
net 包

  • import "net"

  • 概述

  • 索引

  • 示例

  • 子目录


net 包 为网络 I/O 提供了一个便携式接口,包括 TCP/IP,UDP,域名解析和 Unix 域套接字。

虽然该软件包提供对低级网络原语的访问,但大多数客户端只需要 Dial,Listen 和 Accept 函数以及相关的 Conn 和 Listener 接口提供的基本接口。crypto/tls 包使用相同的接口和类似的 Dial 和 Listen 功能。


conn, err := net.Dial("tcp", "") if err != nil { // 处理错误 } fmt.Fprintf(conn, "GET / HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n") status, err := bufio.NewReader(conn).ReadString('\n') // ...


ln, err := net.Listen("tcp", ":8080") if err != nil { // 处理错误 } for { conn, err := ln.Accept() if err != nil { // 处理错误 } go handleConnection(conn) }


解析域名的方法,不管是间接使用像 Dial 这样的函数,还是直接使用 LookupHost 和 LookupAddr 等函数,都会因操作系统而异。

在 Unix 系统上,解析器有两个解析名称的选项。它可以使用纯粹的 Go 解析器将 DNS 请求直接发送到 /etc/resolv.conf 中列出的服务器,或者可以使用调用C库例程(如 getaddrinfo 和 getnameinfo)的基于 cgo 的解析器。

默认情况下,使用纯粹的 Go 解析器,因为阻塞的 DNS 请求仅消耗一个 goroutine ,而阻塞的 C 调用消耗操作系统线程。当 cgo 可用时,将使用基于 cg o的解析器代替各种条件:在不允许程序发出直接 DNS请求(OS X),存在 LOCALDOMAIN 环境变量(即使为空)的系统上,当 ASR_CONFIG 环境变量非空(仅限 OpenBSD)时,RES_OPTIONS 或 HOSTALIASES 环境变量非空,当 /etc/resolv.conf或 /etc/nsswitch.conf 指定使用 Go 解析器未实现的功能时,并且当查找的名字以 .local 结尾或者是 mDNS名称时。

通过将 GODEBUG 环境变量(请参阅程序包运行时)的 netdns 值设置为 go 或 cgo,可以覆盖解析程序决策,如下所示:

export GODEBUG=netdns=go # force pure Go resolver export GODEBUG=netdns=cgo # force cgo resolver

通过设置 netgo 或 netcgo 构建标记来构建 Go 源树时,也可以强制做出决定。

数字 netdns 设置(如 GODEBUG = netdns = 1)会导致解析器打印有关其决策的调试信息。要强制特定的解析器同时打印调试信息,请使用加号连接两个设置,如 GODEBUG = netdns = go + 1。

在计划9中,解析器总是访问 /net /cs和/net/dns。

在 Windows 上,解析器总是使用 C 库函数,例如 GetAddrInfo 和 DnsQuery 。


  • Constants

  • Variables

  • func InterfaceAddrs() ([]Addr, error)

  • func Interfaces() ([]Interface, error)

  • func JoinHostPort(host, port string) string

  • func LookupAddr(addr string) (names []string, err error)

  • func LookupCNAME(host string) (cname string, err error)

  • func LookupHost(host string) (addrs []string, err error)

  • func LookupIP(host string) ([]IP, error)

  • func LookupMX(name string) ([]*MX, error)

  • func LookupNS(name string) ([]*NS, error)

  • func LookupPort(network, service string) (port int, err error)

  • func LookupSRV(service, proto, name string) (cname string, addrs []*SRV, err error)

  • func LookupTXT(name string) ([]string, error)

  • func SplitHostPort(hostport string) (host, port string, err error)

  • type Addr

  • type AddrError

  • func (e *AddrError) Error() string

  • func (e *AddrError) Temporary() bool

  • func (e *AddrError) Timeout() bool

  • type Buffers

  • func (v *Buffers) Read(p []byte) (n int, err error)

  • func (v *Buffers) WriteTo(w io.Writer) (n int64, err error)

  • type Conn

  • func Dial(network, address string) (Conn, error)

  • func DialTimeout(network, address string, timeout time.Duration) (Conn, error)

  • func FileConn(f *os.File) (c Conn, err error)

  • func Pipe() (Conn, Conn)

  • type DNSConfigError

  • func (e *DNSConfigError) Error() string

  • func (e *DNSConfigError) Temporary() bool

  • func (e *DNSConfigError) Timeout() bool

  • type DNSError

  • func (e *DNSError) Error() string

  • func (e *DNSError) Temporary() bool

  • func (e *DNSError) Timeout() bool

  • type Dialer

  • func (d *Dialer) Dial(network, address string) (Conn, error)

  • func (d *Dialer) DialContext(ctx context.Context, network, address string) (Conn, error)

  • type Error

  • type Flags

  • func (f Flags) String() string

  • type HardwareAddr

  • func ParseMAC(s string) (hw HardwareAddr, err error)

  • func (a HardwareAddr) String() string

  • type IP

  • func IPv4(a, b, c, d byte) IP

  • func ParseCIDR(s string) (IP, *IPNet, error)

  • func ParseIP(s string) IP

  • func (ip IP) DefaultMask() IPMask

  • func (ip IP) Equal(x IP) bool

  • func (ip IP) IsGlobalUnicast() bool

  • func (ip IP) IsInterfaceLocalMulticast() bool

  • func (ip IP) IsLinkLocalMulticast() bool

  • func (ip IP) IsLinkLocalUnicast() bool

  • func (ip IP) IsLoopback() bool

  • func (ip IP) IsMulticast() bool

  • func (ip IP) IsUnspecified() bool

  • func (ip IP) MarshalText() ([]byte, error)

  • func (ip IP) Mask(mask IPMask) IP

  • func (ip IP) String() string

  • func (ip IP) To16() IP

  • func (ip IP) To4() IP

  • func (ip *IP) UnmarshalText(text []byte) error

  • type IPAddr

  • func ResolveIPAddr(network, address string) (*IPAddr, error)

  • func (a *IPAddr) Network() string

  • func (a *IPAddr) String() string

  • type IPConn

  • func DialIP(network string, laddr, raddr *IPAddr) (*IPConn, error)

  • func ListenIP(network string, laddr *IPAddr) (*IPConn, error)

  • func (c *IPConn) Close() error

  • func (c *IPConn) File() (f *os.File, err error)

  • func (c *IPConn) LocalAddr() Addr

  • func (c *IPConn) Read(b []byte) (int, error)

  • func (c *IPConn) ReadFrom(b []byte) (int, Addr, error)

  • func (c *IPConn) ReadFromIP(b []byte) (int, *IPAddr, error)

  • func (c *IPConn) ReadMsgIP(b, oob []byte) (n, oobn, flags int, addr *IPAddr, err error)

  • func (c *IPConn) RemoteAddr() Addr

  • func (c *IPConn) SetDeadline(t time.Time) error

  • func (c *IPConn) SetReadBuffer(bytes int) error

  • func (c *IPConn) SetReadDeadline(t time.Time) error

  • func (c *IPConn) SetWriteBuffer(bytes int) error

  • func (c *IPConn) SetWriteDeadline(t time.Time) error

  • func (c *IPConn) SyscallConn() (syscall.RawConn, error)

  • func (c *IPConn) Write(b []byte) (int, error)

  • func (c *IPConn) WriteMsgIP(b, oob []byte, addr *IPAddr) (n, oobn int, err error)

  • func (c *IPConn) WriteTo(b []byte, addr Addr) (int, error)

  • func (c *IPConn) WriteToIP(b []byte, addr *IPAddr) (int, error)

  • type IPMask

  • func CIDRMask(ones, bits int) IPMask

  • func IPv4Mask(a, b, c, d byte) IPMask

  • func (m IPMask) Size() (ones, bits int)

  • func (m IPMask) String() string

  • type IPNet

  • func (n *IPNet) Contains(ip IP) bool

  • func (n *IPNet) Network() string

  • func (n *IPNet) String() string

  • type Interface

  • func InterfaceByIndex(index int) (*Interface, error)

  • func InterfaceByName(name string) (*Interface, error)

  • func (ifi *Interface) Addrs() ([]Addr, error)

  • func (ifi *Interface) MulticastAddrs() ([]Addr, error)

