输入/输出 | Input/output



Defined in header
template< class CharT > /*unspecified*/ put_time( const std::tm* tmb, const CharT* fmt (since C++11)

在表达式中使用时out << put_time(tmb, fmt),则转换给定日历时间中的日期和时间信息。tmb根据格式字符串转换为字符串。fmt,好像通过打电话std::strftime,,,std::wcsftime,或模拟%28取决于CharT%29,根据std::time_put当前注入输出流的区域设置的方面。out...


tmb-pointer to the calendar time structure as obtained from localtime() or gmtime()
fmt-pointer to a null-terminated CharT string specifying the format of conversion. The format string consists of zero or more conversion specifiers and ordinary characters (except %). All ordinary characters, including the terminating null character, are copied to the output string without modification. Each conversion specification begins with % character, optionally followed by E or O modifier (ignored if unsupported by the locale), followed by the character that determines the behavior of the specifier. The following format specifiers are available: Conversion specifier Explanation Used fields % writes literal %. The full conversion specification must be %%. n(C++11) writes newline character t(C++11) writes horizontal tab character Year Y writes year as a decimal number, e.g. 2017 tm_year EY(C++11) writes year in the alternative representation, e.g.平成23年 (year Heisei 23) instead of 2011年 (year 2011) in ja_JP locale tm_year y writes last 2 digits of year as a decimal number (range 00,99) tm_year Oy(C++11) writes last 2 digits of year using the alternative numeric system, e.g. 十一 instead of 11 in ja_JP locale tm_year Ey(C++11) writes year as offset from locale's alternative calendar period %EC (locale-dependent) tm_year C(C++11) writes first 2 digits of year as a decimal number (range 00,99) tm_year EC(C++11) writes name of the base year (period) in the locale's alternative representation, e.g. 平成 (Heisei era) in ja_JP tm_year G(C++11) writes ISO 8601 week-based year, i.e. the year that contains the specified week. In IS0 8601 weeks begin with Monday and the first week of the year must satisfy the following requirements: Includes January 4 Includes first Thursday of the year tm_year, tm_wday, tm_yday g(C++11) writes last 2 digits of ISO 8601 week-based year, i.e. the year that contains the specified week (range 00,99). In IS0 8601 weeks begin with Monday and the first week of the year must satisfy the following requirements: Includes January 4 Includes first Thursday of the year tm_year, tm_wday, tm_yday Month b writes abbreviated month name, e.g. Oct (locale dependent) tm_mon h(C++11) synonym of b tm_mon B writes full month name, e.g. October (locale dependent) tm_mon m writes month as a decimal number (range 01,12) tm_mon Om(C++11) writes month using the alternative numeric system, e.g. 十二 instead of 12 in ja_JP locale tm_mon Week U writes week of the year as a decimal number (Sunday is the first day of the week) (range 00,53) tm_year, tm_wday, tm_yday OU(C++11) writes week of the year, as by %U, using the alternative numeric system, e.g. 五十二 instead of 52 in ja_JP locale tm_year, tm_wday, tm_yday W writes week of the year as a decimal number (Monday is the first day of the week) (range 00,53) tm_year, tm_wday, tm_yday OW(C++11) writes week of the year, as by %W, using the alternative numeric system, e.g. 五十二 instead of 52 in ja_JP locale tm_year, tm_wday, tm_yday V(C++11) writes ISO 8601 week of the year (range 01,53). In IS0 8601 weeks begin with Monday and the first week of the year must satisfy the following requirements: Includes January 4 Includes first Thursday of the year tm_year, tm_wday, tm_yday OV(C++11) writes week of the year, as by %V, using the alternative numeric system, e.g. 五十二 instead of 52 in ja_JP locale tm_year, tm_wday, tm_yday Day of the year/month j writes day of the year as a decimal number (range 001,366) tm_yday d writes day of the month as a decimal number (range 01,31) tm_mday Od(C++11) writes zero-based day of the month using the alternative numeric system, e.g 二十七 instead of 23 in ja_JP locale Single character is preceded by a space. tm_mday e(C++11) writes day of the month as a decimal number (range 1,31). Single digit is preceded by a space. tm_mday Oe(C++11) writes one-based day of the month using the alternative numeric system, e.g. 二十七 instead of 27 in ja_JP locale Single character is preceded by a space. tm_mday Day of the week a writes abbreviated weekday name, e.g. Fri (locale dependent) tm_wday A writes full weekday name, e.g. Friday (locale dependent) tm_wday w writes weekday as a decimal number, where Sunday is 0 (range 0-6) tm_wday Ow(C++11) writes weekday, where Sunday is 0, using the alternative numeric system, e.g. 二 instead of 2 in ja_JP locale tm_wday u(C++11) writes weekday as a decimal number, where Monday is 1 (ISO 8601 format) (range 1-7) tm_wday Ou(C++11) writes weekday, where Monday is 1, using the alternative numeric system, e.g. 二 instead of 2 in ja_JP locale tm_wday Hour, minute, second H writes hour as a decimal number, 24 hour clock (range 00-23) tm_hour OH(C++11) writes hour from 24-hour clock using the alternative numeric system, e.g. 十八 instead of 18 in ja_JP locale tm_hour I writes hour as a decimal number, 12 hour clock (range 01,12) tm_hour OI(C++11) writes hour from 12-hour clock using the alternative numeric system, e.g. 六 instead of 06 in ja_JP locale tm_hour M writes minute as a decimal number (range 00,59) tm_min OM(C++11) writes minute using the alternative numeric system, e.g. 二十五 instead of 25 in ja_JP locale tm_min S writes second as a decimal number (range 00,60) tm_sec OS(C++11) writes second using the alternative numeric system, e.g. 二十四 instead of 24 in ja_JP locale tm_sec Other c writes standard date and time string, e.g. Sun Oct 17 04:41:13 2010 (locale dependent) all Ec(C++11) writes alternative date and time string, e.g. using 平成23年 (year Heisei 23) instead of 2011年 (year 2011) in ja_JP locale all x writes localized date representation (locale dependent) all Ex(C++11) writes alternative date representation, e.g. using 平成23年 (year Heisei 23) instead of 2011年 (year 2011) in ja_JP locale all X writes localized time representation (locale dependent) all EX(C++11) writes alternative time representation (locale dependent) all D(C++11) equivalent to "%m/%d/%y" tm_mon, tm_mday, tm_year F(C++11) equivalent to "%Y-%m-%d" (the ISO 8601 date format) tm_mon, tm_mday, tm_year r(C++11) writes localized 12-hour clock time (locale dependent) tm_hour, tm_min, tm_sec R(C++11) equivalent to "%H:%M" tm_hour, tm_min T(C++11) equivalent to "%H:%M:%S" (the ISO 8601 time format) tm_hour, tm_min, tm_sec p writes localized a.m. or p.m. (locale dependent) tm_hour z(C++11) writes offset from UTC in the ISO 8601 format (e.g. -0430), or no characters if the time zone information is not available tm_isdst Z writes time zone name or abbreviation, or no characters if the time zone information is not available (locale dependent) tm_isdst
Conversion specifierExplanationUsed fields
%writes literal %. The full conversion specification must be %%.
n(C++11)writes newline character
t(C++11)writes horizontal tab character

