

  • import "regexp/syntax"

  • 概述

  • 索引






. any character, possibly including newline (flag s=true) [xyz] character class [^xyz] negated character class \d Perl character class \D negated Perl character class [[:alpha:]] ASCII character class [[:^alpha:]] negated ASCII character class \pN Unicode character class (one-letter name) \p{Greek} Unicode character class \PN negated Unicode character class (one-letter name) \P{Greek} negated Unicode character class


xy x followed by y x|y x or y (prefer x)


x* zero or more x, prefer more x+ one or more x, prefer more x? zero or one x, prefer one x{n,m} n or n+1 or ... or m x, prefer more x{n,} n or more x, prefer more x{n} exactly n x x*? zero or more x, prefer fewer x+? one or more x, prefer fewer x?? zero or one x, prefer zero x{n,m}? n or n+1 or ... or m x, prefer fewer x{n,}? n or more x, prefer fewer x{n}? exactly n x

实施限制:计数形式x {n,m},x {n,}和x {n}拒绝创建超过1000的最小或最大重复次数的表单。无限重复不受此限制。


(re) numbered capturing group (submatch) (?P<name>re) named & numbered capturing group (submatch) (?:re) non-capturing group (?flags) set flags within current group; non-capturing (?flags:re) set flags during re; non-capturing Flag syntax is xyz (set) or -xyz (clear) or xy-z (set xy, clear z). The flags are: i case-insensitive (default false) m multi-line mode: ^ and $ match begin/end line in addition to begin/end text (default false) s let . match \n (default false) U ungreedy: swap meaning of x* and x*?, x+ and x+?, etc (default false)


^ at beginning of text or line (flag m=true) $ at end of text (like \z not Perl's \Z) or line (flag m=true) \A at beginning of text \b at ASCII word boundary (\w on one side and \W, \A, or \z on the other) \B not at ASCII word boundary \z at end of text


\a bell (== \007) \f form feed (== \014) \t horizontal tab (== \011) \n newline (== \012) \r carriage return (== \015) \v vertical tab character (== \013) \* literal *, for any punctuation character * \123 octal character code (up to three digits) \x7F hex character code (exactly two digits) \x{10FFFF} hex character code \Q...\E literal text ... even if ... has punctuation


x single character A-Z character range (inclusive) \d Perl character class [:foo:] ASCII character class foo \p{Foo} Unicode character class Foo \pF Unicode character class F (one-letter name)


[\d] digits (== \d) [^\d] not digits (== \D) [\D] not digits (== \D) [^\D] not not digits (== \d) [[:name:]] named ASCII class inside character class (== [:name:]) [^[:name:]] named ASCII class inside negated character class (== [:^name:]) [\p{Name}] named Unicode property inside character class (== \p{Name}) [^\p{Name}] named Unicode property inside negated character class (== \P{Name})


\d digits (== [0-9]) \D not digits (== [^0-9]) \s whitespace (== [\t\n\f\r ]) \S not whitespace (== [^\t\n\f\r ]) \w word characters (== [0-9A-Za-z_]) \W not word characters (== [^0-9A-Za-z_])


[[:alnum:]] alphanumeric (== [0-9A-Za-z]) [[:alpha:]] alphabetic (== [A-Za-z]) [[:ascii:]] ASCII (== [\x00-\x7F]) [[:blank:]] blank (== [\t ]) [[:cntrl:]] control (== [\x00-\x1F\x7F]) [[:digit:]] digits (== [0-9]) [[:graph:]] graphical (== [!-~] == [A-Za-z0-9!"#$%&'()*+,\-./:;<=>?@[\\\]^_`{|}~]) [[:lower:]] lower case (== [a-z]) [[:print:]] printable (== [ -~] == [ [:graph:]]) [[:punct:]] punctuation (== [!-/:-@[-`{-~]) [[:space:]] whitespace (== [\t\n\v\f\r ]) [[:upper:]] upper case (== [A-Z]) [[:word:]] word characters (== [0-9A-Za-z_]) [[:xdigit:]] hex digit (== [0-9A-Fa-f])


