规则 | Rules


require empty lines around comments (lines-around-comment)







  • "beforeBlockComment": true (默认)在块注释之前需要一个空行

  • "afterBlockComment": true 块注释后需要一个空行

  • "beforeLineComment": true 行注释前需要一个空行

  • "afterLineComment": true 行注释后需要一个空行

  • "allowBlockStart": true 允许评论出现在块语句的开始处

  • "allowBlockEnd": true 允许注释出现在块语句的末尾

  • "allowObjectStart": true 允许评论出现在对象文字的开头

  • "allowObjectEnd": true 允许注释出现在对象文字的末尾

  • "allowArrayStart": true 允许注释出现在数组文字的开头

  • "allowArrayEnd": true 允许注释出现在数组文字的末尾

  • "allowClassStart": true 允许评论出现在课程开始时

  • "allowClassEnd": true 允许评论出现在课程结束时

  • "applyDefaultIgnorePatterns" 启用或禁用规则忽略的默认评论模式

  • "ignorePattern" 自定义模式被规则忽略


此规则的默认代码错误代码示例{ "beforeBlockComment": true }

/*eslint lines-around-comment: ["error", { "beforeBlockComment": true }]*/ var night = "long"; /* what a great and wonderful day */ var day = "great"

具有默认选项的此规则的正确代码示例{ "beforeBlockComment": true }

/*eslint lines-around-comment: ["error", { "beforeBlockComment": true }]*/ var night = "long"; /* what a great and wonderful day */ var day = "great"


此规则的错误代码示例包含以下{ "afterBlockComment": true }选项:

/*eslint lines-around-comment: ["error", { "afterBlockComment": true }]*/ var night = "long"; /* what a great and wonderful day */ var day = "great"

此规则的正确代码示例包含以下{ "afterBlockComment": true }选项:

/*eslint lines-around-comment: ["error", { "afterBlockComment": true }]*/ var night = "long"; /* what a great and wonderful day */ var day = "great"


此规则的错误代码示例包含以下{ "beforeLineComment": true }选项:

/*eslint lines-around-comment: ["error", { "beforeLineComment": true }]*/ var night = "long"; // what a great and wonderful day var day = "great"

此规则的正确代码示例包含以下{ "beforeLineComment": true }选项:

/*eslint lines-around-comment: ["error", { "beforeLineComment": true }]*/ var night = "long"; // what a great and wonderful day var day = "great"


此规则的错误代码示例包含以下{ "afterLineComment": true }选项:

/*eslint lines-around-comment: ["error", { "afterLineComment": true }]*/ var night = "long"; // what a great and wonderful day var day = "great"

此规则的正确代码示例包含以下{ "afterLineComment": true }选项:

/*eslint lines-around-comment: ["error", { "afterLineComment": true }]*/ var night = "long"; // what a great and wonderful day var day = "great"


此规则的正确代码示例包含以下{ "beforeLineComment": true, "allowBlockStart": true }选项:

/*eslint lines-around-comment: ["error", { "beforeLineComment": true, "allowBlockStart": true }]*/ function foo(){ // what a great and wonderful day var day = "great" return day; }

此规则的正确代码示例包含以下{ "beforeBlockComment": true, "allowBlockStart": true }选项:

/*eslint lines-around-comment: ["error", { "beforeBlockComment": true, "allowBlockStart": true }]*/ function foo(){ /* what a great and wonderful day */ var day = "great" return day; }


此规则的正确代码示例包含以下{ "afterLineComment": true, "allowBlockEnd": true }选项:

/*eslint lines-around-comment: ["error", { "afterLineComment": true, "allowBlockEnd": true }]*/ function foo(){ var day = "great" return day; // what a great and wonderful day }

此规则的正确代码示例包含以下{ "afterBlockComment": true, "allowBlockEnd": true }选项:

/*eslint lines-around-comment: ["error", { "afterBlockComment": true, "allowBlockEnd": true }]*/ function foo(){ var day = "great" return day; /* what a great and wonderful day */ }


此规则的错误代码示例包含以下{ "beforeLineComment": true, "allowClassStart": false }选项:

/*eslint lines-around-comment: ["error", { "beforeLineComment": true, "allowClassStart": false }]*/ class foo { // what a great and wonderful day day() {} };

此规则的正确代码示例包含以下{ "beforeLineComment": true, "allowClassStart": false }选项:

/*eslint lines-around-comment: ["error", { "beforeLineComment": true, "allowClassStart": false }]*/ class foo { // what a great and wonderful day day() {} };

此规则的正确代码示例包含以下{ "beforeLineComment": true, "allowClassStart": true }选项:

/*eslint lines-around-comment: ["error", { "beforeLineComment": true, "allowClassStart": true }]*/ class foo { // what a great and wonderful day day() {} };

此规则的错误代码示例包含以下{ "beforeBlockComment": true, "allowClassStart": false }选项:

/*eslint lines-around-comment: ["error", { "beforeBlockComment": true, "allowClassStart": false }]*/ class foo { /* what a great and wonderful day */ day() {} };

