









basic_regex (C++11)regular expression object (class template)
sub_match (C++11)identifies the sequence of characters matched by a sub-expression (class template)
match_results (C++11)identifies one regular expression match, including all sub-expression matches (class template)
regex_iterator (C++11)iterates through all regex matches within a character sequence (class template)
regex_token_iterator (C++11)iterates through the specified sub-expressions within all regex matches in a given string or through unmatched substrings (class template)
regex_error (C++11)reports errors generated by the regular expressions library (class)
regex_traits (C++11)provides metainformation about a character type, required by the regex library (class template)








STD::交换%28 std::basic[医]regex%29%28C++11%29专门开发std::交换算法%28函数模板%29




STD::交换%28 std::Match[医]结果29%28 C++11%29专门用于性病::交换%28%29算法%28功能模板%29



#include <initializer_list> namespace std { // regex constants: namespace regex_constants { enum error_type; } // namespace regex_constants // class regex_error: class regex_error; // class template regex_traits: template <class charT> struct regex_traits; // class template basic_regex: template <class charT, class traits = regex_traits<charT> > class basic_regex; typedef basic_regex<char> regex; typedef basic_regex<wchar_t> wregex; // basic_regex swap: template <class charT, class traits> void swap(basic_regex<charT, traits>& e1, basic_regex<charT, traits>& e2 // class template sub_match: template <class BidirectionalIterator> class sub_match; typedef sub_match<const char*> csub_match; typedef sub_match<const wchar_t*> wcsub_match; typedef sub_match<string::const_iterator> ssub_match; typedef sub_match<wstring::const_iterator> wssub_match; // sub_match non-member operators: template <class BiIter> bool operator==(const sub_match<BiIter>& lhs, const sub_match<BiIter>& rhs template <class BiIter> bool operator!=(const sub_match<BiIter>& lhs, const sub_match<BiIter>& rhs template <class BiIter> bool operator<(const sub_match<BiIter>& lhs, const sub_match<BiIter>& rhs template <class BiIter> bool operator<=(const sub_match<BiIter>& lhs, const sub_match<BiIter>& rhs template <class BiIter> bool operator>=(const sub_match<BiIter>& lhs, const sub_match<BiIter>& rhs template <class BiIter> bool operator>(const sub_match<BiIter>& lhs, const sub_match<BiIter>& rhs template <class BiIter, class ST, class SA> bool operator==( const basic_string< typename iterator_traits<BiIter>::value_type, ST, SA>& lhs, const sub_match<BiIter>& rhs template <class BiIter, class ST, class SA> bool operator!=( const basic_string< typename iterator_traits<BiIter>::value_type, ST, SA>& lhs, const sub_match<BiIter>& rhs template <class BiIter, class ST, class SA> bool operator<( const basic_string< typename iterator_traits<BiIter>::value_type, ST, SA>& lhs, const sub_match<BiIter>& rhs template <class BiIter, class ST, class SA> bool operator>( const basic_string< typename iterator_traits<BiIter>::value_type, ST, SA>& lhs, const sub_match<BiIter>& rhs template <class BiIter, class ST, class SA> bool operator>=( const basic_string< typename iterator_traits<BiIter>::value_type, ST, SA>& lhs, const sub_match<BiIter>& rhs template <class BiIter, class ST, class SA> bool operator<=( const basic_string< typename iterator_traits<BiIter>::value_type, ST, SA>& lhs, const sub_match<BiIter>& rhs template <class BiIter, class ST, class SA> bool operator==( const sub_match<BiIter>& lhs, const basic_string< typename iterator_traits<BiIter>::value_type, ST, SA>& rhs template <class BiIter, class ST, class SA> bool operator!