本土化 | Localizations



Defined in header
struct lconv;




char* decimal_pointthe character used as the decimal point (public member object)
char* thousands_septhe character used to separate groups of digits before the decimal point (public member object)
char* groupinga string whose elements indicate the sizes of digit groups (public member object)


char* mon_decimal_pointthe character used as the decimal point (public member object)
char* mon_thousands_septhe character used to separate groups of digits before the decimal point (public member object)
char* mon_groupinga string whose elements indicate the sizes of digit groups (public member object)
char* positive_signa string used to indicate non-negative monetary quantity (public member object)
char* negative_signa string used to indicate negative monetary quantity (public member object)


char* currency_symbolthe symbol used for currency in the current C locale (public member object)
char frac_digitsthe number of digits after the decimal point to display in a monetary quantity (public member object)
char p_cs_precedes1 if currency_symbol is placed before non-negative value, ​0​ if after (public member object)
char n_cs_precedes1 if currency_symbol is placed before negative value, ​0​ if after (public member object)
char p_sep_by_spaceindicates the separation of currency_symbol, positive_sign, and the non-negative monetary value (public member object)
char n_sep_by_spaceindicates the separation of currency_symbol, negative_sign, and the negative monetary value (public member object)
char p_sign_posnindicates the position of positive_sign in a non-negative monetary value (public member object)
char n_sign_posnindicates the position of negative_sign in a negative monetary value (public member object)


char* int_curr_symbolthe string used as international currency name in the current C locale (public member object)
char int_frac_digitsthe number of digits after the decimal point to display in an international monetary quantity (public member object)
char int_p_cs_precedes (C++11)1 if currency_symbol is placed before non-negative international monetary value, ​0​ if after (public member object)
char int_n_cs_precedes (C++11)1 if currency_symbol is placed before negative international monetary value, ​0​ if after (public member object)
char int_p_sep_by_space (C++11)indicates the separation of currency_symbol, positive_sign, and the non-negative international monetary value (public member object)
char int_n_sep_by_space (C++11)indicates the separation of currency_symbol, negative_sign, and the negative international monetary value (public member object)
char int_p_sign_posn (C++11)indicates the position of positive_sign in a non-negative international monetary value (public member object)
char int_n_sign_posn (C++11)indicates the position of negative_sign in a negative international monetary value (public member object)



0no space separates the currency symbol and the value
1sign sticks to the currency symbol, value is separated by a space
2sign sticks to the value. Currency symbol is separated by a space


0parentheses around the value and the currency symbol are used to represent the sign
1sign before the value and the currency symbol
2sign after the value and the currency symbol
3sign before the currency symbol
4sign after the currency symbol


#include <clocale> #include <iostream> int main() { std::setlocale(LC_ALL, "ja_JP.UTF-8" std::lconv* lc = std::localeconv( std::cout << "Japanese currency symbol: " << lc->currency_symbol << '(' << lc->int_curr_symbol << ")\n"; }




Japanese currency symbol: ¥(JPY )



localeconvqueries numeric and monetary formatting details of the current locale (function)
numpunctdefines numeric punctuation rules (class template)
moneypunctdefines monetary formatting parameters used by std::money_get and std::money_put (class template)


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