  • type InvalidAddrError

  • func (e InvalidAddrError) Error() string

  • func (e InvalidAddrError) Temporary() bool

  • func (e InvalidAddrError) Timeout() bool

  • type Listener

  • func FileListener(f *os.File) (ln Listener, err error)

  • func Listen(network, address string) (Listener, error)

  • type MX

  • type NS

  • type OpError

  • func (e *OpError) Error() string

  • func (e *OpError) Temporary() bool

  • func (e *OpError) Timeout() bool

  • type PacketConn

  • func FilePacketConn(f *os.File) (c PacketConn, err error)

  • func ListenPacket(network, address string) (PacketConn, error)

  • type ParseError

  • func (e *ParseError) Error() string

  • type Resolver

  • func (r *Resolver) LookupAddr(ctx context.Context, addr string) (names []string, err error)

  • func (r *Resolver) LookupCNAME(ctx context.Context, host string) (cname string, err error)

  • func (r *Resolver) LookupHost(ctx context.Context, host string) (addrs []string, err error)

  • func (r *Resolver) LookupIPAddr(ctx context.Context, host string) ([]IPAddr, error)

  • func (r *Resolver) LookupMX(ctx context.Context, name string) ([]*MX, error)

  • func (r *Resolver) LookupNS(ctx context.Context, name string) ([]*NS, error)

  • func (r *Resolver) LookupPort(ctx context.Context, network, service string) (port int, err error)

  • func (r *Resolver) LookupSRV(ctx context.Context, service, proto, name string) (cname string, addrs []*SRV, err error)

  • func (r *Resolver) LookupTXT(ctx context.Context, name string) ([]string, error)

  • type SRV

  • type TCPAddr

  • func ResolveTCPAddr(network, address string) (*TCPAddr, error)

  • func (a *TCPAddr) Network() string

  • func (a *TCPAddr) String() string

  • type TCPConn

  • func DialTCP(network string, laddr, raddr *TCPAddr) (*TCPConn, error)

  • func (c *TCPConn) Close() error

  • func (c *TCPConn) CloseRead() error

  • func (c *TCPConn) CloseWrite() error

  • func (c *TCPConn) File() (f *os.File, err error)

  • func (c *TCPConn) LocalAddr() Addr

  • func (c *TCPConn) Read(b []byte) (int, error)

  • func (c *TCPConn) ReadFrom(r io.Reader) (int64, error)

  • func (c *TCPConn) RemoteAddr() Addr

  • func (c *TCPConn) SetDeadline(t time.Time) error

  • func (c *TCPConn) SetKeepAlive(keepalive bool) error

  • func (c *TCPConn) SetKeepAlivePeriod(d time.Duration) error

  • func (c *TCPConn) SetLinger(sec int) error

  • func (c *TCPConn) SetNoDelay(noDelay bool) error

  • func (c *TCPConn) SetReadBuffer(bytes int) error

  • func (c *TCPConn) SetReadDeadline(t time.Time) error

  • func (c *TCPConn) SetWriteBuffer(bytes int) error

  • func (c *TCPConn) SetWriteDeadline(t time.Time) error

  • func (c *TCPConn) SyscallConn() (syscall.RawConn, error)

  • func (c *TCPConn) Write(b []byte) (int, error)

  • type TCPListener

  • func ListenTCP(network string, laddr *TCPAddr) (*TCPListener, error)

  • func (l *TCPListener) Accept() (Conn, error)

  • func (l *TCPListener) AcceptTCP() (*TCPConn, error)

  • func (l *TCPListener) Addr() Addr

  • func (l *TCPListener) Close() error

  • func (l *TCPListener) File() (f *os.File, err error)

  • func (l *TCPListener) SetDeadline(t time.Time) error

  • type UDPAddr

  • func ResolveUDPAddr(network, address string) (*UDPAddr, error)

  • func (a *UDPAddr) Network() string

  • func (a *UDPAddr) String() string

  • type UDPConn

  • func DialUDP(network string, laddr, raddr *UDPAddr) (*UDPConn, error)

  • func ListenMulticastUDP(network string, ifi *Interface, gaddr *UDPAddr) (*UDPConn, error)

  • func ListenUDP(network string, laddr *UDPAddr) (*UDPConn, error)

  • func (c *UDPConn) Close() error

  • func (c *UDPConn) File() (f *os.File, err error)

  • func (c *UDPConn) LocalAddr() Addr

  • func (c *UDPConn) Read(b []byte) (int, error)

  • func (c *UDPConn) ReadFrom(b []byte) (int, Addr, error)

  • func (c *UDPConn) ReadFromUDP(b []byte) (int, *UDPAddr, error)

  • func (c *UDPConn) ReadMsgUDP(b, oob []byte) (n, oobn, flags int, addr *UDPAddr, err error)

  • func (c *UDPConn) RemoteAddr() Addr

  • func (c *UDPConn) SetDeadline(t time.Time) error

  • func (c *UDPConn) SetReadBuffer(bytes int) error

  • func (c *UDPConn) SetReadDeadline(t time.Time) error

  • func (c *UDPConn) SetWriteBuffer(bytes int) error

  • func (c *UDPConn) SetWriteDeadline(t time.Time) error

  • func (c *UDPConn) SyscallConn() (syscall.RawConn, error)

  • func (c *UDPConn) Write(b []byte) (int, error)

  • func (c *UDPConn) WriteMsgUDP(b, oob []byte, addr *UDPAddr) (n, oobn int, err error)

  • func (c *UDPConn) WriteTo(b []byte, addr Addr) (int, error)

  • func (c *UDPConn) WriteToUDP(b []byte, addr *UDPAddr) (int, error)

  • type UnixAddr

  • func ResolveUnixAddr(network, address string) (*UnixAddr, error)

  • func (a *UnixAddr) Network() string

  • func (a *UnixAddr) String() string

  • type UnixConn

  • func DialUnix(network string, laddr, raddr *UnixAddr) (*UnixConn, error)

  • func ListenUnixgram(network string, laddr *UnixAddr) (*UnixConn, error)

  • func (c *UnixConn) Close() error

  • func (c *UnixConn) CloseRead() error

  • func (c *UnixConn) CloseWrite() error

  • func (c *UnixConn) File() (f *os.File, err error)

  • func (c *UnixConn) LocalAddr() Addr

  • func (c *UnixConn) Read(b []byte) (int, error)

  • func (c *UnixConn) ReadFrom(b []byte) (int, Addr, error)

  • func (c *UnixConn) ReadFromUnix(b []byte) (int, *UnixAddr, error)

  • func (c *UnixConn) ReadMsgUnix(b, oob []byte) (n, oobn, flags int, addr *UnixAddr, err error)

  • func (c *UnixConn) RemoteAddr() Addr

  • func (c *UnixConn) SetDeadline(t time.Time) error

  • func (c *UnixConn) SetReadBuffer(bytes int) error

  • func (c *UnixConn) SetReadDeadline(t time.Time) error

  • func (c *UnixConn) SetWriteBuffer(bytes int) error

  • func (c *UnixConn) SetWriteDeadline(t time.Time) error

  • func (c *UnixConn) SyscallConn() (syscall.RawConn, error)

  • func (c *UnixConn) Write(b []byte) (int, error)

  • func (c *UnixConn) WriteMsgUnix(b, oob []byte, addr *UnixAddr) (n, oobn int, err error)

  • func (c *UnixConn) WriteTo(b []byte, addr Addr) (int, error)

  • func (c *UnixConn) WriteToUnix(b []byte, addr *UnixAddr) (int, error)

  • type UnixListener

  • func ListenUnix(network string, laddr *UnixAddr) (*UnixListener, error)

  • func (l *UnixListener) Accept() (Conn, error)

  • func (l *UnixListener) AcceptUnix() (*UnixConn, error)

  • func (l *UnixListener) Addr() Addr

  • func (l *UnixListener) Close() error

  • func (l *UnixListener) File() (f *os.File, err error)

  • func (l *UnixListener) SetDeadline(t time.Time) error

  • func (l *UnixListener) SetUnlinkOnClose(unlink bool)

