*ast.Ident]Object // Uses maps identifiers to the objects they denote. // // For an anonymous field, Uses returns the *TypeName it denotes. // // Invariant: Uses[id].Pos() != id.Pos() Uses map[*ast.Ident]Object // Implicits maps nodes to their implicitly declared objects, if any. // The following node and object types may appear: // // node declared object // // *ast.ImportSpec *PkgName for dot-imports and imports without renames // *ast.CaseClause type-specific *Var for each type switch case clause (incl. default) // *ast.Field anonymous parameter *Var // Implicits map[ast.Node]Object // Selections maps selector expressions (excluding qualified identifiers) // to their corresponding selections. Selections map[*ast.SelectorExpr]*Selection // Scopes maps ast.Nodes to the scopes they define. Package scopes are not // associated with a specific node but with all files belonging to a package. // Thus, the package scope can be found in the type-checked Package object. // Scopes nest, with the Universe scope being the outermost scope, enclosing // the package scope, which contains (one or more) files scopes, which enclose // function scopes which in turn enclose statement and function literal scopes. // Note that even though package-level functions are declared in the package // scope, the function scopes are embedded in the file scope of the file // containing the function declaration. // // The following node types may appear in Scopes: // // *ast.File // *ast.FuncType // *ast.BlockStmt // *ast.IfStmt // *ast.SwitchStmt // *ast.TypeSwitchStmt // *ast.CaseClause // *ast.CommClause // *ast.ForStmt // *ast.RangeStmt // Scopes map[ast.Node]*Scope // InitOrder is the list of package-level initializers in the order in which // they must be executed. Initializers referring to variables related by an // initialization dependency appear in topological order, the others appear // in source order. Variables without an initialization expression do not // appear in this list. InitOrder []*Initializer }




// Parse a single source file. const input = ` package fib type S string var a, b, c = len(b), S(c), "hello" func fib(x int) int { if x < 2 { return x } return fib(x-1) - fib(x-2) }` fset := token.NewFileSet() f, err := parser.ParseFile(fset, "fib.go", input, 0) if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } // Type-check the package. // We create an empty map for each kind of input // we're interested in, and Check populates them. info := types.Info{ Types: make(map[ast.Expr]types.TypeAndValue), Defs: make(map[*ast.Ident]types.Object), Uses: make(map[*ast.Ident]types.Object), } var conf types.Config pkg, err := conf.Check("fib", fset, []*ast.File{f}, &info) if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } // Print package-level variables in initialization order. fmt.Printf("InitOrder: %v\n\n", info.InitOrder) // For each named object, print the line and // column of its definition and each of its uses. fmt.Println("Defs and Uses of each named object:") usesByObj := make(map[types.Object][]string) for id, obj := range info.Uses { posn := fset.Position(id.Pos()) lineCol := fmt.Sprintf("%d:%d", posn.Line, posn.Column) usesByObj[obj] = append(usesByObj[obj], lineCol) } var items []string for obj, uses := range usesByObj { sort.Strings(uses) item := fmt.Sprintf("%s:\n defined at %s\n used at %s", types.ObjectString(obj, types.RelativeTo(pkg)), fset.Position(obj.Pos()), strings.Join(uses, ", ")) items = append(items, item) } sort.Strings(items) // sort by line:col, in effect fmt.Println(strings.Join(items, "\n")) fmt.Println() fmt.Println("Types and Values of each expression:") items = nil for expr, tv := range info.Types { var buf bytes.Buffer posn := fset.Position(expr.Pos()) tvstr := tv.Type.String() if tv.Value != nil { tvstr += " = " + tv.Value.String() } // line:col | expr | mode : type = value fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "%2d:%2d | %-19s | %-7s : %s", posn.Line, posn.Column, exprString(fset, expr), mode(tv), tvstr) items = append(items, buf.String()) } sort.Strings(items) fmt.Println(strings.Join(items, "\n"))