=( const sub_match<BiIter>& lhs, const basic_string< typename iterator_traits<BiIter>::value_type, ST, SA>& rhs template <class BiIter, class ST, class SA> bool operator<( const sub_match<BiIter>& lhs, const basic_string< typename iterator_traits<BiIter>::value_type, ST, SA>& rhs template <class BiIter, class ST, class SA> bool operator>( const sub_match<BiIter>& lhs, const basic_string< typename iterator_traits<BiIter>::value_type, ST, SA>& rhs template <class BiIter, class ST, class SA> bool operator<=( const sub_match<BiIter>& lhs, const basic_string< typename iterator_traits<BiIter>::value_type, ST, SA>& rhs template <class BiIter, class ST, class SA> bool operator>=( const sub_match<BiIter>& lhs, const basic_string< typename iterator_traits<BiIter>::value_type, ST, SA>& rhs template <class BiIter> bool operator==(typename iterator_traits<BiIter>::value_type const* lhs, const sub_match<BiIter>& rhs template <class BiIter> bool operator!=(typename iterator_traits<BiIter>::value_type const* lhs, const sub_match<BiIter>& rhs template <class BiIter> bool operator<(typename iterator_traits<BiIter>::value_type const* lhs, const sub_match<BiIter>& rhs template <class BiIter> bool operator>(typename iterator_traits<BiIter>::value_type const* lhs, const sub_match<BiIter>& rhs template <class BiIter> bool operator>=(typename iterator_traits<BiIter>::value_type const* lhs, const sub_match<BiIter>& rhs template <class BiIter> bool operator<=(typename iterator_traits<BiIter>::value_type const* lhs, const sub_match<BiIter>& rhs template <class BiIter> bool operator==(const sub_match<BiIter>& lhs, typename iterator_traits<BiIter>::value_type const* rhs template <class BiIter> bool operator!=(const sub_match<BiIter>& lhs, typename iterator_traits<BiIter>::value_type const* rhs template <class BiIter> bool operator<=(const sub_match<BiIter>& lhs, typename iterator_traits<BiIter>::value_type const* rhs template <class BiIter> bool operator>=(const sub_match<BiIter>& lhs, typename iterator_traits<BiIter>::value_type const* rhs template <class BiIter> bool operator<(const sub_match<BiIter>& lhs, typename iterator_traits<BiIter>::value_type const* rhs template <class BiIter> bool operator>(const sub_match<BiIter>& lhs, typename iterator_traits<BiIter>::value_type const* rhs template <class BiIter> bool operator==(typename iterator_traits<BiIter>::value_type const& lhs, const sub_match<BiIter>& rhs template <class BiIter> bool operator!=(typename iterator_traits<BiIter>::value_type const& lhs, const sub_match<BiIter>& rhs template <class BiIter> bool operator>=(typename iterator_traits<BiIter>::value_type const& lhs, const sub_match<BiIter>& rhs template <class BiIter> bool operator<=(typename iterator_traits<BiIter>::value_type const& lhs, const sub_match<BiIter>& rhs template <class BiIter> bool operator>(typename iterator_traits<BiIter>::value_type const& lhs, const sub_match<BiIter>& rhs template <class BiIter> bool operator<(typename iterator_traits<BiIter>::value_type const& lhs, const sub_match<BiIter>& rhs template <class BiIter> bool operator==(const sub_match<BiIter>& lhs, typename iterator_traits<BiIter>::value_type const& rhs template <class BiIter> bool operator!=(const sub_match<BiIter>& lhs, typename iterator_traits<BiIter>::value_type const& rhs template <class BiIter> bool operator>=(const sub_match<BiIter>& lhs, typename iterator_traits<BiIter>::value_type const& rhs template <class BiIter> bool operator<=(const sub_match<BiIter>& lhs, typename iterator_traits<BiIter>::value_type const& rhs template <class BiIter> bool operator<(const sub_match<BiIter>& lhs, typename iterator_traits<BiIter>::value_type const& rhs template <class BiIter> bool operator>(const sub_match<BiIter>& lhs, typename iterator_traits<BiIter>::value_type const& rhs template <class charT, class ST, class BiIter> basic_ostream<charT, ST>& operator<<(basic_ostream<charT, ST>& os, const sub_match<BiIter>& m // class template match_results: template <class BidirectionalIterator, class Allocator = allocator<sub_match<BidirectionalIterator> > > class match_results; typedef match_results<const char*> cmatch; typedef match_results<const wchar_t*> wcmatch; typedef match_results<string::const_iterator> smatch; typedef match_results<wstring::const_iterator> wsmatch; // match_results comparisons template <class BidirectionalIterator, class Allocator> bool operator== (const match_results<BidirectionalIterator, Allocator>& m1, const match_results<BidirectionalIterator, Allocator>& m2 template <class BidirectionalIterator, class Allocator> bool operator!