本土化 | Localizations



Defined in header
public: iter_type get(iter_type beg, iter_type end, std::ios_base& str, std::ios_base::iostate& err, std::tm* t, const char_type* fmtbeg, const char_type* fmtend) const;(1)(since C++11)
protected: virtual iter_type do_get(iter_type neg, iter_type end, std::ios_base& str, std::ios_base::iostate& err, std::tm *t, char format, char modifier) const;(2)(since C++11)

1%29分析输入字符序列中的日期和时间。[beg, end)根据字符序列中提供的格式[fmtbeg, fmtend)预计该格式将遵循下面描述的格式,尽管可以通过重写来定制每个格式说明符的实际处理。do_get...get函数执行以下操作:首先,清除err通过执行err =std::ios_base::goodbit然后进入一个循环,当下列条件变为真时,该循环将终止%28,按此顺序检查为%29:

%29所有字符都已从格式字符串%28中读取fmtbeg == fmtend%29

B%29解析错误%28err !=std::ios_base::goodbit%29

C%29所有字符都已从输入序列%28中读取beg == end如果此条件终止循环,则该函数将同时设置eofbitfailbiterr


如果格式字符串中的下一个字符是'%',后面跟着一个或两个构成有效字符的字符。std::get_time转换说明符%28参见%29下面,这些字符用于调用do_get(beg, end, str, err, t, format, modifier),在哪里format主要转换说明符字符,以及modifier是可选修饰符%28,它出现在%和格式字符,如果存在%29。如果没有修饰符,则值'\0'被使用了。如果格式字符串模棱两可或过早结束,则无法在之后确定转换说明符。'%',,,eofbit设为err循环被终止。如果,在打电话到do_get中没有设置错误位。err,函数递增fmtbeg在转换说明符之后直接指向并继续循环。

B%29如果下一个字符是空格,由流中提供的区域设置指示str%28i.e.std::isspace(*fmtbeg, str.getloc()) == true,该函数不断递增。fmtbeg直到它变成等于fmtend或指向非空白字符。

c%29如果根据大小写不敏感的比较,格式字符串中的下一个字符与输入流中的下一个字符等效,则函数将两个序列推进一个字符。++fmtbeg, ++beg;并继续循环,否则,它将设置failbiterr...

2%29解析输入序列中的一个转换说明符。[beg, end)并更新std::tm结构指向t因此。

首先,清除err通过执行err =std::ios_base::goodbit然后从输入序列中读取字符。[beg, end)预期的std::time_get格式说明符'%',,,modifier%28如果没有'\0'%29,和format如果这些字符未组合成有效的转换说明符,则设置failbiterr如果读取字符后到达输入流的末尾,则设置eofbiterr如果成功地解析了输入字符串,则更新*t对于复杂的转换说明符,如'%x''%c',或者使用修饰符的指令。'E''O',函数可能无法确定要存储在其中的一些值。*t在这种情况下,eofbiterr并使这些字段处于未指定的状态。