InitOrder: [c = "hello" b = S(c) a = len(b)] Defs and Uses of each named object: builtin len: defined at - used at 6:15 func fib(x int) int: defined at fib.go:8:6 used at 12:20, 12:9 type S string: defined at fib.go:4:6 used at 6:23 type int: defined at - used at 8:12, 8:17 type string: defined at - used at 4:8 var b S: defined at fib.go:6:8 used at 6:19 var c string: defined at fib.go:6:11 used at 6:25 var x int: defined at fib.go:8:10 used at 10:10, 12:13, 12:24, 9:5 Types and Values of each expression: 4: 8 | string | type : string 6:15 | len | builtin : func(string) int 6:15 | len(b) | value : int 6:19 | b | var : fib.S 6:23 | S | type : fib.S 6:23 | S(c) | value : fib.S 6:25 | c | var : string 6:29 | "hello" | value : string = "hello" 8:12 | int | type : int 8:17 | int | type : int 9: 5 | x | var : int 9: 5 | x < 2 | value : untyped bool 9: 9 | 2 | value : int = 2 10:10 | x | var : int 12: 9 | fib | value : func(x int) int 12: 9 | fib(x - 1) | value : int 12: 9 | fib(x-1) - fib(x-2) | value : int 12:13 | x | var : int 12:13 | x - 1 | value : int 12:15 | 1 | value : int = 1 12:20 | fib | value : func(x int) int 12:20 | fib(x - 2) | value : int 12:24 | x | var : int 12:24 | x - 2 | value : int 12:26 | 2 | value : int = 2

func (*Info) ObjectOf(显示源代码)

func (info *Info) ObjectOf(id *ast.Ident) Object


如果id是一个匿名结构字段,则ObjectOf返回它使用的字段(* Var),而不是它定义的类型(* TypeName)。


func (*Info) TypeOf(显示源代码)

func (info *Info) TypeOf(e ast.Expr) Type


type Initializer(显示源代码)


type Initializer struct { Lhs []*Var // var Lhs = Rhs Rhs ast.Expr }

func (*Initializer) String(显示源代码)

func (init *Initializer) String() string

type Interface(显示源代码)


type Interface struct { // contains filtered or unexported fields }

func NewInterface(显示源代码)

func NewInterface(methods []*Func, embeddeds []*Named) *Interface


func (*Interface) Complete(显示源代码)

func (t *Interface) Complete() *Interface


func (*Interface) Embedded(显示源代码)

func (t *Interface) Embedded(i int) *Named

嵌入返回0 <= i <t.NumEmbeddeds()的第i个嵌入类型的接口t。这些类型由相应的TypeName的唯一ID排序。

func (*Interface) Empty(显示源代码)

func (t *Interface) Empty() bool


func (*Interface) ExplicitMethod(显示源代码)

func (t *Interface) ExplicitMethod(i int) *Func

ExplicitMethod为0 <= i <t.NumExplicitMethods()返回接口t显式声明的方法。这些方法按其唯一标识进行排序。

func (*Interface) Method(显示源代码)

func (t *Interface) Method(i int) *Func

方法返回0 <= i <t.NumMethods()的接口t的第i个方法。这些方法按其唯一标识进行排序。

func (*Interface) NumEmbeddeds(显示源代码)

func (t *Interface) NumEmbeddeds() int


func (*Interface) NumExplicitMethods(显示源代码)

func (t *Interface) NumExplicitMethods() int


func (*Interface) NumMethods(显示源代码)

func (t *Interface) NumMethods() int


func (*Interface) String(显示源代码)

func (t *Interface) String() string

func (*Interface) Underlying(显示源代码)

func (t *Interface) Underlying() Type

type Label(显示源代码)

Label 代表一个声明的标签。

type Label struct { // contains filtered or unexported fields }

func NewLabel(显示源代码)

func NewLabel(pos token.Pos, pkg *Package, name string) *Label

func (*Label) Exported(显示源代码)

func (obj *Label) Exported() bool

func (*Label) Id(显示源代码)

func (obj *Label) Id() string

func (*Label) Name(显示源代码)

func (obj *Label) Name() string

func (*Label) Parent(显示源代码)

func (obj *Label) Parent() *Scope

func (*Label) Pkg(显示源代码)

func (obj *Label) Pkg() *Package

func (*Label) Pos(显示源代码)

func (obj *Label) Pos() token.Pos

func (*Label) String(显示源代码)

func (obj *Label) String() string

func (*Label) Type(显示源代码)

func (obj *Label) Type() Type

type Map(显示源代码)


type Map struct { // contains filtered or unexported fields }

func NewMap(显示源代码)

func NewMap(key, elem Type) *Map


func (*Map) Elem(显示源代码)

func (m *Map) Elem() Type


func (*Map) Key(显示源代码)

func (m *Map) Key() Type


func (*Map) String(显示源代码)

func (t *Map) String() string

func (*Map) Underlying(显示源代码)

func (t *Map) Underlying() Type

type MethodSet(显示源代码)