= (const match_results<BidirectionalIterator, Allocator>& m1, const match_results<BidirectionalIterator, Allocator>& m2 // match_results swap: template <class BidirectionalIterator, class Allocator> void swap(match_results<BidirectionalIterator, Allocator>& m1, match_results<BidirectionalIterator, Allocator>& m2 // function template regex_match: template <class BidirectionalIterator, class Allocator, class charT, class traits> bool regex_match(BidirectionalIterator first, BidirectionalIterator last, match_results<BidirectionalIterator, Allocator>& m, const basic_regex<charT, traits>& e, regex_constants::match_flag_type flags = regex_constants::match_default template <class BidirectionalIterator, class charT, class traits> bool regex_match(BidirectionalIterator first, BidirectionalIterator last, const basic_regex<charT, traits>& e, regex_constants::match_flag_type flags = regex_constants::match_default template <class charT, class Allocator, class traits> bool regex_match(const charT* str, match_results<const charT*, Allocator>& m, const basic_regex<charT, traits>& e, regex_constants::match_flag_type flags = regex_constants::match_default template <class ST, class SA, class Allocator, class charT, class traits> bool regex_match(const basic_string<charT, ST, SA>& s, match_results< typename basic_string<charT, ST, SA>::const_iterator, Allocator>& m, const basic_regex<charT, traits>& e, regex_constants::match_flag_type flags = regex_constants::match_default template <class charT, class traits> bool regex_match(const charT* str, const basic_regex<charT, traits>& e, regex_constants::match_flag_type flags = regex_constants::match_default template <class ST, class SA, class charT, class traits> bool regex_match(const basic_string<charT, ST, SA>& s, const basic_regex<charT, traits>& e, regex_constants::match_flag_type flags = regex_constants::match_default // function template regex_search: template <class BidirectionalIterator, class Allocator, class charT, class traits> bool regex_search(BidirectionalIterator first, BidirectionalIterator last, match_results<BidirectionalIterator, Allocator>& m, const basic_regex<charT, traits>& e, regex_constants::match_flag_type flags = regex_constants::match_default template <class BidirectionalIterator, class charT, class traits> bool regex_search(BidirectionalIterator first, BidirectionalIterator last, const basic_regex<charT, traits>& e, regex_constants::match_flag_type flags = regex_constants::match_default template <class charT, class Allocator, class traits> bool regex_search(const charT* str, match_results<const charT*, Allocator>& m, const basic_regex<charT, traits>& e, regex_constants::match_flag_type flags = regex_constants::match_default template <class charT, class traits> bool regex_search(const charT* str, const basic_regex<charT, traits>& e, regex_constants::match_flag_type flags = regex_constants::match_default template <class ST, class SA, class charT, class traits> bool regex_search(const basic_string<charT, ST, SA>& s, const basic_regex<charT, traits>& e, regex_constants::match_flag_type flags = regex_constants::match_default template <class ST, class SA, class Allocator, class charT, class traits> bool regex_search(const basic_string<charT, ST, SA>& s, match_results< typename basic_string<charT, ST, SA>::const_iterator, Allocator>& m, const basic_regex<charT, traits>& e, regex_constants::match_flag_type flags = regex_constants::match_default // function template regex_replace: template <class OutputIterator, class BidirectionalIterator, class traits, class charT, class ST, class SA> OutputIterator regex_replace( OutputIterator