

::first-letter 伪元素将样式应用于块级元素的第一行的第一个字母,但只有当在它之前没有任何内容(例如图像或内联表)的情况下才能生效。

p::first-letter { color: red; font-size: 130%; }


  • 在第一个字母之前或之后的标点符号包含在匹配过程中。标点符号包括在open (Ps), close (Pe), initial quote (Pi), final quote (Pf), 和其他标点符号 (Po)中定义的任何Unicode字符。

  • 有些语言的字母总是大写,比如荷兰语中的IJ。在这些情况下,两个字母都应该与::first-letter伪元素匹配。(浏览器很少支持此功能;请参阅下面的浏览器兼容性表)。

  • ::before伪元素的组合和content属性可能会向元素的开头注入一些文字。在这种情况下,::first-letter将匹配此生成内容的第一个字母。


  • 所有字体属性:fontfont-stylefont-feature-settingsfont-kerningfont-language-overridefont-stretchfont-synthesisfont-variantfont-variant-alternatesfont-variant-capsfont-variant-east-asianfont-variant-ligaturesfont-variant-numericfont-variant-positionfont-weightfont-sizefont-size-adjustline-heightfont-family

  • 所有的背景属性:backgroundbackground-colorbackground-imagebackground-clipbackground-originbackground-positionbackground-repeatbackground-sizebackground-attachment,和background-blend-mode

  • 所有边距属性:marginmargin-topmargin-rightmargin-bottommargin-left

  • 所有填充属性:paddingpadding-toppadding-rightpadding-bottompadding-left

  • 所有边界属性:速记borderborder-styleborder-colorborder-widthborder-radiusborder-image,和longhands性质

  • color属性

  • text-decorationtext-shadowtext-transformletter-spacingword-spacing(适当的时候) ,line-heighttext-decoration-colortext-decoration-linetext-decoration-stylebox-shadowfloatvertical-align仅当floatnone)等CSS属性



/* CSS3 syntax */ ::first-letter /* CSS2 syntax */ :first-letter




<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est.</p> <p>Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor in hendrerit in vulputate velit esse molestie consequat.</p> <p>Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor in hendrerit in vulputate velit esse molestie consequat.</p> <p>-The beginning of a special punctuation mark.</p> <p>_The beginning of a special punctuation mark.</p> <p>"The beginning of a special punctuation mark.</p> <p>'The beginning of a special punctuation mark.</p> <p>*The beginning of a special punctuation mark.</p> <p>#The beginning of a special punctuation mark.</p> <p>「特殊的汉字标点符号开头。</p> <p>《特殊的汉字标点符号开头。</p> <p>“特殊的汉字标点符号开头。</p>


p::first-letter { color: red; font-size: 130%; }



CSS Pseudo-Elements Level 4The definition of '::first-letter' in that specification.Working DraftGeneralizes allowed properties to typesetting, text decoration, inline layout properties, opacity, and box-shadow.
CSS Text Decoration Module Level 3The definition of 'text-shadow with ::first-letter' in that specification.Candidate RecommendationAllows the use of text-shadow with ::first-letter.
Selectors Level 3The definition of '::first-letter' in that specification.RecommendationIntroduction of the two-colon syntax. Definition of edge-case behavior, such as in list items or with specific languages (e.g., the Dutch digraph IJ).
CSS Level 2 (Revision 1)The definition of '::first-letter' in that specification.RecommendationNo change.
CSS Level 1The definition of '::first-letter' in that specification.RecommendationInitial definition, using the one-colon syntax.


FeatureChromeEdgeFirefox (Gecko)Internet ExplorerOperaSafari (WebKit)
Basic support1.0(Yes)1.0 (1.7 or earlier) (85)
Old one-colon syntax (:first-letter)1.0(Yes)1.0 (1.7 or earlier) (85)
Support for the Dutch digraph IJNo supportNo supportNo support bug 92176No supportNo supportNo support

FeatureAndroidEdgeFirefox Mobile (Gecko)IE PhoneOpera MobileSafari Mobile
Basic support?(Yes)1.0 (1)No support??
Old one-colon syntax (:first-letter)?(Yes)1.0 (1)???
Support for the Dutch digraph IJ?No supportNo support???