MethodSet是一组有序的或抽象(接口)方法的有序集合; 一个方法是一个MethodVal选择,它们按照m.Obj()。Id()的顺序排序。MethodSet的零值是一个随时可用的空方法集。

type MethodSet struct { // contains filtered or unexported fields }



package main import ( "fmt" "go/ast" "go/importer" "go/parser" "go/token" "go/types" "log" ) func main() { // Parse a single source file. const input = ` package temperature import "fmt" type Celsius float64 func (c Celsius) String() string { return fmt.Sprintf("%g°C", c) } func (c *Celsius) SetF(f float64) { *c = Celsius(f - 32 / 9 * 5) } ` fset := token.NewFileSet() f, err := parser.ParseFile(fset, "celsius.go", input, 0) if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } // Type-check a package consisting of this file. // Type information for the imported packages // comes from $GOROOT/pkg/$GOOS_$GOOARCH/fmt.a. conf := types.Config{Importer: importer.Default()} pkg, err := conf.Check("temperature", fset, []*ast.File{f}, nil) if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } // Print the method sets of Celsius and *Celsius. celsius := pkg.Scope().Lookup("Celsius").Type() for _, t := range []types.Type{celsius, types.NewPointer(celsius)} { fmt.Printf("Method set of %s:\n", t) mset := types.NewMethodSet(t) for i := 0; i < mset.Len( i++ { fmt.Println(mset.At(i)) } fmt.Println() } }

func NewMethodSet(显示源代码)

func NewMethodSet(T Type) *MethodSet


func (*MethodSet) At(显示源代码)

func (s *MethodSet) At(i int) *Selection

在返回s中的第i个方法为0 <= i <s.Len()。

func (*MethodSet) Len(显示源代码)

func (s *MethodSet) Len() int


func (*MethodSet) Lookup(显示源代码)

func (s *MethodSet) Lookup(pkg *Package, name string) *Selection


func (*MethodSet) String(显示源代码)

func (s *MethodSet) String() string

type Named(显示源代码)


type Named struct { // contains filtered or unexported fields }

func NewNamed(显示源代码)

func NewNamed(obj *TypeName, underlying Type, methods []*Func) *Named


func (*Named) AddMethod(显示源代码)

func (t *Named) AddMethod(m *Func)


func (*Named) Method(显示源代码)

func (t *Named) Method(i int) *Func

方法返回0 <= i <t.NumMethods()的命名类型t的第i个方法。

func (*Named) NumMethods(显示源代码)

func (t *Named) NumMethods() int


func (*Named) Obj(显示源代码)

func (t *Named) Obj() *TypeName


func (*Named) SetUnderlying(显示源代码)

func (t *Named) SetUnderlying(underlying Type)


func (*Named) String(显示源代码)

func (t *Named) String() string

func (*Named) Underlying(显示源代码)

func (t *Named) Underlying() Type

type Nil(显示源代码)


type Nil struct { // contains filtered or unexported fields }

func (*Nil) Exported(显示源代码)

func (obj *Nil) Exported() bool

func (*Nil) Id(显示源代码)

func (obj *Nil) Id() string

func (*Nil) Name(显示源代码)

func (obj *Nil) Name() string

func (*Nil) Parent(显示源代码)

func (obj *Nil) Parent() *Scope

func (*Nil) Pkg(显示源代码)

func (obj *Nil) Pkg() *Package

func (*Nil) Pos(显示源代码)

func (obj *Nil) Pos() token.Pos

func (*Nil) String(显示源代码)

func (obj *Nil) String() string

func (*Nil) Type(显示源代码)

func (obj *Nil) Type() Type

type Object(显示源代码)


type Object interface { Parent() *Scope // scope in which this object is declared; nil for methods and struct fields Pos() token.Pos // position of object identifier in declaration Pkg() *Package // nil for objects in the Universe scope and labels Name() string // package local object name Type() Type // object type Exported() bool // reports whether the name starts with a capital letter Id() string // object name if exported, qualified name if not exported (see func Id) // String returns a human-readable string of the object. String() string // contains filtered or unexported methods }

func LookupFieldOrMethod(显示源代码)

func LookupFieldOrMethod(T Type, addressable bool, pkg *Package, name string) (obj Object, index []int, indirect bool)