  • type UnknownNetworkError

  • func (e UnknownNetworkError) Error() string

  • func (e UnknownNetworkError) Temporary() bool

  • func (e UnknownNetworkError) Timeout() bool

  • Bugs




addrselect.go cgo_stub.go conf.go dial.go dnsclient.go dnsclient_unix.go dnsconfig_unix.go dnsmsg.go error_posix.go fd_unix.go file.go file_unix.go hook.go hook_unix.go hosts.go interface.go interface_linux.go ip.go iprawsock.go iprawsock_posix.go ipsock.go ipsock_posix.go lookup.go lookup_unix.go mac.go net.go nss.go parse.go pipe.go port.go port_unix.go rawconn.go sendfile_linux.go sock_cloexec.go sock_linux.go sock_posix.go sockopt_linux.go sockopt_posix.go sockoptip_linux.go sockoptip_posix.go tcpsock.go tcpsock_posix.go tcpsockopt_posix.go tcpsockopt_unix.go udpsock.go udpsock_posix.go unixsock.go unixsock_posix.go writev_unix.go



const ( IPv4len = 4 IPv6len = 16 )



var ( IPv4bcast = IPv4(255, 255, 255, 255) // limited broadcast IPv4allsys = IPv4(224, 0, 0, 1) // all systems IPv4allrouter = IPv4(224, 0, 0, 2) // all routers IPv4zero = IPv4(0, 0, 0, 0) // all zeros )


var ( IPv6zero = IP{0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0} IPv6unspecified = IP{0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0} IPv6loopback = IP{0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1} IPv6interfacelocalallnodes = IP{0xff, 0x01, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0x01} IPv6linklocalallnodes = IP{0xff, 0x02, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0x01} IPv6linklocalallrouters = IP{0xff, 0x02, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0x02} )


var DefaultResolver = &Resolver{}


var ( ErrWriteToConnected = errors.New("use of WriteTo with pre-connected connection") )

func InterfaceAddrs(显示源代码)

func InterfaceAddrs() ([]Addr, error)


返回的列表不标识关联的接口; 使用Interfaces和Interface.Addrs获取更多细节。

func Interfaces(显示源文件)

func Interfaces() ([]Interface, error)


func JoinHostPort(显示源文件)

func JoinHostPort(host, port string) string



func LookupAddr(显示源文件)

func LookupAddr(addr string) (names []string, err error)



func LookupCNAME(显示源文件)

func LookupCNAME(host string) (cname string, err error)

LookupCNAME返回给定主机的规范名称。不关心规范名称的调用者可以直接调用LookupHost或LookupIP; 都将照顾解决规范名称作为查找的一部分。


func LookupHost(显示源文件)

func LookupHost(host string) (addrs []string, err error)


func LookupIP(显示源文件)

func LookupIP(host string) ([]IP, error)


func LookupMX(显示源文件)

func LookupMX(name string) ([]*MX, error)

LookupMX返回给定域名的DNS MX记录,并按喜好排序。

func LookupNS(显示源文件)

func LookupNS(name string) ([]*NS, error)

LookupNS返回给定域名的DNS NS记录。

func LookupPort(显示源文件)

func LookupPort(network, service string) (port int, err error)


func LookupSRV(显示源文件)

func LookupSRV(service, proto, name string) (cname string, addrs []*SRV, err error)


LookupSRV根据RFC 2782构建DNS名称以查找。也就是说,它查找。为了适应以非标准名称发布SRV记录的服务,如果service和proto都是空字符串,LookupSRV将直接查找名称。

func LookupTXT(显示源文件)

func LookupTXT(name string) ([]string, error)

LookupTXT返回给定域名的DNS TXT记录。

func SplitHostPort(显示源文件)

func SplitHostPort(hostport string) (host, port string, err error)


hostport中的文字IPv6地址必须用方括号括起来,如“:: 1:80”,“:: 1%lo0:80”中所示。

有关hostport参数以及主机和端口结果的说明,请参见func Dial。

type Addr(显示源文件)



type Addr interface { Network() string // name of the network (for example, "tcp", "udp") String() string // string form of address (for example, "", "[2001:db8::1]:80") }

type AddrError(显示源文件)

type AddrError struct { Err string Addr string }

func (*AddrError) Error(显示源文件)

func (e *AddrError) Error() string

func (*AddrError) Temporary(显示源文件)

func (e *AddrError) Temporary() bool

func (*AddrError) Timeout(显示源文件)

func (e *AddrError) Timeout() bool

type Buffers(显示源文件)

Buffers 包含零个或多个要写入的字节。


type Buffers [][]byte

func (*Buffers) Read(显示源文件)

func (v *Buffers) Read(p []byte) (n int, err error)

func (*Buffers) WriteTo(显示源文件)

func (v *Buffers) WriteTo(w io.Writer) (n int64, err error)

type Conn(显示源文件)



type Conn interface { // Read reads data from the connection. // Read can be made to time out and return an Error with Timeout() == true // after a fixed time limit; see SetDeadline and SetReadDeadline. Read(b []byte) (n int, err error) // Write writes data to the connection. // Write can be made to time out and return an Error with Timeout() == true // after a fixed time limit; see SetDeadline and SetWriteDeadline. Write(b []byte) (n int, err error) // Close closes the connection. // Any blocked Read or Write operations will be unblocked and return errors. Close() error // LocalAddr returns the local network address. LocalAddr() Addr // RemoteAddr returns the remote network address. RemoteAddr() Addr // SetDeadline sets the read and write deadlines associated // with the connection. It is equivalent to calling both // SetReadDeadline and SetWriteDeadline. // // A deadline is an absolute time after which I/O operations // fail with a timeout (see type Error) instead of // blocking. The deadline applies to all future and pending // I/O, not just the immediately following call to Read or // Write. After a deadline has been exceeded, the connection // can be refreshed by setting a deadline in the future. // // An idle timeout can be implemented by repeatedly extending // the deadline after successful Read or Write calls. // // A zero value for t means I/O operations will not time out. SetDeadline(t time.Time) error // SetReadDeadline sets the deadline for future Read calls // and any currently-blocked Read call. // A zero value for t means Read will not time out. SetReadDeadline(t time.Time) error // SetWriteDeadline sets the deadline for future Write calls // and any currently-blocked Write call. // Even if write times out, it may return n > 0, indicating that // some of the data was successfully written. // A zero value for t means Write will not time out. SetWriteDeadline(t time.Time) error }

func Dial(显示源文件)

func Dial(network, address string) (Conn, error)

Dial 连接到指定网络上的地址。

已知网络是“tcp”,“tcp4”(仅IPv4),“tcp6”(仅IPv6),“udp”,“udp4”(仅IPv4),“udp6”(仅IPv6),“ip” ,“ip4”(仅限IPv4),“ip6”(仅限IPv6),“unix”,“unixgram”和“unixpacket”。

对于TCP和UDP网络,地址格式为“主机:端口”。主机必须是文字IP地址或可以解析为IP地址的主机名。该端口必须是文字端口号或服务名称。如果主机是文字IPv6地址,则必须将其放在方括号中,如“2001:db8 :: 1:80”或“fe80 :: 1%zone:80”中所示。该区域指定RFC 4007中定义的文字IPv6地址的范围。函数JoinHostPort和SplitHostPort以这种形式操作一对主机和端口。当使用TCP,并且主机解析为多个IP地址时,Dial将按顺序尝试每个IP地址,直到成功为止。


Dial("tcp", "") Dial("tcp", "") Dial("tcp", "") Dial("udp", "[2001:db8::1]:domain") Dial("udp", "[fe80::1%lo0]:53") Dial("tcp", ":80")



Dial("ip4:1", "") Dial("ip6:ipv6-icmp", "2001:db8::1") Dial("ip6:58", "fe80::1%lo0")

对于TCP,UDP和IP网络,如果主机为空或文字未指定的IP地址,如TCP和UDP的“:80”,“”或“::: 80”,“”, IP为0.0.0.0“或”::“,则假定为本地系统。


func DialTimeout(显示源文件)

func DialTimeout(network, address string, timeout time.Duration) (Conn, error)




func FileConn(显示源文件)

func FileConn(f *os.File) (c Conn, err error)


func Pipe(显示源文件)

func Pipe() (Conn, Conn)

