重用减速器逻辑( Reusing Reducer Logic )

重用减速器逻辑( Reusing Reducer Logic )

随着应用程序的增长,减速器逻辑中的常见模式将开始出现。您可能会发现 Reducer 逻辑的多个部分针对不同类型的数据执行相同类型的工作,并希望通过为每个数据类型重用相同的公共逻辑来减少重复。或者,您可能希望在商店中处理特定类型数据的多个“实例”。但是,Redux 商店的全局结构会带来一些折衷:它可以很容易地跟踪应用程序的整体状态,但也可能会使得难以“定位”需要更新特定状态的操作,特别是如果你正在使用combineReducers


function counter(state = 0, action) { switch (action.type) { case 'INCREMENT': return state + 1; case 'DECREMENT': return state - 1; default: return state; } } const rootReducer = combineReducers{ counterA : counter, counterB : counter, counterC : counter }

不幸的是,这个设置有问题。因为combineReducers将使用相同的动作调用每个slice reducer,调度{type : 'INCREMENT'}实际上会导致所有三个计数器值递增,而不仅仅是其中之一。我们需要一些方法来包装counter逻辑,以便确保只更新我们关心的计数器。


正如 Splitting Reducer Logic 中定义的那样,高阶简化器是一个将简化器函数作为参数的函数,并且/或者返回一个新的简化器函数作为结果。它也可以被看作是“减速器工厂”。combineReducers是高阶减速器的一个例子。我们可以使用这种模式来创建我们自己的reducer功能的专用版本,每个版本只响应特定的操作。

专门化 Reducer 的两种最常见的方法是使用给定的前缀或后缀生成新的操作常量,或者在操作对象中附加附加信息。以下是这些可能的样子:

function createCounterWithNamedType(counterName = '') { return function counter(state = 0, action) { switch (action.type) { case `INCREMENT_${counterName}`: return state + 1; case `DECREMENT_${counterName}`: return state - 1; default: return state; } } } function createCounterWithNameData(counterName = '') { return function counter(state = 0, action) { const {name} = action; if(name !== counterName) return state; switch (action.type) { case `INCREMENT`: return state + 1; case `DECREMENT`: return state - 1; default: return state; } } }


const rootReducer = combineReducers{ counterA : createCounterWithNamedType('A'), counterB : createCounterWithNamedType('B'), counterC : createCounterWithNamedType('C'), } store.dispatch{type : 'INCREMENT_B'} console.log(store.getState() // {counterA : 0, counterB : 1, counterC : 0}


function counter(state = 0, action) { switch (action.type) { case 'INCREMENT': return state + 1; case 'DECREMENT': return state - 1; default: return state; } } function createNamedWrapperReducer(reducerFunction, reducerName) { return (state, action) => { const {name} = action; const isInitializationCall = state === undefined; if(name !== reducerName && !isInitializationCall) return state; return reducerFunction(state, action } } const rootReducer = combineReducers{ counterA : createNamedWrapperReducer(counter, 'A'), counterB : createNamedWrapperReducer(counter, 'B'), counterC : createNamedWrapperReducer(counter, 'C'), }


function createFilteredReducer(reducerFunction, reducerPredicate) { return (state, action) => { const isInitializationCall = state === undefined; const shouldRunWrappedReducer = reducerPredicate(action) || isInitializationCall; return shouldRunWrappedReducer ? reducerFunction(state, action) : state; } } const rootReducer = combineReducers{ // check for suffixed strings counterA : createFilteredReducer(counter, action => action.type.endsWith('_A')), // check for extra data in the action counterB : createFilteredReducer(counter, action => action.name === 'B'), // respond to all 'INCREMENT' actions, but never 'DECREMENT' counterC : createFilteredReducer(counter, action => action.type === 'INCREMENT') };