out, BidirectionalIterator first, BidirectionalIterator last, const basic_regex<charT, traits>& e, const basic_string<charT, ST, SA>& fmt, regex_constants::match_flag_type flags = regex_constants::match_default template <class OutputIterator, class BidirectionalIterator, class traits, class charT> OutputIterator regex_replace( OutputIterator out, BidirectionalIterator first, BidirectionalIterator last, const basic_regex<charT, traits>& e, const charT* fmt, regex_constants::match_flag_type flags = regex_constants::match_default template <class traits, class charT, class ST, class SA, class FST, class FSA> basic_string<charT, ST, SA> regex_replace( const basic_string<charT, ST, SA>& s, const basic_regex<charT, traits>& e, const basic_string<charT, FST, FSA>& fmt, regex_constants::match_flag_type flags = regex_constants::match_default template <class traits, class charT, class ST, class SA> basic_string<charT, ST, SA> regex_replace( const basic_string<charT, ST, SA>& s, const basic_regex<charT, traits>& e, const charT* fmt, regex_constants::match_flag_type flags = regex_constants::match_default template <class traits, class charT, class ST, class SA> basic_string<charT> regex_replace( const charT* s, const basic_regex<charT, traits>& e, const basic_string<charT, ST, SA>& fmt, regex_constants::match_flag_type flags = regex_constants::match_default template <class traits, class charT> basic_string<charT> regex_replace( const charT* s, const basic_regex<charT, traits>& e, const charT* fmt, regex_constants::match_flag_type flags = regex_constants::match_default // class template regex_iterator: template <class BidirectionalIterator, class charT = typename iterator_traits< BidirectionalIterator>::value_type, class traits = regex_traits<charT> > class regex_iterator; typedef regex_iterator<const char*> cregex_iterator; typedef regex_iterator<const wchar_t*> wcregex_iterator; typedef regex_iterator<string::const_iterator> sregex_iterator; typedef regex_iterator<wstring::const_iterator> wsregex_iterator; // class template regex_token_iterator: template <class BidirectionalIterator, class charT = typename iterator_traits< BidirectionalIterator>::value_type, class traits = regex_traits<charT> > class regex_token_iterator; typedef regex_token_iterator<const char*> cregex_token_iterator; typedef regex_token_iterator<const wchar_t*> wcregex_token_iterator; typedef regex_token_iterator<string::const_iterator> scregex_token_iterator; typedef regex_token_iterator<wstring::const_iterator> wscregex_token_iterator; } // namespace std




namespace regex_constants { typedef /*T1*/ syntax_option_type; static constexpr syntax_option_type icase = /*unspecified*/ ; static constexpr syntax_option_type nosubs = /*unspecified*/ ; static constexpr syntax_option_type optimize = /*unspecified*/ ; static constexpr syntax_option_type collate = /*unspecified*/ ; static constexpr syntax_option_type ECMAScript = /*unspecified*/ ; static constexpr syntax_option_type basic = /*unspecified*/ ; static constexpr syntax_option_type extended = /*unspecified*/ ; static constexpr syntax_option_type awk = /*unspecified*/ ; static constexpr syntax_option_type grep = /*unspecified*/ ; static constexpr syntax_option_type egrep = /*unspecified*/ ; typedef /*T2*/ match_flag_type; static constexpr match_flag_type match_default = 0; static constexpr match_flag_type match_not_bol = /*unspecified*/ ; static constexpr match_flag_type match_not_eol = /*unspecified*/ ; static constexpr match_flag_type match_not_bow = /*unspecified*/ ; static constexpr match_flag_type match_not_eow = /*unspecified*/ ; static constexpr match_flag_type match_any = /*unspecified*/ ; static constexpr match_flag_type match_not_null = /*unspecified*/ ; static constexpr match_flag_type match_continuous = /*unspecified*/ ; static constexpr match_flag_type match_prev_avail = /*unspecified*/ ; static constexpr match_flag_type format_default = 0; static constexpr match_flag_type