Pipe创建一个同步的内存中全双工网络连接; 两端都实现了Conn接口。一端的读取与另一端的写入相匹配,在两者之间直接复制数据; 没有内部缓冲。

type DNSConfigError(显示源文件)


type DNSConfigError struct { Err error }

func (*DNSConfigError) Error(显示源文件)

func (e *DNSConfigError) Error() string

func (*DNSConfigError) Temporary(显示源文件)

func (e *DNSConfigError) Temporary() bool

func (*DNSConfigError) Timeout(显示源文件)

func (e *DNSConfigError) Timeout() bool

type DNSError(显示源文件)


type DNSError struct { Err string // description of the error Name string // name looked for Server string // server used IsTimeout bool // if true, timed out; not all timeouts set this IsTemporary bool // if true, error is temporary; not all errors set this }

func (*DNSError) Error(显示源文件)

func (e *DNSError) Error() string

func (*DNSError) Temporary(显示源文件)

func (e *DNSError) Temporary() bool

Temporary报告是否知道DNS错误是暂时的。这并不总是已知的; 由于临时错误,DNS查找可能会失败并返回Temporary返回false的DNSError。

func (*DNSError) Timeout(显示源文件)

func (e *DNSError) Timeout() bool

Timeout报告DNS查询是否已知超时。这并不总是已知的; DNS查找可能由于超时而失败,并返回Timeout返回false的DNSError。

type Dialer(显示源文件)



type Dialer struct { // Timeout is the maximum amount of time a dial will wait for // a connect to complete. If Deadline is also set, it may fail // earlier. // // The default is no timeout. // // When using TCP and dialing a host name with multiple IP // addresses, the timeout may be divided between them. // // With or without a timeout, the operating system may impose // its own earlier timeout. For instance, TCP timeouts are // often around 3 minutes. Timeout time.Duration // Deadline is the absolute point in time after which dials // will fail. If Timeout is set, it may fail earlier. // Zero means no deadline, or dependent on the operating system // as with the Timeout option. Deadline time.Time // LocalAddr is the local address to use when dialing an // address. The address must be of a compatible type for the // network being dialed. // If nil, a local address is automatically chosen. LocalAddr Addr // DualStack enables RFC 6555-compliant "Happy Eyeballs" // dialing when the network is "tcp" and the host in the // address parameter resolves to both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses. // This allows a client to tolerate networks where one address // family is silently broken. DualStack bool // FallbackDelay specifies the length of time to wait before // spawning a fallback connection, when DualStack is enabled. // If zero, a default delay of 300ms is used. FallbackDelay time.Duration // KeepAlive specifies the keep-alive period for an active // network connection. // If zero, keep-alives are not enabled. Network protocols // that do not support keep-alives ignore this field. KeepAlive time.Duration // Resolver optionally specifies an alternate resolver to use. Resolver *Resolver // Cancel is an optional channel whose closure indicates that // the dial should be canceled. Not all types of dials support // cancelation. // // Deprecated: Use DialContext instead. Cancel <-chan struct{} }

func (*Dialer) Dial(显示源文件)

func (d *Dialer) Dial(network, address string) (Conn, error)

Dial 连接到指定网络上的地址。

请参阅func Dial以获取网络和地址参数的说明。

func (*Dialer) DialContext(显示源文件)

func (d *Dialer) DialContext(ctx context.Context, network, address string) (Conn, error)




请参阅func Dial以获取网络和地址参数的说明。

type Error(显示源文件)


type Error interface { error Timeout() bool // Is the error a timeout? Temporary() bool // Is the error temporary? }

type Flags(显示源文件)

type Flags uint

const ( FlagUp Flags = 1 << iota // interface is up FlagBroadcast // interface supports broadcast access capability FlagLoopback // interface is a loopback interface FlagPointToPoint // interface belongs to a point-to-point link FlagMulticast // interface supports multicast access capability )

func (Flags) String(显示源文件)

func (f Flags) String() string

type HardwareAddr(显示源文件)


type HardwareAddr []byte

func ParseMAC(显示源文件)

func ParseMAC(s string) (hw HardwareAddr, err error)

ParseMAC使用以下格式之一将IEEE 802 MAC-48,EUI-48,EUI-64或20-octet IP over InfiniBand链路层地址解析为:

01:23:45:67:89:ab 01:23:45:67:89:ab:cd:ef 01:23:45:67:89:ab:cd:ef:00:00:01:23:45:67:89:ab:cd:ef:00:00 01-23-45-67-89-ab 01-23-45-67-89-ab-cd-ef 01-23-45-67-89-ab-cd-ef-00-00-01-23-45-67-89-ab-cd-ef-00-00 0123.4567.89ab 0123.4567.89ab.cdef 0123.4567.89ab.cdef.0000.0123.4567.89ab.cdef.0000

func (HardwareAddr) String(显示源文件)

func (a HardwareAddr) String() string

type IP(显示源文件)



type IP []byte

func IPv4(显示源文件)

func IPv4(a, b, c, d byte) IP



package main import ( "fmt" "net" ) func main() { fmt.Println(net.IPv4(8, 8, 8, 8)) }

func ParseCIDR(显示源文件)

func ParseCIDR(s string) (IP, *IPNet, error)

ParseCIDR将s解析为CIDR表示法IP地址和前缀长度,如RFC 4632和RFC 4291中定义的“”或“2001:db8 :: / 32”。



package main import ( "fmt" "log" "net" ) func main() { ipv4Addr, ipv4Net, err := net.ParseCIDR("") if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } fmt.Println(ipv4Addr) fmt.Println(ipv4Net) ipv6Addr, ipv6Net, err := net.ParseCIDR("2001:db8:a0b:12f0::1/32") if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } fmt.Println(ipv6Addr) fmt.Println(ipv6Net) }

func ParseIP(显示源文件)

func ParseIP(s string) IP

ParseIP将s解析为IP地址,并返回结果。字符串s可以采用点分十进制(“”)或IPv6(“2001:db8 :: 68”)形式。如果s不是IP地址的有效文本表示,则ParseIP返回nil。


package main import ( "fmt" "net" ) func main() { fmt.Println(net.ParseIP("")) fmt.Println(net.ParseIP("2001:db8::68")) fmt.Println(net.ParseIP("192.0.2")) }

func (IP) DefaultMask(显示源文件)

func (ip IP) DefaultMask() IPMask

DefaultMask返回IP地址ip的默认IP掩码。只有IPv4地址具有默认掩码; 如果ip不是有效的IPv4地址,则DefaultMask返回nil。


package main import ( "fmt" "net" ) func main() { ip := net.ParseIP("") fmt.Println(ip.DefaultMask()) }

func (IP) Equal(显示源文件)

func (ip IP) Equal(x IP) bool

Equal 报告ip和x是否是相同的IP地址。IPv4地址和IPv6形式的相同地址被认为是相同的。

func (IP) IsGlobalUnicast(显示源文件)

func (ip IP) IsGlobalUnicast() bool


全局单播地址的标识使用RFC 1122,RFC 4632和RFC 4291中定义的地址类型标识,但IPv4定向广播地址除外。即使ip位于IPv4专用地址空间或本地IPv6单播地址空间,它也会返回true。

func (IP) IsInterfaceLocalMulticast(显示源文件)

func (ip IP) IsInterfaceLocalMulticast() bool


func (IP) IsLinkLocalMulticast(显示源文件)

func (ip IP) IsLinkLocalMulticast() bool


func (IP) IsLinkLocalUnicast(显示源文件)

func (ip IP) IsLinkLocalUnicast() bool


func (IP) IsLoopback(显示源文件)

func (ip IP) IsLoopback() bool


func (IP) IsMulticast(显示源文件)

func (ip IP) IsMulticast() bool


func (IP) IsUnspecified(显示源文件)

func (ip IP) IsUnspecified() bool


func (IP) MarshalText(显示源文件)

func (ip IP) MarshalText() ([]byte, error)


func (IP) Mask(显示源文件)

func (ip IP) Mask(mask IPMask) IP



package main import ( "fmt" "net" ) func main() { ipv4Addr := net.ParseIP("") // This mask corresponds to a /24 subnet for IPv4. ipv4Mask := net.CIDRMask(24, 32) fmt.Println(ipv4Addr.Mask(ipv4Mask)) ipv6Addr := net.ParseIP("2001:db8:a0b:12f0::1") // This mask corresponds to a /32 subnet for IPv6. ipv6Mask := net.CIDRMask(32, 128) fmt.Println(ipv6Addr.Mask(ipv6Mask)) }