  • func IsWordChar(r rune) bool

  • type EmptyOp

  • func EmptyOpContext(r1, r2 rune) EmptyOp

  • type Error

  • func (e *Error) Error() string

  • type ErrorCode

  • func (e ErrorCode) String() string

  • type Flags

  • type Inst

  • func (i *Inst) MatchEmptyWidth(before rune, after rune) bool

  • func (i *Inst) MatchRune(r rune) bool

  • func (i *Inst) MatchRunePos(r rune) int

  • func (i *Inst) String() string

  • type InstOp

  • func (i InstOp) String() string

  • type Op

  • type Prog

  • func Compile(re *Regexp) (*Prog, error)

  • func (p *Prog) Prefix() (prefix string, complete bool)

  • func (p *Prog) StartCond() EmptyOp

  • func (p *Prog) String() string

  • type Regexp

  • func Parse(s string, flags Flags) (*Regexp, error)

  • func (re *Regexp) CapNames() []string

  • func (x *Regexp) Equal(y *Regexp) bool

  • func (re *Regexp) MaxCap() int

  • func (re *Regexp) Simplify() *Regexp

  • func (re *Regexp) String() string


compile.go doc.go parse.go perl_groups.go prog.go regexp.go simplify.go

func IsWordCharSource

func IsWordChar(r rune) bool

IsWordChar在评估\ b和\ B在零宽度报告中r是否被认为是“单词字符”。这些断言仅为ASCII:单词字符为A-Za-z0-9_。

type EmptyOpSource


type EmptyOp uint8

const ( EmptyBeginLine EmptyOp = 1 << iota EmptyEndLine EmptyBeginText EmptyEndText EmptyWordBoundary EmptyNoWordBoundary )

func EmptyOpContextSource

func EmptyOpContext(r1, r2 rune) EmptyOp

EmptyOpContext返回在符号r1和r2之间的位置满足的零宽度断言。传递r1 == -1表示该位置在文本的开头。传递r2 == -1表示位置在文本的末尾。

type ErrorSource


type Error struct { Code ErrorCode Expr string }

func (*Error) ErrorSource

func (e *Error) Error() string

type ErrorCodeSource


type ErrorCode string

const ( // Unexpected error ErrInternalError ErrorCode = "regexp/syntax: internal error" // Parse errors ErrInvalidCharClass ErrorCode = "invalid character class" ErrInvalidCharRange ErrorCode = "invalid character class range" ErrInvalidEscape ErrorCode = "invalid escape sequence" ErrInvalidNamedCapture ErrorCode = "invalid named capture" ErrInvalidPerlOp ErrorCode = "invalid or unsupported Perl syntax" ErrInvalidRepeatOp ErrorCode = "invalid nested repetition operator" ErrInvalidRepeatSize ErrorCode = "invalid repeat count" ErrInvalidUTF8 ErrorCode = "invalid UTF-8" ErrMissingBracket ErrorCode = "missing closing ]" ErrMissingParen ErrorCode = "missing closing )" ErrMissingRepeatArgument ErrorCode = "missing argument to repetition operator" ErrTrailingBackslash ErrorCode = "trailing backslash at end of expression" ErrUnexpectedParen ErrorCode = "unexpected )" )

func (ErrorCode) StringSource

func (e ErrorCode) String() string

type FlagsSource


type Flags uint16

const ( FoldCase Flags = 1 << iota // case-insensitive match Literal // treat pattern as literal string ClassNL // allow character classes like [^a-z] and [[:space:]] to match newline DotNL // allow . to match newline OneLine // treat ^ and $ as only matching at beginning and end of text NonGreedy // make repetition operators default to non-greedy PerlX // allow Perl extensions UnicodeGroups // allow \p{Han}, \P{Han} for Unicode group and negation WasDollar // regexp OpEndText was $, not \z Simple // regexp contains no counted repetition MatchNL = ClassNL | DotNL Perl = ClassNL | OneLine | PerlX | UnicodeGroups // as close to Perl as possible POSIX Flags = 0 // POSIX syntax )

type InstSource


type Inst struct { Op InstOp Out uint32 // all but InstMatch, InstFail Arg uint32 // InstAlt, InstAltMatch, InstCapture, InstEmptyWidth Rune []rune }