beg-iterator designating the start of the sequence to parse
end-one past the end iterator for the sequence to parse
str-a stream object that this function uses to obtain locale facets when needed, e.g. std::ctype to skip whitespace or std::collate to compare strings
err-stream error flags object that is modified by this function to indicate errors
t-pointer to the std::tm object that will hold the result of this function call
fmtbeg-pointer to the first character of a sequence of char_type characters specifying the conversion format The format string consists of zero or more conversion specifiers, whitespace characters, and ordinary characters (except %). Each ordinary character is expected to match one character in the input stream in case-insensitive comparison. Each whitespace character matches arbitrary whitespace in the input string. Each conversion specification begins with % character, optionally followed by E or O modifier (ignored if unsupported by the locale), followed by the character that determines the behavior of the specifier. The format specifiers match the POSIX function strptime(): Conversion specifier Explanation Writes to fields % matches a literal %. The full conversion specification must be %%. (none) t matches any whitespace. (none) n matches any whitespace. (none) Year Y parses full year as a 4 digit decimal number, leading zeroes permitted but not required tm_year EY parses year in the alternative representation, e.g.平成23年 (year Heisei 23) which writes 2011 to tm_year in ja_JP locale tm_year y parses last 2 digits of year as a decimal number. Range 69,99 results in values 1969 to 1999, range 00,68 results in 2000-2068 tm_year Oy parses last 2 digits of year using the alternative numeric system, e.g. 十一 is parsed as 11 in ja_JP locale tm_year Ey parses year as offset from locale's alternative calendar period %EC tm_year C parses the first 2 digits of year as a decimal number (range 00,99) tm_year EC parses the name of the base year (period) in the locale's alternative representation, e.g. 平成 (Heisei era) in ja_JP tm_year Month b parses the month name, either full or abbreviated, e.g. Oct tm_mon h synonym of b tm_mon B synonym of b tm_mon m parses the month as a decimal number (range 01,12), leading zeroes permitted but not required tm_mon Om parses the month using the alternative numeric system, e.g. 十二 parses as 12 in ja_JP locale tm_mon Week U parses the week of the year as a decimal number (Sunday is the first day of the week) (range 00,53), leading zeroes permitted but not required tm_year, tm_wday, tm_yday OU parses the week of the year, as by %U, using the alternative numeric system, e.g. 五十二 parses as 52 in ja_JP locale tm_year, tm_wday, tm_yday W parses the week of the year as a decimal number (Monday is the first day of the week) (range 00,53), leading zeroes permitted but not required tm_year, tm_wday, tm_yday OW parses the week of the year, as by %W, using the alternative numeric system, e.g. 五十二 parses as 52 in ja_JP locale tm_year, tm_wday, tm_yday Day of the year/month j parses day of the year as a decimal number (range 001,366), leading zeroes permitted but not required tm_yday d parses the day of the month as a decimal number (range 01,31), leading zeroes permitted but not required tm_mday Od parses the day of the month using the alternative numeric system, e.g 二十七 parses as 27 in ja_JP locale, leading zeroes permitted but not required tm_mday e synonym of d tm_mday Oe synonym of Od tm_mday Day of the week a parses the name of the day of the week, either full or abbreviated, e.g. Fri tm_wday A synonym of a tm_wday w parses weekday as a decimal number, where Sunday is 0 (range 0-6) tm_wday Ow parses weekday as a decimal number, where Sunday is 0, using the alternative numeric system, e.g. 二 parses as 2 in ja_JP locale tm_wday Hour, minute, second H parses the hour as a decimal number, 24 hour clock (range 00-23), leading zeroes permitted but not required tm_hour OH parses hour from 24-hour clock using the alternative numeric system, e.g. 十八 parses as 18 in ja_JP locale tm_hour I parses hour as a decimal number, 12 hour clock (range 01,12), leading zeroes permitted but not required tm_hour OI parses hour from 12-hour clock using the alternative numeric system, e.g. 六 reads as 06 in ja_JP locale tm_hour M parses minute as a decimal number (range 00,59), leading zeroes permitted but not required tm_min OM parses minute using the alternative numeric system, e.g. 二十五 parses as 25 in ja_JP locale tm_min S parses second as a decimal number (range 00,60), leading zeroes permitted but not required tm_sec OS parses second using the alternative numeric system, e.g. 二十四 parses as 24 in ja_JP locale tm_sec Other c parses the locale's standard date and time string format, e.g. Sun Oct 17 04:41:13 2010 (locale dependent) all Ec parses the locale's alternative date and time string format, e.g. expecting 平成23年 (year Heisei 23) instead of 2011年 (year 2011) in ja_JP locale all x parses the locale's standard date representation all Ex parses the locale's alternative date representation, e.g. expecting 平成23年 (year Heisei 23) instead of 2011年 (year 2011) in ja_JP locale all X parses the locale's standard time representation all EX parses the locale's alternative time representation all D equivalent to "%m / %d / %y " tm_mon, tm_mday, tm_year r parses locale's standard 12-hour clock time (in POSIX, "%I : %M : %S %p") tm_hour, tm_min, tm_sec R equivalent to "%H : %M" tm_hour, tm_min T equivalent to "%H : %M : %S" tm_hour, tm_min, tm_sec p parses the locale's equivalent of a.m. or p.m. tm_hour Note: tm_isdst is not written to, and needs to be set explicitly for use with functions such as mktime.
Conversion specifierExplanationWrites to fields
%matches a literal %. The full conversion specification must be %%.(none)
tmatches any whitespace.(none)
nmatches any whitespace.(none)


EY在可选表示中解析年份,例如平成23年%28 Heisei 23%29,其中写入2011到tm。[医]在日本的年份[医]JP地区tm[医]年

y将年的最后2位数字解析为十进制数。范围69,99结果值为1969至1999,范围00682000业绩-2068 tm[医]年



C将年的前2位数字解析为十进制数%28范围。0099%29 tm[医]年

EC在地区%27 s替代表示中解析基准年%28周期%29的名称,例如平成%28 Heisei era%29在ja中。[医]JP tm[医]年

B解析月份名称,无论是完整的还是缩写的,例如oct tm。[医]蒙

h同义词b tm[医]蒙

b的同义词b tm[医]蒙











d tm的同义词[医]马日

OE同义词Od tm[医]马日


A解析一周中的一天的名称,或者是完整的,或者是缩写的,例如Fri tm。[医]WDAY


W将工作日解析为十进制数,其中星期日为0%28范围。0-6%29 tm[医]WDAY












EC分析地区%27s的替代日期和时间字符串格式,例如期望平成23年%28a Heisei 23%29而不是在ja中的2011年%28 28 2011%29。[医]JP地区所有


例如,期望平成23年%28a Heisei 23%29而不是2011年%28a 2011%29在ja[医]JP地区所有




r解析POSIX中标准的12小时时钟时间%28,“%i:%M:%S%p”%29 tm[医]小时,小时[医]min,tm[医]证交会








中的最后一个字符[beg, end)分析得很成功。






#include <iostream> #include <sstream> #include <locale> #include <iomanip> int main() { std::istringstream ss("2011-Februar-18 23:12:34" ss.imbue(std::locale("de_DE.utf8") auto& f = std::use_facet<std::time_get<char>>(std::locale("de_DE.utf8") std::tm t{}; std::string s = "%Y-%b-%d %H:%M:%S"; std::ios_base::iostate err = std::ios_base::goodbit; std::istreambuf_iterator<char> ret = f.get(std::istreambuf_iterator<char>(ss), std::istreambuf_iterator<char>(), ss, err, &t, &s[0], &s[0] + s.size() ss.setstate(err if(ss) { std::cout << "Successfully parsed as " << std::put_time(&t, "%c" if(ret != std::istreambuf_iterator<char>()) { std::cout << " Remaining content: "; std::copy(ret, std::istreambuf_iterator<char>(), std::ostreambuf_iterator<char>(std::cout) } else { std::cout << " The input was fully consumed"; } } else { std::cout << "Parse failed. Unparsed string: "; std::copy(ret, std::istreambuf_iterator<char>(), std::ostreambuf_iterator<char>(std::cout) } std::cout << '\n'; }




Successfully parsed, as Sun Feb 18 23:12:34 2011 The input was fully consumed



get_time (C++11)parses a date/time value of specified format (function template)

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