LookupFieldOrMethod在T中查找具有给定包和名称的字段或方法,并返回相应的* Var或* Func,一个索引序列和一个bool,指示在字段或方法的路径上是否存在任何指针间接。如果设置了可寻址,则T是可寻址变量的类型(仅用于方法查找)。


1) the list of declared methods of a named type; or 2) the list of all methods (method set) of an interface type; or 3) the list of fields of a struct type.



- If index != nil, the index sequence points to an ambiguous entry (the same name appeared more than once at the same embedding level). - If indirect is set, a method with a pointer receiver type was found but there was no pointer on the path from the actual receiver type to the method's formal receiver base type, nor was the receiver addressable.

type Package(显示源代码)


type Package struct { // contains filtered or unexported fields }

func NewPackage(显示源代码)

func NewPackage(path, name string) *Package


func (*Package) Complete(显示源代码)

func (pkg *Package) Complete() bool

如果其范围包含(至少)所有导出的对象,则该包是完整的; 否则它是不完整的。

func (*Package) Imports(显示源代码)

func (pkg *Package) Imports() []*Package

Imports返回由pkg直接导入的包列表; 该列表按来源顺序排列。


func (*Package) MarkComplete(显示源代码)

func (pkg *Package) MarkComplete()


func (*Package) Name(显示源代码)

func (pkg *Package) Name() string


func (*Package) Path(显示源代码)

func (pkg *Package) Path() string


func (*Package) Scope(显示源代码)

func (pkg *Package) Scope() *Scope


func (*Package) SetImports(显示源代码)

func (pkg *Package) SetImports(list []*Package)


func (*Package) SetName(显示源代码)

func (pkg *Package) SetName(name string)


func (*Package) String(显示源代码)

func (pkg *Package) String() string

type PkgName(显示源代码)


type PkgName struct { // contains filtered or unexported fields }

func NewPkgName(显示源代码)

func NewPkgName(pos token.Pos, pkg *Package, name string, imported *Package) *PkgName

func (*PkgName) Exported(显示源代码)

func (obj *PkgName) Exported() bool

func (*PkgName) Id(显示源代码)

func (obj *PkgName) Id() string

func (*PkgName) Imported(显示源代码)

func (obj *PkgName) Imported() *Package

Imported 返回已导入的包。它与Pkg()不同,后者是包含import语句的包。

func (*PkgName) Name(显示源代码)

func (obj *PkgName) Name() string

func (*PkgName) Parent(显示源代码)

func (obj *PkgName) Parent() *Scope

func (*PkgName) Pkg(显示源代码)

func (obj *PkgName) Pkg() *Package

func (*PkgName) Pos(显示源代码)

func (obj *PkgName) Pos() token.Pos

func (*PkgName) String(显示源代码)

func (obj *PkgName) String() string

func (*PkgName) Type(显示源代码)

func (obj *PkgName) Type() Type

type Pointer(显示源代码)

Pointer 表示指针类型。

type Pointer struct { // contains filtered or unexported fields }

func NewPointer(显示源代码)

func NewPointer(elem Type) *Pointer


func (*Pointer) Elem(显示源代码)

func (p *Pointer) Elem() Type


func (*Pointer) String(显示源代码)

func (t *Pointer) String() string

func (*Pointer) Underlying(显示源代码)

func (t *Pointer) Underlying() Type

type Qualifier(显示源代码)



使用无限定符相当于使用(* Package).Path:该对象由导入路径限定,例如“encoding / json.Marshal”。

type Qualifier func(*Package) string

func RelativeTo(显示源代码)

func RelativeTo(pkg *Package) Qualifier


type Scope(显示源代码)


