Docker 17 机器 | Machine 目录 亚马逊网络服务(机器) | Amazon Web Services (Machine) 数字海洋(机器) | Digital Ocean (Machine) docker机器活动 | docker-machine active docker机器配置 | docker-machine config docker机器创建 | docker-machine create docker机器助手 | docker-machine help docker机器检查 | docker-machine inspect docker-machine ip docker-machine kill docker-machine ls docker机器规定 | docker-machine provision docker机器再生 | docker-machine regenerate-certs docker机器重启 | docker-machine restart docker-machine rm docker-machine scp docker-machine ssh docker-machine start docker-machine status docker-machine stop docker-machine upgrade docker-machine url 驱动程序选项和操作系统默认值 | Driver options and operating system defaults (Machine) 驱动总览 | Drivers overview (Machine) Exoscale (Machine) 通用 | Generic (Machine) 开始使用本地VM | Get started with a local VM (Machine) 谷歌电脑引擎 | Google Compute Engine (Machine) IBM Softlayer (Machine) 安装机器 | Install Machine 机器 | Machine 机器CLI概述 | Machine CLI overview 机器命令行完成 | Machine command-line completion 机器概念和帮助 | Machine concepts and help 机器总览 | Machine overview Microsoft Azure (Machine) Microsoft Hyper-V (Machine) 从Boot2Docker迁移到Machine | Migrate from Boot2Docker to Machine OpenStack (Machine) Oracle VirtualBox (Machine) 配置AWS EC2实例(机器) | Provision AWS EC2 instances (Machine) 提供数字海洋 | Provision Digital Ocean Droplets (Machine) 在云中配置主机 | Provision hosts in the cloud (Machine) Rackspace (Machine) VMware Fusion (Machine) VMware vCloud Air (Machine) VMware vSphere (Machine)