y将年份写成十进制数,例如2017 tm[医]年

EY%28C++11%29在替代表示中写入年份,例如平成23年%28 Heisei 23%29,而在ja中为2011年%28a 2011%29[医]JP地区tm[医]年

Y将年的最后2位数字写为十进制数%28范围0099%29 tm[医]年


EY%28C++11%29写入年份,从地区%27s替代日历周期%EC%28地区相关%29 tm抵消[医]年

C%28C++11%29将年份的前2位数字写为十进制数%28范围0099%29 tm[医]年

EC%28C++11%29在地区%27s替代表示中写入基准年%28周期%29的名称,例如平成%28 Heisei era%29在ja[医]JP tm[医]年

G%28C++11%29写入ISO 8601基于周的年份,即包含指定周的年份。在IS0中,8601周从星期一开始,一年中的第一周必须满足以下要求:包括1月4日,包括年的第一个星期四。[医]年份,tm[医]WDAY,tm[医]日

G%28C++11%29写入iso 8601周基础年的最后2位数,即包含指定周%28范围的年份。009929%。在IS0中,8601周从星期一开始,一年中的第一周必须满足以下要求:包括1月4日,包括年的第一个星期四。[医]年份,tm[医]WDAY,tm[医]日

B写缩写的月份名称,例如oct%28依赖于%29 tm[医]蒙


B写完整的月份名称,例如10月%28依赖于%29 tm[医]蒙

M将月份写入小数%28范围01,12%29 tm[医]蒙


你把一年中的每周写成十进制数%28星期日是一周的第一天%29%28范围0053%29 tm[医]年份,tm[医]WDAY,tm[医]日


W将一年中的每周写成十进制数%28星期一是一周的第一天%29%28范围0053%29 tm[医]年份,tm[医]WDAY,tm[医]日


v%28C++11%29写入ISO 8601周01,5329%。在IS0中,8601周从星期一开始,一年中的第一周必须满足以下要求:包括1月4日,包括年的第一个星期四。[医]年份,tm[医]WDAY,tm[医]日