type Scope struct { // contains filtered or unexported fields }



package main import ( "bytes" "fmt" "go/ast" "go/importer" "go/parser" "go/token" "go/types" "log" "regexp" ) func main() { // Parse the source files for a package. fset := token.NewFileSet() var files []*ast.File for _, file := range []struct{ name, input string }{ {"main.go", ` package main import "fmt" func main() { freezing := FToC(-18) fmt.Println(freezing, Boiling) } `}, {"celsius.go", ` package main import "fmt" type Celsius float64 func (c Celsius) String() string { return fmt.Sprintf("%g°C", c) } func FToC(f float64) Celsius { return Celsius(f - 32 / 9 * 5) } const Boiling Celsius = 100 `}, } { f, err := parser.ParseFile(fset, file.name, file.input, 0) if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } files = append(files, f) } // Type-check a package consisting of these files. // Type information for the imported "fmt" package // comes from $GOROOT/pkg/$GOOS_$GOOARCH/fmt.a. conf := types.Config{Importer: importer.Default()} pkg, err := conf.Check("temperature", fset, files, nil) if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } // Print the tree of scopes. // For determinism, we redact addresses. var buf bytes.Buffer pkg.Scope().WriteTo(&buf, 0, true) rx := regexp.MustCompile(` 0x[a-fA-F0-9]*`) fmt.Println(rx.ReplaceAllString(buf.String(), "")) }

func NewScope(显示源代码)

func NewScope(parent *Scope, pos, end token.Pos, comment string) *Scope


func (*Scope) Child(显示源代码)

func (s *Scope) Child(i int) *Scope

Child返回第i个子范围为0 <= i <NumChildren()。

func (*Scope) Contains(显示源代码)

func (s *Scope) Contains(pos token.Pos) bool


func (*Scope) End(显示源代码)

func (s *Scope) End() token.Pos

func (*Scope) Innermost(显示源代码)

func (s *Scope) Innermost(pos token.Pos) *Scope


func (*Scope) Insert(显示源代码)

func (s *Scope) Insert(obj Object) Object


func (*Scope) Len(显示源代码)

func (s *Scope) Len() int


func (*Scope) Lookup(显示源代码)

func (s *Scope) Lookup(name string) Object

如果这样的对象存在,Lookup将返回给定名称的范围s中的对象; 否则结果为零。

func (*Scope) LookupParent(显示源代码)

func (s *Scope) LookupParent(name string, pos token.Pos) (*Scope, Object)



func (*Scope) Names(显示源代码)

func (s *Scope) Names() []string

Names 按排序顺序返回作用域的元素名称。

func (*Scope) NumChildren(显示源代码)

func (s *Scope) NumChildren() int


func (*Scope) Parent(显示源代码)

func (s *Scope) Parent() *Scope


func (*Scope) Pos(显示源代码)

func (s *Scope) Pos() token.Pos


func (*Scope) String(显示源代码)

func (s *Scope) String() string


func (*Scope) WriteTo(显示源代码)

func (s *Scope) WriteTo(w io.Writer, n int, recurse bool)

WriteTo将范围的字符串表示形式写入w,范围元素按名称排序。缩进级别由n> = 0控制,n == 0表示无缩进。如果设置了递归,它还会写入嵌套(子)范围。

type Selection(显示源代码)


type T struct{ x int; E } type E struct{} func (e E) m() {} var p *T


Selector Kind Recv Obj Type Index Indirect p.x FieldVal T x int {0} true p.m MethodVal *T m func (e *T) m() {1, 0} true T.m MethodExpr T m func m(_ T) {1, 0} false

type Selection struct { // contains filtered or unexported fields }

func (*Selection) Index(显示源代码)

func (s *Selection) Index() []int

索引描述xf中从x到f的路径最后一个索引条目是声明f的类型的字段或方法索引; 之一:

1) the list of declared methods of a named type; or 2) the list of methods of an interface type; or 3) the list of fields of a struct type.


func (*Selection) Indirect(显示源代码)

func (s *Selection) Indirect() bool


func (*Selection) Kind(显示源代码)

func (s *Selection) Kind() SelectionKind


func (*Selection) Obj(显示源代码)

func (s *Selection) Obj() Object

Obj返回由xf表示的对象; 在所有其他情况下,用于字段选择的a * Var以及* Func。

func (*Selection) Recv(显示源代码)

func (s *Selection) Recv() Type


func (*Selection) String(显示源代码)

func (s *Selection) String() string

func (*Selection) Type(显示源代码)

func (s *Selection) Type() Type


type SelectionKind(显示源代码)


type SelectionKind int

const ( FieldVal SelectionKind = iota // x.f is a struct field selector MethodVal // x.f is a method selector MethodExpr // x.f is a method expression )