func (IP) String(显示源文件)

func (ip IP) String() string


- "<nil>", if ip has length 0 - dotted decimal (""), if ip is an IPv4 or IP4-mapped IPv6 address - IPv6 ("2001:db8::1"), if ip is a valid IPv6 address - the hexadecimal form of ip, without punctuation, if no other cases apply

func (IP) To16(显示源文件)

func (ip IP) To16() IP


func (IP) To4(显示源文件)

func (ip IP) To4() IP


func (*IP) UnmarshalText(显示源文件)

func (ip *IP) UnmarshalText(text []byte) error


type IPAddr(显示源文件)


type IPAddr struct { IP IP Zone string // IPv6 scoped addressing zone }

func ResolveIPAddr(显示源文件)

func ResolveIPAddr(network, address string) (*IPAddr, error)





func (*IPAddr) Network(显示源文件)

func (a *IPAddr) Network() string


func (*IPAddr) String(显示源文件)

func (a *IPAddr) String() string

type IPConn(显示源文件)


type IPConn struct { // contains filtered or unexported fields }

func DialIP(显示源文件)

func DialIP(network string, laddr, raddr *IPAddr) (*IPConn, error)


网络必须是IP网络名称; 详情请参阅功能表。


func ListenIP(显示源文件)

func ListenIP(network string, laddr *IPAddr) (*IPConn, error)


网络必须是IP网络名称; 详情请参阅功能表。


func (*IPConn) Close(显示源文件)

func (c *IPConn) Close() error


func (*IPConn) File(显示源文件)

func (c *IPConn) File() (f *os.File, err error)



func (*IPConn) LocalAddr(显示源文件)

func (c *IPConn) LocalAddr() Addr


func (*IPConn) Read(显示源文件)

func (c *IPConn) Read(b []byte) (int, error)

Read实现Conn Read方法。

func (*IPConn) ReadFrom(显示源文件)

func (c *IPConn) ReadFrom(b []byte) (int, Addr, error)

ReadFrom实现PacketConn ReadFrom方法。

func (*IPConn) ReadFromIP(显示源文件)

func (c *IPConn) ReadFromIP(b []byte) (int, *IPAddr, error)


func (*IPConn) ReadMsgIP(显示源文件)

func (c *IPConn) ReadMsgIP(b, oob []byte) (n, oobn, flags int, addr *IPAddr, err error)



func (*IPConn) RemoteAddr(显示源文件)

func (c *IPConn) RemoteAddr() Addr


func (*IPConn) SetDeadline(显示源文件)

func (c *IPConn) SetDeadline(t time.Time) error

SetDeadline实现Conn SetDeadline方法。

func (*IPConn) SetReadBuffer(显示源文件)

func (c *IPConn) SetReadBuffer(bytes int) error


func (*IPConn) SetReadDeadline(显示源文件)

func (c *IPConn) SetReadDeadline(t time.Time) error

SetReadDeadline实现Conn SetReadDeadline方法。

func (*IPConn) SetWriteBuffer(显示源文件)

func (c *IPConn) SetWriteBuffer(bytes int) error


func (*IPConn) SetWriteDeadline(显示源文件)

func (c *IPConn) SetWriteDeadline(t time.Time) error

SetWriteDeadline实现Conn SetWriteDeadline方法。

func (*IPConn) SyscallConn(显示源文件)

func (c *IPConn) SyscallConn() (syscall.RawConn, error)


func (*IPConn) Write(显示源文件)

func (c *IPConn) Write(b []byte) (int, error)

Write实现了Conn Write方法。

func (*IPConn) WriteMsgIP(显示源文件)

func (c *IPConn) WriteMsgIP(b, oob []byte, addr *IPAddr) (n, oobn int, err error)



func (*IPConn) WriteTo(显示源文件)

func (c *IPConn) WriteTo(b []byte, addr Addr) (int, error)

WriteTo实现PacketConn WriteTo方法。

func (*IPConn) WriteToIP(显示源文件)

func (c *IPConn) WriteToIP(b []byte, addr *IPAddr) (int, error)


type IPMask(显示源文件)

IP mask是一个IP地址。

type IPMask []byte

func CIDRMask(显示源文件)

func CIDRMask(ones, bits int) IPMask

CIDRMask返回由ones' 1 bits followed by 0s up to a total length of比特位组成的IPMask 。对于这种形式的掩码,CIDRMask是IPMask.Size的反转。


package main import ( "fmt" "net" ) func main() { // This mask corresponds to a /31 subnet for IPv4. fmt.Println(net.CIDRMask(31, 32)) // This mask corresponds to a /64 subnet for IPv6. fmt.Println(net.CIDRMask(64, 128)) }

func IPv4Mask(显示源文件)

func IPv4Mask(a, b, c, d byte) IPMask



package main import ( "fmt" "net" ) func main() { fmt.Println(net.IPv4Mask(255, 255, 255, 0)) }

func (IPMask) Size(显示源文件)

func (m IPMask) Size() (ones, bits int)

Size返回掩码中的前导数和总位数。如果掩码不是规范形式 - 其后是零,则Size返回0,0。

func (IPMask) String(显示源文件)

func (m IPMask) String() string


type IPNet(显示源文件)


type IPNet struct { IP IP // network number Mask IPMask // network mask }

func (*IPNet) Contains(显示源文件)

func (n *IPNet) Contains(ip IP) bool


func (*IPNet) Network(显示源文件)

func (n *IPNet) Network() string

Network返回地址的网络名称,“ip + net”。

func (*IPNet) String(显示源文件)

func (n *IPNet) String() string

如RFC 4632和RFC 4291中定义的那样,字符串返回n的CIDR表示法,如“”或“2001:db8 :: / 48”。如果掩码不是规范形式,则返回包含的IP地址,后跟一个斜杠字符和一个以十六进制形式表示的掩码,没有像“”这样的标点符号。

type Interface(显示源文件)


type Interface struct { Index int // positive integer that starts at one, zero is never used MTU int // maximum transmission unit Name string // e.g., "en0", "lo0", "eth0.100" HardwareAddr HardwareAddr // IEEE MAC-48, EUI-48 and EUI-64 form Flags Flags // e.g., FlagUp, FlagLoopback, FlagMulticast }

func InterfaceByIndex(显示源文件)

func InterfaceByIndex(index int) (*Interface, error)


在Solaris上,它将返回共享逻辑数据链接的逻辑网络接口之一; 为了更精确的使用InterfaceByName。

func InterfaceByName(显示源文件)

func InterfaceByName(name string) (*Interface, error)


func (*Interface) Addrs(显示源文件)

func (ifi *Interface) Addrs() ([]Addr, error)


func (*Interface) MulticastAddrs(显示源文件)

func (ifi *Interface) MulticastAddrs() ([]Addr, error)


type InvalidAddrError(显示源文件)

type InvalidAddrError string

func (InvalidAddrError) Error(显示源文件)

func (e InvalidAddrError) Error() string

func (InvalidAddrError) Temporary(显示源文件)

func (e InvalidAddrError) Temporary() bool

func (InvalidAddrError) Timeout(显示源文件)

func (e InvalidAddrError) Timeout() bool

type Listener(显示源文件)

Listener 是面向流的协议的通用网络监听器。


type Listener interface { // Accept waits for and returns the next connection to the listener. Accept() (Conn, error) // Close closes the listener. // Any blocked Accept operations will be unblocked and return errors. Close() error // Addr returns the listener's network address. Addr() Addr }


package main import ( "io" "log" "net" ) func main() { // Listen on TCP port 2000 on all available unicast and // anycast IP addresses of the local system. l, err := net.Listen("tcp", ":2000") if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } defer l.Close() for { // Wait for a connection. conn, err := l.Accept() if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } // Handle the connection in a new goroutine. // The loop then returns to accepting, so that // multiple connections may be served concurrently. go func(c net.Conn) { // Echo all incoming data. io.Copy(c, c) // Shut down the connection. c.Close() }(conn) } }

func FileListener(显示源文件)

func FileListener(f *os.File) (ln Listener, err error)


func Listen(显示源文件)

func Listen(network, address string) (Listener, error)