format_sed = /*unspecified*/ ; static constexpr match_flag_type format_no_copy = /*unspecified*/ ; static constexpr match_flag_type format_first_only = /*unspecified*/ ; typedef /*T3*/ error_type; static constexpr error_type error_collate = /*unspecified*/ ; static constexpr error_type error_ctype = /*unspecified*/ ; static constexpr error_type error_escape = /*unspecified*/ ; static constexpr error_type error_backref = /*unspecified*/ ; static constexpr error_type error_brack = /*unspecified*/ ; static constexpr error_type error_paren = /*unspecified*/ ; static constexpr error_type error_brace = /*unspecified*/ ; static constexpr error_type error_badbrace = /*unspecified*/ ; static constexpr error_type error_range = /*unspecified*/ ; static constexpr error_type error_space = /*unspecified*/ ; static constexpr error_type error_badrepeat = /*unspecified*/ ; static constexpr error_type error_complexity = /*unspecified*/ ; static constexpr error_type error_stack = /*unspecified*/ ; }




class regex_error : public std::runtime_error { public: explicit regex_error(regex_constants::error_type ecode regex_constants::error_type code() const; };




template <class charT> struct regex_traits { public: typedef charT char_type; typedef std::basic_string<char_type> string_type; typedef std::locale locale_type; typedef /*bitmask_type*/ char_class_type; regex_traits( static std::size_t length(const char_type* p charT translate(charT c) const; charT translate_nocase(charT c) const; template <class ForwardIterator> string_type transform(ForwardIterator first, ForwardIterator last) const; template <class ForwardIterator> string_type transform_primary( ForwardIterator first, ForwardIterator last) const; template <class ForwardIterator> string_type lookup_collatename( ForwardIterator first, ForwardIterator last) const; template <class ForwardIterator> char_class_type lookup_classname( ForwardIterator first, ForwardIterator last, bool icase = false) const; bool isctype(charT c, char_class_type f) const; int value(charT ch, int radix) const; locale_type imbue(locale_type l locale_type getloc()const; };




template <class charT, class traits = regex_traits<charT> > class basic_regex { public: // types: typedef charT value_type; typedef traits traits_type; typedef typename traits::string_type string_type; typedef regex_constants::syntax_option_type flag_type; typedef typename traits::locale_type locale_type; // constants: static constexpr regex_constants::syntax_option_type icase = regex_constants::icase; static constexpr regex_constants::syntax_option_type nosubs = regex_constants::nosubs; static constexpr regex_constants::syntax_option_type optimize = regex_constants::optimize; static constexpr regex_constants::syntax_option_type collate = regex_constants::collate; static constexpr regex_constants::syntax_option_type ECMAScript = regex_constants::ECMAScript; static constexpr regex_constants::syntax_option_type basic = regex_constants::basic; static constexpr regex_constants::syntax_option_type extended = regex_constants::extended; static constexpr regex_constants::syntax_option_type awk = regex_constants::awk; static constexpr regex_constants::syntax_option_type grep = regex_constants::grep; static constexpr regex_constants::syntax_option_type egrep = regex_constants::egrep; //construct/copy/destroy: basic_regex( explicit basic_regex(const charT* p, flag_type f = regex_constants::ECMAScript basic_regex(const charT* p, size_t len, flag_type f = regex_constants::ECMAScript basic_regex(const basic_regex& basic_regex(basic_regex&&) noexcept; template <class ST, class SA> explicit basic_regex(const basic_string<charT, ST, SA>& p, flag_type f = regex_constants::ECMAScript template <class ForwardIterator> basic_regex(ForwardIterator first, ForwardIterator last, flag_type f = regex_constants::ECMAScript basic_regex(initializer_list<charT>, flag_type = regex_constants::ECMAScript ~basic_regex( basic_regex& operator=(const