type Signature(显示源代码)


type Signature struct { // contains filtered or unexported fields }

func NewSignature(显示源代码)

func NewSignature(recv *Var, params, results *Tuple, variadic bool) *Signature


func (*Signature) Params(显示源代码)

func (s *Signature) Params() *Tuple


func (*Signature) Recv(显示源代码)

func (s *Signature) Recv() *Var


对于抽象方法,Recv将封闭接口作为* Named或* Interface返回。由于嵌入,接口可能包含其接收器类型是不同接口的方法。

func (*Signature) Results(显示源代码)

func (s *Signature) Results() *Tuple


func (*Signature) String(显示源代码)

func (t *Signature) String() string

func (*Signature) Underlying(显示源代码)

func (t *Signature) Underlying() Type

func (*Signature) Variadic(显示源代码)

func (s *Signature) Variadic() bool


type Sizes(显示源代码)


type Sizes interface { // Alignof returns the alignment of a variable of type T. // Alignof must implement the alignment guarantees required by the spec. Alignof(T Type) int64 // Offsetsof returns the offsets of the given struct fields, in bytes. // Offsetsof must implement the offset guarantees required by the spec. Offsetsof(fields []*Var) []int64 // Sizeof returns the size of a variable of type T. // Sizeof must implement the size guarantees required by the spec. Sizeof(T Type) int64 }

func SizesFor(显示源代码)

func SizesFor(compiler, arch string) Sizes


编译器“gc”支持的体系结构:“386”,“arm”,“arm64”,“amd64”,“amd64p32”,“mips”,“mipsle”,“mips64”,“mips64le”,“ppc64”,“ppc64le “,”s390x“。

type Slice(显示源代码)


type Slice struct { // contains filtered or unexported fields }

func NewSlice(显示源代码)

func NewSlice(elem Type) *Slice


func (*Slice) Elem(显示源代码)

func (s *Slice) Elem() Type


func (*Slice) String(显示源代码)

func (t *Slice) String() string

func (*Slice) Underlying(显示源代码)

func (t *Slice) Underlying() Type

type StdSizes(显示源代码)


- The size of explicitly sized basic types (int16, etc.) is the specified size. - The size of strings and interfaces is 2*WordSize. - The size of slices is 3*WordSize. - The size of an array of n elements corresponds to the size of a struct of n consecutive fields of the array's element type. - The size of a struct is the offset of the last field plus that field's size. As with all element types, if the struct is used in an array its size must first be aligned to a multiple of the struct's alignment. - All other types have size WordSize. - Arrays and structs are aligned per spec definition; all other types are naturally aligned with a maximum alignment MaxAlign.

* StdSizes实现大小。

type StdSizes struct { WordSize int64 // word size in bytes - must be >= 4 (32bits) MaxAlign int64 // maximum alignment in bytes - must be >= 1 }

func (*StdSizes) Alignof(显示源代码)

func (s *StdSizes) Alignof(T Type) int64

func (*StdSizes) Offsetsof(显示源代码)

func (s *StdSizes) Offsetsof(fields []*Var) []int64

func (*StdSizes) Sizeof(显示源代码)

func (s *StdSizes) Sizeof(T Type) int64

type Struct(显示源代码)


type Struct struct { // contains filtered or unexported fields }

func NewStruct(显示源代码)

func NewStruct(fields []*Var, tags []string) *Struct


func (*Struct) Field(显示源代码)

func (s *Struct) Field(i int) *Var

Field返回第i个字段0 <= i <NumFields()。

func (*Struct) NumFields(显示源代码)

func (s *Struct) NumFields() int


func (*Struct) String(显示源代码)

func (t *Struct) String() string

func (*Struct) Tag(显示源代码)

func (s *Struct) Tag(i int) string

标记为0 <= i <NumFields()返回第i个字段标记。

func (*Struct) Underlying(显示源代码)

func (t *Struct) Underlying() Type

type Tuple(显示源代码)

