应用 | Utilities



Defined in header
template< class Key > struct hash;(since C++11)

Each specialization of this template is either enabled ("untainted") or disabled ("poisoned"). For every type Key for which neither the library nor the user provides an enabled specialization std::hash, that specialization exists and is disabled. Disabled specializations do not satisfy Hash, do not satisfy FunctionObject, and std::is_default_constructible_v, std::is_copy_constructible_v, std::is_move_constructible_v, std::is_copy_assignable_v, std::is_move_assignable_v are all false. In other words, they exist, but cannot be used.(since C++17)


  • 接受类型的单个参数。Key...

  • 返回类型的值。size_t表示参数的哈希值的。

  • 调用时不会引发异常。

  • 对于两个参数k1和k2是平等的,std::hash<Key>()(k1) == std::hash<Key>()(k2)...

  • 对于两个不同的参数k1和k2不相等的概率std::hash<Key>()(k1) == std::hash<Key>()(k2)应该很小,接近1.0/std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max()...





Hash functions are only required to produce the same result for the same input within a single execution of a program; this allows salted hashes that prevent collision DoS attacks.(since C++14)

C字符串没有专门化。std::hash<const char*>产生指针%28内存地址%29的值的散列,它不检查任何字符数组的内容。


Member typeDefinition
argument_type(deprecated in C++17)Key
result_type(deprecated in C++17)std::size_t


(constructor)constructs a hash function object (public member function)
operator()calculate the hash of the argument (public member function)


Defined in header
template<> struct hash<bool>; template<> struct hash<char>; template<> struct hash<signed char>; template<> struct hash<unsigned char>; template<> struct hash<char16_t>; template<> struct hash<char32_t>; template<> struct hash<wchar_t>; template<> struct hash<short>; template<> struct hash<unsigned short>; template<> struct hash<int>; template<> struct hash<unsigned int>; template<> struct hash<long>; template<> struct hash<long long>; template<> struct hash<unsigned long>; template<> struct hash<unsigned long long>; template<> struct hash<float>; template<> struct hash<double>; template<> struct hash<long double>; template< class T > struct hash<T*>;

In addition to the above, the standard library provides specializations for all (scoped and unscoped) enumeration types. These may be (but are not required to be) implemented as std::hash::type>).(since C++14)
Each standard library header that declares the template std::hash provides enabled specializations of std::hash for std::nullptr t and all cv-unqualified arithmetic types (including any extended integer types), all enumeration types, and all pointer types. All member functions of all standard library specializations of this template are noexcept except for the member functions of std::hash<std::optional>, std::hash<std::variant>, and std::hash<std::unique_ptr>(since C++17)


std::hashstd::hashstd::hashstd::hash (C++11)(C++11)(C++11)(C++11)hash support for strings (class template specialization)
std::hash<std::error_code> (C++11)hash support for std::error_code (class template specialization)
std::hash<std::bitset> (C++11)hash support for std::bitset (class template specialization)
std::hash<std::unique_ptr> (C++11)hash support for std::unique_ptr (class template specialization)
std::hash<std::shared_ptr> (C++11)hash support for std::shared_ptr (class template specialization)
std::hash<std::type_index> (C++11)hash support for std::type_index (class template specialization)
std::hash<std::vector<bool>> (C++11)hash support for std::vector<bool> (class template specialization)
std::hash<std::thread::id> (C++11)hash support for std::thread::id (class template specialization)
std::hash<std::optional> (C++17)specializes the std::hash algorithm (class template specialization)
std::hash<std::variant> (C++17)specializes the std::hash algorithm (class template specialization)
std::hash<std::string_view>std::hash<std::wstring_view>std::hash<std::u16string_view>std::hash<std::u32string_view> (C++17)hash support for string views (class template specialization)
std::hash<std::error_condition> (C++17)hash support for std::error_condition (class template specialization)



#include <iostream> #include <iomanip> #include <functional> #include <string> #include <unordered_set> struct S { std::string first_name; std::string last_name; }; bool operator==(const S& lhs, const S& rhs) { return lhs.first_name == rhs.first_name && lhs.last_name == rhs.last_name; } // custom hash can be a standalone function object: struct MyHash { std::size_t operator()(S const& s) const { std::size_t h1 = std::hash<std::string>{}(s.first_name std::size_t h2 = std::hash<std::string>{}(s.last_name return h1 ^ (h2 << 1 // or use boost::hash_combine (see Discussion) } }; // custom specialization of std::hash can be injected in namespace std namespace std { template<> struct hash<S> { typedef S argument_type; typedef std::size_t result_type; result_type operator()(argument_type const& s) const { result_type const h1 ( std::hash<std::string>{}(s.first_name) result_type const h2 ( std::hash<std::string>{}(s.last_name) return h1 ^ (h2 << 1 // or use boost::hash_combine (see Discussion) } }; } int main() { std::string str = "Meet the new boss..."; std::size_t str_hash = std::hash<std::string>{}(str std::cout << "hash(" << std::quoted(str) << ") = " << str_hash << '\n'; S obj = { "Hubert", "Farnsworth"}; // using the standalone function object std::cout << "hash(" << std::quoted(obj.first_name) << ',' << std::quoted(obj.last_name) << ") = " << MyHash{}(obj) << " (using MyHash)\n or " << std::hash<S>{}(obj) << " (using std::hash) " << '\n'; // custom hash makes it possible to use custom types in unordered containers // The example will use the injected std::hash specialization, // to use MyHash instead, pass it as a second template argument std::unordered_set<S> names = {obj, {"Bender", "Rodriguez"}, {"Leela", "Turanga"} }; for(auto& s: names) std::cout << std::quoted(s.first_name) << ' ' << std::quoted(s.last_name) << '\n'; }




hash("Meet the new boss...") = 1861821886482076440 hash("Hubert","Farnsworth") = 17622465712001802105 (using MyHash) or 17622465712001802105 (using std::hash) "Leela" "Turanga" "Bender" "Rodriguez" "Hubert" "Farnsworth"


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