此规则的正确代码示例包含以下{ "beforeBlockComment": true, "allowClassStart": false }选项:

/*eslint lines-around-comment: ["error", { "beforeBlockComment": true, "allowClassStart": false }]*/ class foo { /* what a great and wonderful day */ day() {} };

此规则的正确代码示例包含以下{ "beforeBlockComment": true, "allowClassStart": true }选项:

/*eslint lines-around-comment: ["error", { "beforeBlockComment": true, "allowClassStart": true }]*/ class foo { /* what a great and wonderful day */ day() {} };


此规则的正确代码示例包含以下{ "afterLineComment": true, "allowClassEnd": true }选项:

/*eslint lines-around-comment: ["error", { "afterLineComment": true, "allowClassEnd": true }]*/ class foo { day() {} // what a great and wonderful day };

此规则的正确代码示例包含以下{ "afterBlockComment": true, "allowClassEnd": true }选项:

/*eslint lines-around-comment: ["error", { "afterBlockComment": true, "allowClassEnd": true }]*/ class foo { day() {} /* what a great and wonderful day */ };


此规则的正确代码示例包含以下{ "beforeLineComment": true, "allowObjectStart": true }选项:

/*eslint lines-around-comment: ["error", { "beforeLineComment": true, "allowObjectStart": true }]*/ var foo = { // what a great and wonderful day day: "great" }; const { // what a great and wonderful day foo: someDay } = {foo: "great"}; const { // what a great and wonderful day day } = {day: "great"};

此规则的正确代码示例包含以下{ "beforeBlockComment": true, "allowObjectStart": true }选项:

/*eslint lines-around-comment: ["error", { "beforeBlockComment": true, "allowObjectStart": true }]*/ var foo = { /* what a great and wonderful day */ day: "great" }; const { /* what a great and wonderful day */ foo: someDay } = {foo: "great"}; const { /* what a great and wonderful day */ day } = {day: "great"};


此规则的正确代码示例包含以下{ "afterLineComment": true, "allowObjectEnd": true }选项:

/*eslint lines-around-comment: ["error", { "afterLineComment": true, "allowObjectEnd": true }]*/ var foo = { day: "great" // what a great and wonderful day }; const { foo: someDay // what a great and wonderful day } = {foo: "great"}; const { day // what a great and wonderful day } = {day: "great"};

此规则的正确代码示例包含以下{ "afterBlockComment": true, "allowObjectEnd": true }选项:

/*eslint lines-around-comment: ["error", { "afterBlockComment": true, "allowObjectEnd": true }]*/ var foo = { day: "great" /* what a great and wonderful day */ }; const { foo: someDay /* what a great and wonderful day */ } = {foo: "great"}; const { day /* what a great and wonderful day */ } = {day: "great"};


此规则的正确代码示例包含以下{ "beforeLineComment": true, "allowArrayStart": true }选项:

/*eslint lines-around-comment: ["error", { "beforeLineComment": true, "allowArrayStart": true }]*/ var day = [ // what a great and wonderful day "great", "wonderful" ]; const [ // what a great and wonderful day someDay ] = ["great", "not great"];

此规则的正确代码示例包含以下{ "beforeBlockComment": true, "allowArrayStart": true }选项:

/*eslint lines-around-comment: ["error", { "beforeBlockComment": true, "allowArrayStart": true }]*/ var day = [ /* what a great and wonderful day */ "great", "wonderful" ]; const [ /* what a great and wonderful day */ someDay ] = ["great", "not great"];


此规则的正确代码示例包含以下{ "afterLineComment": true, "allowArrayEnd": true }选项:

/*eslint lines-around-comment: ["error", { "afterLineComment": true, "allowArrayEnd": true }]*/ var day = [ "great", "wonderful" // what a great and wonderful day ]; const [ someDay // what a great and wonderful day ] = ["great", "not great"];

此规则的正确代码示例包含以下{ "afterBlockComment": true, "allowArrayEnd": true }选项:

/*eslint lines-around-comment: ["error", { "afterBlockComment": true, "allowArrayEnd": true }]*/ var day = [ "great", "wonderful" /* what a great and wonderful day */ ]; const [ someDay /* what a great and wonderful day */ ] = ["great", "not great"];




/*eslint lines-around-comment: ["error"]*/ foo( /* eslint mentioned in this comment */, bar( /*eslint lines-around-comment: ["error", { "ignorePattern": "pragma" }] */ foo( /* a valid comment using pragma in it */


/*eslint lines-around-comment: ["error", { "ignorePattern": "pragma" }] */ 1 + 1; /* something else */



选项的正确代码示例{ "applyDefaultIgnorePatterns": false }

/*eslint lines-around-comment: ["error", { "ignorePattern": "pragma", applyDefaultIgnorePatterns: false }] */ foo( /* a valid comment using pragma in it */

选项的错误代码示例{ "applyDefaultIgnorePatterns": false }

/*eslint lines-around-comment: ["error", { "applyDefaultIgnorePatterns": false }] */ foo( /* eslint mentioned in comment */




  • space-before-blocks

  • spaced-comment


这条规则是在 ESLint 0.22.0 中引入的。