一个Tuple表示一个有序的变量列表; 一个零*元组是一个有效的(空)元组。元组被用作签名的组成部分并表示多个赋值的类型; 他们不是Go的头等类型。

type Tuple struct { // contains filtered or unexported fields }

func NewTuple(显示源代码)

func NewTuple(x ...*Var) *Tuple


func (*Tuple) At(显示源代码)

func (t *Tuple) At(i int) *Var


func (*Tuple) Len(显示源代码)

func (t *Tuple) Len() int


func (*Tuple) String(显示源代码)

func (t *Tuple) String() string

func (*Tuple) Underlying(显示源代码)

func (t *Tuple) Underlying() Type

type Type(显示源代码)


type Type interface { // Underlying returns the underlying type of a type. Underlying() Type // String returns a string representation of a type. String() string }

func Default(显示源代码)

func Default(typ Type) Type

Default返回“无类型”类型的默认“类型”类型; 它返回所有其他类型的传入类型。untyped nil的默认类型是无类型nil。

type TypeAndValue(显示源代码)


type TypeAndValue struct { Type Type Value constant.Value // contains filtered or unexported fields }

func Eval(显示源代码)

func Eval(fset *token.FileSet, pkg *Package, pos token.Pos, expr string) (TypeAndValue, error)



如果pkg == nil,则使用Universe范围,并忽略所提供的位置pos。如果pkg!= nil且pos无效,则使用软件包范围。否则,pos必须属于包。



func (TypeAndValue) Addressable(显示源代码)

func (tv TypeAndValue) Addressable() bool


func (TypeAndValue) Assignable(显示源代码)

func (tv TypeAndValue) Assignable() bool


func (TypeAndValue) HasOk(显示源代码)

func (tv TypeAndValue) HasOk() bool


func (TypeAndValue) IsBuiltin(显示源代码)

func (tv TypeAndValue) IsBuiltin() bool


func (TypeAndValue) IsNil(显示源代码)

func (tv TypeAndValue) IsNil() bool


func (TypeAndValue) IsType(显示源代码)

func (tv TypeAndValue) IsType() bool


func (TypeAndValue) IsValue(显示源代码)

func (tv TypeAndValue) IsValue() bool


func (TypeAndValue) IsVoid(显示源代码)

func (tv TypeAndValue) IsVoid() bool


type TypeName(显示源代码)


type TypeName struct { // contains filtered or unexported fields }

func NewTypeName(显示源代码)

func NewTypeName(pos token.Pos, pkg *Package, name string, typ Type) *TypeName

func (*TypeName) Exported(显示源代码)

func (obj *TypeName) Exported() bool

func (*TypeName) Id(显示源代码)

func (obj *TypeName) Id() string

func (*TypeName) IsAlias(显示源代码)

func (obj *TypeName) IsAlias() bool


func (*TypeName) Name(显示源代码)

func (obj *TypeName) Name() string

func (*TypeName) Parent(显示源代码)

func (obj *TypeName) Parent() *Scope

func (*TypeName) Pkg(显示源代码)

func (obj *TypeName) Pkg() *Package

func (*TypeName) Pos(显示源代码)

func (obj *TypeName) Pos() token.Pos

func (*TypeName) String(显示源代码)

func (obj *TypeName) String() string

func (*TypeName) Type(显示源代码)

func (obj *TypeName) Type() Type

type Var(显示源代码)


type Var struct { // contains filtered or unexported fields }

func NewField(显示源代码)

func NewField(pos token.Pos, pkg *Package, name string, typ Type, anonymous bool) *Var

func NewParam(显示源代码)

func NewParam(pos token.Pos, pkg *Package, name string, typ Type) *Var

func NewVar(显示源代码)

func NewVar(pos token.Pos, pkg *Package, name string, typ Type) *Var

func (*Var) Anonymous(显示源代码)

func (obj *Var) Anonymous() bool

func (*Var) Exported(显示源代码)

func (obj *Var) Exported() bool

func (*Var) Id(显示源代码)

func (obj *Var) Id() string

func (*Var) IsField(显示源代码)

func (obj *Var) IsField() bool

func (*Var) Name(显示源代码)

func (obj *Var) Name() string

func (*Var) Parent(显示源代码)

func (obj *Var) Parent() *Scope

func (*Var) Pkg(显示源代码)

func (obj *Var) Pkg() *Package

func (*Var) Pos(显示源代码)

func (obj *Var) Pos() token.Pos

func (*Var) String(显示源代码)

func (obj *Var) String() string

func (*Var) Type(显示源代码)

func (obj *Var) Type() Type