对于TCP网络,如果地址参数中的主机为空或文字未指定的IP地址,则Listen会监听本地系统的所有可用单播和任播IP地址。要仅使用IPv4,请使用网络“tcp4”。该地址可以使用主机名称,但不建议这样做,因为它将为主机的至多一个IP地址创建一个监听器。如果地址参数中的端口为空或“0”,如“”或“:: 1:0”中所示,则会自动选择一个端口号。Listener的Addr方法可用于发现所选端口。


type MX(显示源文件)

MX代表单个DNS MX记录。

type MX struct { Host string Pref uint16 }

type NS(显示源文件)

NS表示单个DNS NS记录。

type NS struct { Host string }

type OpError(显示源文件)


type OpError struct { // Op is the operation which caused the error, such as // "read" or "write". Op string // Net is the network type on which this error occurred, // such as "tcp" or "udp6". Net string // For operations involving a remote network connection, like // Dial, Read, or Write, Source is the corresponding local // network address. Source Addr // Addr is the network address for which this error occurred. // For local operations, like Listen or SetDeadline, Addr is // the address of the local endpoint being manipulated. // For operations involving a remote network connection, like // Dial, Read, or Write, Addr is the remote address of that // connection. Addr Addr // Err is the error that occurred during the operation. Err error }

func (*OpError) Error(显示源文件)

func (e *OpError) Error() string

func (*OpError) Temporary(显示源文件)

func (e *OpError) Temporary() bool

func (*OpError) Timeout(显示源文件)

func (e *OpError) Timeout() bool

type PacketConn(显示源文件)



type PacketConn interface { // ReadFrom reads a packet from the connection, // copying the payload into b. It returns the number of // bytes copied into b and the return address that // was on the packet. // ReadFrom can be made to time out and return // an Error with Timeout() == true after a fixed time limit; // see SetDeadline and SetReadDeadline. ReadFrom(b []byte) (n int, addr Addr, err error) // WriteTo writes a packet with payload b to addr. // WriteTo can be made to time out and return // an Error with Timeout() == true after a fixed time limit; // see SetDeadline and SetWriteDeadline. // On packet-oriented connections, write timeouts are rare. WriteTo(b []byte, addr Addr) (n int, err error) // Close closes the connection. // Any blocked ReadFrom or WriteTo operations will be unblocked and return errors. Close() error // LocalAddr returns the local network address. LocalAddr() Addr // SetDeadline sets the read and write deadlines associated // with the connection. It is equivalent to calling both // SetReadDeadline and SetWriteDeadline. // // A deadline is an absolute time after which I/O operations // fail with a timeout (see type Error) instead of // blocking. The deadline applies to all future and pending // I/O, not just the immediately following call to ReadFrom or // WriteTo. After a deadline has been exceeded, the connection // can be refreshed by setting a deadline in the future. // // An idle timeout can be implemented by repeatedly extending // the deadline after successful ReadFrom or WriteTo calls. // // A zero value for t means I/O operations will not time out. SetDeadline(t time.Time) error // SetReadDeadline sets the deadline for future ReadFrom calls // and any currently-blocked ReadFrom call. // A zero value for t means ReadFrom will not time out. SetReadDeadline(t time.Time) error // SetWriteDeadline sets the deadline for future WriteTo calls // and any currently-blocked WriteTo call. // Even if write times out, it may return n > 0, indicating that // some of the data was successfully written. // A zero value for t means WriteTo will not time out. SetWriteDeadline(t time.Time) error }

func FilePacketConn(显示源文件)

func FilePacketConn(f *os.File) (c PacketConn, err error)


func ListenPacket(显示源文件)

func ListenPacket(network, address string) (PacketConn, error)



对于UDP和IP网络,如果地址参数中的主机为空或文字未指定的IP地址,则ListenPacket侦听本地系统除组播IP地址以外的所有可用IP地址。要仅使用IPv4,请使用网络“udp4”或“ip4:proto”。该地址可以使用主机名称,但不建议这样做,因为它将为主机的至多一个IP地址创建一个监听器。如果地址参数中的端口为空或“0”,如“”或“:: 1:0”中所示,则会自动选择一个端口号。PacketConn的LocalAddr方法可用于发现所选端口。

请参阅func Dial以获取网络和地址参数的说明。

type ParseError(显示源文件)


type ParseError struct { // Type is the type of string that was expected, such as // "IP address", "CIDR address". Type string // Text is the malformed text string. Text string }

func (*ParseError) Error(显示源文件)

func (e *ParseError) Error() string

type Resolver(显示源文件)



type Resolver struct { // PreferGo controls whether Go's built-in DNS resolver is preferred // on platforms where it's available. It is equivalent to setting // GODEBUG=netdns=go, but scoped to just this resolver. PreferGo bool // StrictErrors controls the behavior of temporary errors // (including timeout, socket errors, and SERVFAIL) when using // Go's built-in resolver. For a query composed of multiple // sub-queries (such as an A+AAAA address lookup, or walking the // DNS search list), this option causes such errors to abort the // whole query instead of returning a partial result. This is // not enabled by default because it may affect compatibility // with resolvers that process AAAA queries incorrectly. StrictErrors bool // Dial optionally specifies an alternate dialer for use by // Go's built-in DNS resolver to make TCP and UDP connections // to DNS services. The host in the address parameter will // always be a literal IP address and not a host name, and the // port in the address parameter will be a literal port number // and not a service name. // If the Conn returned is also a PacketConn, sent and received DNS // messages must adhere to RFC 1035 section 4.2.1, "UDP usage". // Otherwise, DNS messages transmitted over Conn must adhere // to RFC 7766 section 5, "Transport Protocol Selection". // If nil, the default dialer is used. Dial func(ctx context.Context, network, address string) (Conn, error) }

func (*Resolver) LookupAddr(显示源文件)

func (r *Resolver) LookupAddr(ctx context.Context, addr string) (names []string, err error)


func (*Resolver) LookupCNAME(显示源文件)

func (r *Resolver) LookupCNAME(ctx context.Context, host string) (cname string, err error)

LookupCNAME返回给定主机的规范名称。不关心规范名称的调用者可以直接调用LookupHost或LookupIP; 都将照顾解决规范名称作为查找的一部分。


func (*Resolver) LookupHost(显示源文件)

func (r *Resolver) LookupHost(ctx context.Context, host string) (addrs []string, err error)


func (*Resolver) LookupIPAddr(显示源文件)

func (r *Resolver) LookupIPAddr(ctx context.Context, host string) ([]IPAddr, error)


func (*Resolver) LookupMX(显示源文件)

func (r *Resolver) LookupMX(ctx context.Context, name string) ([]*MX, error)

LookupMX返回给定域名的DNS MX记录,并按喜好排序。

func (*Resolver) LookupNS(显示源文件)

func (r *Resolver) LookupNS(ctx context.Context, name string) ([]*NS, error)

LookupNS返回给定域名的DNS NS记录。

func (*Resolver) LookupPort(显示源文件)

func (r *Resolver) LookupPort(ctx context.Context, network, service string) (port int, err error)


func (*Resolver) LookupSRV(显示源文件)

func (r *Resolver) LookupSRV(ctx context.Context, service, proto, name string) (cname string, addrs []*SRV, err error)


LookupSRV根据RFC 2782构建DNS名称以查找。也就是说,它查找。为了适应以非标准名称发布SRV记录的服务,如果service和proto都是空字符串,LookupSRV将直接查找名称。

func (*Resolver) LookupTXT(显示源文件)

func (r *Resolver) LookupTXT(ctx context.Context, name string) ([]string, error)

LookupTXT返回给定域名的DNS TXT记录。

type SRV(显示源文件)


type SRV struct { Target string Port uint16 Priority uint16 Weight uint16 }

type TCPAddr(显示源文件)


type TCPAddr struct { IP IP Port int Zone string // IPv6 scoped addressing zone }

func ResolveTCPAddr(显示源文件)

func ResolveTCPAddr(network, address string) (*TCPAddr, error)