J将一年中的一天写为十进制数%28范围001366%29 tm[医]日

D将月份中的一天写为十进制数%28范围01,31%29 tm[医]马日





A写入缩短的工作日名称,例如Fri%28 locale依赖于%29 tm。[医]WDAY

A写入整个工作日名称,例如周五%28依赖于%29 tm。[医]WDAY

W将工作日写成十进制数,其中星期日为0%28范围。0-6%29 tm[医]WDAY


U%28C++11%29在工作日以小数形式写入,其中星期一为1%28ISO 8601格式%29%28范围1-7%29 tm[医]WDAY



h将小时写为十进制数,24小时时钟%28范围00-23%29 tm[医]小时


我写小时为十进制数,12小时时钟%28范围01,12%29 tm[医]小时


M将分钟写成十进制数%28范围0059%29 tm[医]敏


s作为十进制数%28范围写入第二位0060%29 tm[医]证交会



c写入标准日期和时间字符串,例如太阳10月17日上午04:41:13 2010%28 locale依赖%29 All

EC%28C++11%29写入替代日期和时间字符串,例如在ja中使用平成23年%28a Heisei 23%29而不是2011年%28a 2011%29[医]JP地区所有

写入本地化日期表示%28依赖于%29 ALL

EX%28C++11%29编写替代日期表示,例如在ja中使用平成23年%28a Heisei 23%29而不是2011年%28a 2011%29[医]JP地区所有

写入本地化时间表示%28区域依赖于%29 ALL

EX%28C++11%29写入替代时间表示%28地区依赖于%29 ALL


F%28C++11%29等效于“%Y-%m-%d”%28 iso 8601日期格式%29 tm[医]星期一,tm[医]mday,tm[医]年

r%28C++11%29写入本地化的12小时时钟时间%28地区依赖于%29 tm[医]小时,小时[医]min,tm[医]证交会


T%28C++11%29相当于“%H:%M:%S”%28 ISO 8601时间格式%29 tm[医]小时,小时[医]min,tm[医]证交会

p写入本地化的上午或下午%28依赖于%29 tm[医]小时

Z%28C++11%29在ISO 8601格式中写入来自UTC的偏移量%28e.g。-0430%29,如果时区信息不可用,则为空字符。[医]isdst


  • 包括1月4日

  • 包括一年中的第一个星期四



  • 包括1月4日

  • 包括一年中的第一个星期四







  • 包括1月4日

  • 包括一年中的第一个星期四










%28C++11%29写平日作为十进制数,星期一是1%28 ISO 8601格式%29%28范围[1-7]%29tm_wdayOu





%28C++11%29写第二使用替代的数字系统,例如在ja中使用二十四而不是24[医]JP地区tm_sec其他c写字标准日期和时间字符串,G.Sun Oct 17 04:41:13 2010%28地区依赖于%29 ALLEc

%28C++11%29写可选日期和时间字符串,例如在日本使用平成23年%28a Heisei 23%29而不是2011年%28a 2011%29。[医]JP地区所有x写本地化日期表示%28地区依赖于%29 ALLEx

%28C++11%29写替代日期表示,例如在日本使用平成23年%28a Heisei 23%29而不是2011年%28a 2011%29。[医]JP地区所有X写本地化时间表示%28地区依赖于%29 ALLEX

%28C++11%29写替代时间表示%28地区依赖于%29 ALLD


%28C++11%29相当于“%Y-%m-%d”%28 iso 8601日期格式%29tm_mon,,,tm_mday,,,tm_yearr



%28C++11%29相当于“%H:%M:%S”%28 iso 8601时间格式%29tm_hour,,,tm_min,,,tm_secp写本地化上午或下午。28%依赖于区域的%29tm_hourz

%28C++11%29写从世界协调时抵消在iso 8601格式中%28例如。-0430%29,如果时区信息不可用,则为空字符tm_isdstZ写字时区名称或缩写,如果时区信息不可用,则为%28依赖于%29。tm_isdst


返回未指定类型的对象,以便在out类型的输出流的名称。std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>,然后表达out << put_time(tmb, fmt)行为就像执行了以下代码:

typedefstd::ostreambuf_iterator<CharT, Traits> Iter;

typedefstd::time_put<CharT, Iter> TimePut;

const TimePut& tp =std::use_facet<TimePut>(out.getloc()

const Iter end = tp.put(Iter(out.rdbuf()), out, out.fill(), tmb, fmt, fmt + Traits::length(fmt)




#include <iostream> #include <iomanip> #include <ctime> int main() { std::time_t t = std::time(nullptr std::tm tm = *std::localtime(&t std::cout.imbue(std::locale("ru_RU.utf8") std::cout << "ru_RU: " << std::put_time(&tm, "%c %Z") << '\n'; std::cout.imbue(std::locale("ja_JP.utf8") std::cout << "ja_JP: " << std::put_time(&tm, "%c %Z") << '\n'; }




ru_RU: Ср. 28 дек. 2011 10:21:16 EST ja_JP: 2011年12月28日 10時21分16秒 EST



time_putformats contents of struct std::tm for output as character sequence (class template)
get_time (C++11)parses a date/time value of specified format (function template)
strftimeconverts a tm object to custom textual representation (function)
wcsftimeconverts a tm object to custom wide string textual representation (function)

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