basic_regex& basic_regex& operator=(basic_regex&&) noexcept; basic_regex& operator=(const charT* ptr basic_regex& operator=(initializer_list<charT> il template <class ST, class SA> basic_regex& operator=(const basic_string<charT, ST, SA>& p // assign: basic_regex& assign(const basic_regex& that basic_regex& assign(basic_regex&& that) noexcept; basic_regex& assign(const charT* ptr, flag_type f = regex_constants::ECMAScript basic_regex& assign(const charT* p, size_t len, flag_type f template <class string_traits, class A> basic_regex& assign(const basic_string<charT, string_traits, A>& s, flag_type f = regex_constants::ECMAScript template <class InputIterator> basic_regex& assign(InputIterator first, InputIterator last, flag_type f = regex_constants::ECMAScript basic_regex& assign(initializer_list<charT>, flag_type = regex_constants::ECMAScript // const operations: unsigned mark_count() const; flag_type flags() const; // locale: locale_type imbue(locale_type loc locale_type getloc() const; // swap: void swap(basic_regex& };




template <class BidirectionalIterator> class sub_match : public std::pair<BidirectionalIterator, BidirectionalIterator> { public: typedef typename iterator_traits<BidirectionalIterator>:: value_type value_type; typedef typename iterator_traits<BidirectionalIterator>:: difference_type difference_type; typedef BidirectionalIterator iterator; typedef basic_string<value_type> string_type; bool matched; constexpr sub_match( difference_type length() const; operator string_type() const; string_type str() const; int compare(const sub_match& s) const; int compare(const string_type& s) const; int compare(const value_type* s) const; };




template <class BidirectionalIterator, class Allocator = allocator<sub_match<BidirectionalIterator> > class match_results { public: typedef sub_match<BidirectionalIterator> value_type; typedef const value_type& const_reference; typedef const_reference reference; typedef /*implementation-defined*/ const_iterator; typedef const_iterator iterator; typedef typename iterator_traits<BidirectionalIterator>::difference_type difference_type; typedef typename allocator_traits<Allocator>::size_type size_type; typedef Allocator allocator_type; typedef typename iterator_traits<BidirectionalIterator>::value_type char_type; typedef basic_string<char_type> string_type; // construct/copy/destroy: explicit match_results(const Allocator& a = Allocator() match_results(const match_results& m match_results(match_results&& m) noexcept; match_results& operator=(const match_results& m match_results& operator=(match_results&& m ~match_results( // state: bool ready() const; // size: size_type size() const; size_type max_size() const; bool empty() const; // element access: difference_type length(size_type sub = 0) const; difference_type position(size_type sub = 0) const; string_type str(size_type sub = 0) const; const_reference operator[](size_type n) const; const_reference prefix() const; const_reference suffix() const; const_iterator begin() const; const_iterator end() const; const_iterator cbegin() const; const_iterator cend() const; // format: template <class OutputIter> OutputIter format(OutputIter out, const char_type* fmt_first, const char_type* fmt_last, regex_constants::match_flag_type flags = regex_constants::format_default) const; template <class OutputIter, class ST, class SA> OutputIter format(OutputIter out, const basic_string<char_type, ST, SA>& fmt, regex_constants::match_flag_type flags = regex_constants::format_default) const; template <class ST, class SA> basic_string<char_type, ST, SA> format(const basic_string<char_type, ST, SA>& fmt, regex_constants::match_flag_type flags = regex_constants::format_default) const; string_type format(const char_type* fmt, regex_constants::match_flag_type flags = regex_constants::format_default) const; // allocator: allocator_type get_allocator() const; // swap: void swap(match_results& that };