func (*Inst) MatchEmptyWidthSource

func (i *Inst) MatchEmptyWidth(before rune, after rune) bool

MatchEmptyWidth报告指令是否匹配符文之前和之后的空字符串。只应在i.Op == InstEmptyWidth时调用它。

func (*Inst) MatchRuneSource

func (i *Inst) MatchRune(r rune) bool

MatchRune报告指令是否匹配(并消耗)r。它应该只在i.Op == InstRune时被调用。

func (*Inst) MatchRunePosSource

func (i *Inst) MatchRunePos(r rune) int

MatchRunePos检查指令是否匹配(并消耗)r。如果是这样,MatchRunePos返回匹配符文对的索引(或者,当len(i.Rune)== 1时,符文单例)。如果不是,则MatchRunePos返回-1。MatchRunePos只应在i.Op == InstRune时调用。

func (*Inst) StringSource

func (i *Inst) String() string

type InstOpSource


type InstOp uint8

const ( InstAlt InstOp = iota InstAltMatch InstCapture InstEmptyWidth InstMatch InstFail InstNop InstRune InstRune1 InstRuneAny InstRuneAnyNotNL )

func (InstOp) StringSource

func (i InstOp) String() string

type OpSource


type Op uint8

const ( OpNoMatch Op = 1 + iota // matches no strings OpEmptyMatch // matches empty string OpLiteral // matches Runes sequence OpCharClass // matches Runes interpreted as range pair list OpAnyCharNotNL // matches any character except newline OpAnyChar // matches any character OpBeginLine // matches empty string at beginning of line OpEndLine // matches empty string at end of line OpBeginText // matches empty string at beginning of text OpEndText // matches empty string at end of text OpWordBoundary // matches word boundary `\b` OpNoWordBoundary // matches word non-boundary `\B` OpCapture // capturing subexpression with index Cap, optional name Name OpStar // matches Sub[0] zero or more times OpPlus // matches Sub[0] one or more times OpQuest // matches Sub[0] zero or one times OpRepeat // matches Sub[0] at least Min times, at most Max (Max == -1 is no limit) OpConcat // matches concatenation of Subs OpAlternate // matches alternation of Subs )

type ProgSource


type Prog struct { Inst []Inst Start int // index of start instruction NumCap int // number of InstCapture insts in re }

func CompileSource

func Compile(re *Regexp) (*Prog, error)


func (*Prog) PrefixSource

func (p *Prog) Prefix() (prefix string, complete bool)


func (*Prog) StartCondSource

func (p *Prog) StartCond() EmptyOp

StartCond返回在任何匹配中必须为true的前导空白条件。如果不可能匹配,它返回^ EmptyOp(0)。

func (*Prog) StringSource

func (p *Prog) String() string

type RegexpSource


type Regexp struct { Op Op // operator Flags Flags Sub []*Regexp // subexpressions, if any Sub0 [1]*Regexp // storage for short Sub Rune []rune // matched runes, for OpLiteral, OpCharClass Rune0 [2]rune // storage for short Rune Min, Max int // min, max for OpRepeat Cap int // capturing index, for OpCapture Name string // capturing name, for OpCapture }

func ParseSource

func Parse(s string, flags Flags) (*Regexp, error)


func (*Regexp) CapNamesSource

func (re *Regexp) CapNames() []string


func (*Regexp) EqualSource

func (x *Regexp) Equal(y *Regexp) bool


func (*Regexp) MaxCapSource

func (re *Regexp) MaxCap() int


func (*Regexp) SimplifySource

func (re *Regexp) Simplify() *Regexp

简化返回相当于re的regexp,但不需要重复计算和其他各种简化,例如重写/(?: a +)+ / to / a + /。生成的正则表达式将正确执行,但其字符串表示形式不会生成相同的分析树,因为捕获的括号可能已被复制或删除。例如,/(x){1,2} /的简化形式是/(x)(x)?/但两个圆括号都捕获为$ 1。返回的正则表达式可能与原始结构共享或成为原始结构。

func (*Regexp) StringSource

func (re *Regexp) String() string