请参阅func Dial以获取网络和地址参数的说明。

func (*TCPAddr) Network(显示源文件)

func (a *TCPAddr) Network() string


func (*TCPAddr) String(显示源文件)

func (a *TCPAddr) String() string

type TCPConn(显示源文件)


type TCPConn struct { // contains filtered or unexported fields }

func DialTCP(显示源文件)

func DialTCP(network string, laddr, raddr *TCPAddr) (*TCPConn, error)


网络必须是TCP网络名称; 详情请参阅功能表。


func (*TCPConn) Close(显示源文件)

func (c *TCPConn) Close() error


func (*TCPConn) CloseRead(显示源文件)

func (c *TCPConn) CloseRead() error


func (*TCPConn) CloseWrite(显示源文件)

func (c *TCPConn) CloseWrite() error


func (*TCPConn) File(显示源文件)

func (c *TCPConn) File() (f *os.File, err error)



func (*TCPConn) LocalAddr(显示源文件)

func (c *TCPConn) LocalAddr() Addr


func (*TCPConn) Read(显示源文件)

func (c *TCPConn) Read(b []byte) (int, error)

Read实现Conn Read方法。

func (*TCPConn) ReadFrom(显示源文件)

func (c *TCPConn) ReadFrom(r io.Reader) (int64, error)

ReadFrom实现了io.ReaderFrom ReadFrom方法。

func (*TCPConn) RemoteAddr(显示源文件)

func (c *TCPConn) RemoteAddr() Addr


func (*TCPConn) SetDeadline(显示源文件)

func (c *TCPConn) SetDeadline(t time.Time) error

SetDeadline实现Conn SetDeadline方法。

func (*TCPConn) SetKeepAlive(显示源文件)

func (c *TCPConn) SetKeepAlive(keepalive bool) error


func (*TCPConn) SetKeepAlivePeriod(显示源文件)

func (c *TCPConn) SetKeepAlivePeriod(d time.Duration) error


func (*TCPConn) SetLinger(显示源文件)

func (c *TCPConn) SetLinger(sec int) error


如果sec <0(默认值),操作系统将在后台完成数据发送。

如果sec == 0,操作系统会丢弃任何未发送或未确认的数据。

如果sec> 0,则数据在sec <0时在后台发送。在某些操作系统中,经过秒秒后,剩余的未发送数据可能会被丢弃。

func (*TCPConn) SetNoDelay(显示源文件)

func (c *TCPConn) SetNoDelay(noDelay bool) error


func (*TCPConn) SetReadBuffer(显示源文件)

func (c *TCPConn) SetReadBuffer(bytes int) error


func (*TCPConn) SetReadDeadline(显示源文件)

func (c *TCPConn) SetReadDeadline(t time.Time) error

SetReadDeadline实现Conn SetReadDeadline方法。

func (*TCPConn) SetWriteBuffer(显示源文件)

func (c *TCPConn) SetWriteBuffer(bytes int) error


func (*TCPConn) SetWriteDeadline(显示源文件)

func (c *TCPConn) SetWriteDeadline(t time.Time) error

SetWriteDeadline实现Conn SetWriteDeadline方法。

func (*TCPConn) SyscallConn(显示源文件)

func (c *TCPConn) SyscallConn() (syscall.RawConn, error)


func (*TCPConn) Write(显示源文件)

func (c *TCPConn) Write(b []byte) (int, error)

Write实现了Conn Write方法。

type TCPListener(显示源文件)


type TCPListener struct { // contains filtered or unexported fields }

func ListenTCP(显示源文件)

func ListenTCP(network string, laddr *TCPAddr) (*TCPListener, error)


网络必须是TCP网络名称; 详情请参阅功能表。


func (*TCPListener) Accept(显示源文件)

func (l *TCPListener) Accept() (Conn, error)

Accept在Listener接口中实现Accept方法; 它等待下一个呼叫并返回一个通用的Conn。

func (*TCPListener) AcceptTCP(显示源文件)

func (l *TCPListener) AcceptTCP() (*TCPConn, error)


func (*TCPListener) Addr(显示源文件)

func (l *TCPListener) Addr() Addr

Addr返回侦听器的网络地址,一个* TCPAddr。Addr返回的所有调用共享,所以不要修改它。

func (*TCPListener) Close(显示源文件)

func (l *TCPListener) Close() error


func (*TCPListener) File(显示源文件)

func (l *TCPListener) File() (f *os.File, err error)



func (*TCPListener) SetDeadline(显示源文件)

func (l *TCPListener) SetDeadline(t time.Time) error


type UDPAddr(显示源文件)


type UDPAddr struct { IP IP Port int Zone string // IPv6 scoped addressing zone }

func ResolveUDPAddr(显示源文件)

func ResolveUDPAddr(network, address string) (*UDPAddr, error)




请参阅func Dial以获取网络和地址参数的说明。

func (*UDPAddr) Network(显示源文件)

func (a *UDPAddr) Network() string


func (*UDPAddr) String(显示源文件)

func (a *UDPAddr) String() string

type UDPConn(显示源文件)


type UDPConn struct { // contains filtered or unexported fields }

func DialUDP(显示源文件)

func DialUDP(network string, laddr, raddr *UDPAddr) (*UDPConn, error)


网络必须是UDP网络名称; 详情请参阅功能表。


func ListenMulticastUDP(显示源文件)

func ListenMulticastUDP(network string, ifi *Interface, gaddr *UDPAddr) (*UDPConn, error)


网络必须是UDP网络名称; 详情请参阅功能表。



func ListenUDP(显示源文件)

func ListenUDP(network string, laddr *UDPAddr) (*UDPConn, error)


网络必须是UDP网络名称; 详情请参阅功能表。


func (*UDPConn) Close(显示源文件)

func (c *UDPConn) Close() error


func (*UDPConn) File(显示源文件)

func (c *UDPConn) File() (f *os.File, err error)



func (*UDPConn) LocalAddr(显示源文件)

func (c *UDPConn) LocalAddr() Addr


func (*UDPConn) Read(显示源文件)

func (c *UDPConn) Read(b []byte) (int, error)

Read实现Conn Read方法。

func (*UDPConn) ReadFrom(显示源文件)

func (c *UDPConn) ReadFrom(b []byte) (int, Addr, error)

ReadFrom实现PacketConn ReadFrom方法。

func (*UDPConn) ReadFromUDP(显示源文件)

func (c *UDPConn) ReadFromUDP(b []byte) (int, *UDPAddr, error)


func (*UDPConn) ReadMsgUDP(显示源文件)

func (c *UDPConn) ReadMsgUDP(b, oob []byte) (n, oobn, flags int, addr *UDPAddr, err error)



func (*UDPConn) RemoteAddr(显示源文件)

func (c *UDPConn) RemoteAddr() Addr


func (*UDPConn) SetDeadline(显示源文件)

func (c *UDPConn) SetDeadline(t time.Time) error

SetDeadline实现Conn SetDeadline方法。

func (*UDPConn) SetReadBuffer(显示源文件)

func (c *UDPConn) SetReadBuffer(bytes int) error


func (*UDPConn) SetReadDeadline(显示源文件)

func (c *UDPConn) SetReadDeadline(t time.Time) error

SetReadDeadline实现Conn SetReadDeadline方法。

func (*UDPConn) SetWriteBuffer(显示源文件)

func (c *UDPConn) SetWriteBuffer(bytes int) error


func (*UDPConn) SetWriteDeadline(显示源文件)

func (c *UDPConn) SetWriteDeadline(t time.Time) error

SetWriteDeadline实现Conn SetWriteDeadline方法。

func (*UDPConn) SyscallConn(显示源文件)

func (c *UDPConn) SyscallConn() (syscall.RawConn, error)


func (*UDPConn) Write(显示源文件)

func (c *UDPConn) Write(b []byte) (int, error)

Write 实现了Conn Write方法。

func (*UDPConn) WriteMsgUDP(显示源文件)

func (c *UDPConn) WriteMsgUDP(b, oob []byte, addr *UDPAddr) (n, oobn int, err error)



func (*UDPConn) WriteTo(显示源文件)

func (c *UDPConn) WriteTo(b []byte, addr Addr) (int, error)

WriteTo实现PacketConn WriteTo方法。

func (*UDPConn) WriteToUDP(显示源文件)

func (c *UDPConn) WriteToUDP(b []byte, addr *UDPAddr) (int, error)


type UnixAddr(显示源文件)


type UnixAddr struct { Name string Net string }

func ResolveUnixAddr(显示源文件)

func ResolveUnixAddr(network, address string) (*UnixAddr, error)



请参阅func Dial以获取网络和地址参数的说明。

func (*UnixAddr) Network(显示源文件)

func (a *UnixAddr) Network() string


func (*UnixAddr) String(显示源文件)

func (a *UnixAddr) String() string

type UnixConn(显示源文件)


type UnixConn struct { // contains filtered or unexported fields }

func DialUnix(显示源文件)

func DialUnix(network string, laddr, raddr *UnixAddr) (*UnixConn, error)


network必须是Unix网络名称; 详情请参阅功能表。


func ListenUnixgram(显示源文件)

func ListenUnixgram(network string, laddr *UnixAddr) (*UnixConn, error)



func (*UnixConn) Close(显示源文件)

func (c *UnixConn) Close() error

Close 关闭连接。

func (*UnixConn) CloseRead(显示源文件)

func (c *UnixConn) CloseRead() error


func (*UnixConn) CloseWrite(显示源文件)

func (c *UnixConn) CloseWrite() error


func (*UnixConn) File(显示源文件)

func (c *UnixConn) File() (f *os.File, err error)



func (*UnixConn) LocalAddr(显示源文件)

func (c *UnixConn) LocalAddr() Addr


func (*UnixConn) Read(显示源文件)

func (c *UnixConn) Read(b []byte) (int, error)

Read实现Conn Read方法。

func (*UnixConn) ReadFrom(显示源文件)

func (c *UnixConn) ReadFrom(b []byte) (int, Addr, error)

ReadFrom实现PacketConn ReadFrom方法。

func (*UnixConn) ReadFromUnix(显示源文件)

func (c *UnixConn) ReadFromUnix(b []byte) (int, *UnixAddr, error)


func (*UnixConn) ReadMsgUnix(显示源文件)

func (c *UnixConn) ReadMsgUnix(b, oob []byte) (n, oobn, flags int, addr *UnixAddr, err error)


请注意,如果len(b)== 0并且len(oob)> 0,则此函数仍会从连接读取(并放弃)1个字节。

func (*UnixConn) RemoteAddr(显示源文件)

func (c *UnixConn) RemoteAddr() Addr


func (*UnixConn) SetDeadline(显示源文件)

func (c *UnixConn) SetDeadline(t time.Time) error

SetDeadline实现Conn SetDeadline方法。

func (*UnixConn) SetReadBuffer(显示源文件)

func (c *UnixConn) SetReadBuffer(bytes int) error


func (*UnixConn) SetReadDeadline(显示源文件)

func (c *UnixConn) SetReadDeadline(t time.Time) error

SetReadDeadline实现Conn SetReadDeadline方法。

func (*UnixConn) SetWriteBuffer(显示源文件)

func (c *UnixConn) SetWriteBuffer(bytes int) error


func (*UnixConn) SetWriteDeadline(显示源文件)

func (c *UnixConn) SetWriteDeadline(t time.Time) error

SetWriteDeadline实现Conn SetWriteDeadline方法。

func (*UnixConn) SyscallConn(显示源文件)

func (c *UnixConn) SyscallConn() (syscall.RawConn, error)


func (*UnixConn) Write(显示源文件)

func (c *UnixConn) Write(b []byte) (int, error)

Write实现了Conn Write方法。

func (*UnixConn) WriteMsgUnix(显示源文件)

func (c *UnixConn) WriteMsgUnix(b, oob []byte, addr *UnixAddr) (n, oobn int, err error)


请注意,如果len(b)== 0且len(oob)> 0,则此函数仍将写入1个字节的连接。

func (*UnixConn) WriteTo(显示源文件)

func (c *UnixConn) WriteTo(b []byte, addr Addr) (int, error)

WriteTo实现PacketConn WriteTo方法。

func (*UnixConn) WriteToUnix(显示源文件)

func (c *UnixConn) WriteToUnix(b []byte, addr *UnixAddr) (int, error)


type UnixListener(显示源文件)


type UnixListener struct { // contains filtered or unexported fields }

func ListenUnix(显示源文件)

func ListenUnix(network string, laddr *UnixAddr) (*UnixListener, error)

ListenUnix就像Listen for Unix网络一样。


func (*UnixListener) Accept(显示源文件)

func (l *UnixListener) Accept() (Conn, error)

Accept在Listener接口中实现Accept方法。返回的连接将是* UnixConn类型。

func (*UnixListener) AcceptUnix(显示源文件)

func (l *UnixListener) AcceptUnix() (*UnixConn, error)


func (*UnixListener) Addr(显示源文件)

func (l *UnixListener) Addr() Addr


func (*UnixListener) Close(显示源文件)

func (l *UnixListener) Close() error


func (*UnixListener) File(显示源文件)

func (l *UnixListener) File() (f *os.File, err error)



func (*UnixListener) SetDeadline(显示源文件)

func (l *UnixListener) SetDeadline(t time.Time) error


func (*UnixListener) SetUnlinkOnClose(显示源文件)

func (l *UnixListener) SetUnlinkOnClose(unlink bool)


默认行为是只有在package net创建套接字文件时才能解除套接字文件的链接。也就是说,当侦听器和底层套接字文件是通过调用Listen或ListenUnix创建的,那么默认关闭侦听器将删除套接字文件。但是如果侦听器是通过调用FileListener创建的,以使用已经存在的套接字文件,那么默认情况下,关闭侦听器将不会删除套接字文件。

type UnknownNetworkError(显示源文件)

type UnknownNetworkError string

func (UnknownNetworkError) Error(显示源文件)

func (e UnknownNetworkError) Error() string

func (UnknownNetworkError) Temporary(显示源文件)

func (e UnknownNetworkError) Temporary() bool

func (UnknownNetworkError) Timeout(显示源文件)

func (e UnknownNetworkError) Timeout() bool


  • 在NaCl和Windows上,FileConn,FileListener和FilePacketConn函数未实现。

  • 关于NaCl,与接口相关的方法和功能未实现。

  • 在DragonFly BSD,NetBSD,OpenBSD,Plan 9和Solaris上,Interface的MulticastAddrs方法未实现。

  • 在每个POSIX平台上,即使有可用空间,使用ReadFrom或ReadFromIP方法从“ip4”网络读取也可能不会返回完整的IPv4数据包,包括其头文件。即使在Read或ReadMsgIP可能返回完整数据包的情况下也可能发生这种情况。出于这个原因,如果接收完整数据包很重要,建议您不要使用这些方法。

Go 1兼容性准则使我们无法改变这些方法的行为; 改为使用Read或ReadMsgIP。

  • 在NaCl,Plan 9和Windows上,IPConn的ReadMsgIP和WriteMsgIP方法未实现。

  • 在Windows上,IPConn的File方法未实现。

  • 在DragonFly BSD和OpenBSD上,侦听“tcp”和“udp”网络不会侦听IPv4和IPv6连接。这是因为IPv4流量不会路由到IPv6套接字 - 如果要支持两个地址系列,则需要两个单独的套接字。详情请参阅inet6(4)。

  • 在Windows上,不执行syscall.RawConn的读写方法。

  • 在NaCl和Plan 9中,syscall.RawConn的控制,读取和写入方法未实现。

  • 在Windows上,TCPListener的File方法未实现。

  • 在NaCl,Plan 9和Windows中,UDPConn的ReadMsgUDP和WriteMsgUDP方法未实现。

  • 在Windows上,UDPConn的File方法未实现。

  • 在NaCl上,ListenMulticastUDP功能未实现。


cgi包cgi实现了RFC 3875中规定的CGI(通用网关接口)
cookiejar包cookiejar实现了符合内存RFC 6265的http.CookieJar。
rpc 软件包rpc通过网络或其他I/O连接提供对对象的导出方法的访问。
jsonrpc包jsonrpc为rpc包实现了一个JSON-RPC 1.0 ClientCodec和ServerCodec。
smtp包smtp实现了RFC 5321中定义的简单邮件传输协议
textprotoPackage textproto以HTTP,NNTP和SMTP的风格实现对基于文本的请求/响应协议的通用支持。
url 包url解析URL并实现查询转义。